View Full Version : Snooki; What a cutie!

12-22-2010, 04:39 AM
:D While the title doesn't quite rhyme, it does say it like it is. Snooki is a beautiful dachshund girl and obviously in the best place she could be!

Happy DOTD honours today, Snooki, from me, my Poodle Bodea and my Dachshund Henry. (Henry also tries to clean the big dogs' teeth, go figure!)


12-22-2010, 06:25 AM
Snooki....You are a very cute little lady. I am so glad that your family found you. I bet you bring a lot of love and joy to their family. Congratulations for
being our DOTD. You are so pretty. Snooki, You and Yours have a
Very Merry Christmas.:love::love:


"I've Been Frosted"
Thanks, Cassiesmom

12-22-2010, 12:38 PM
Hi sweet Snooki! Happy Dog of the Day to you, beautiful Doxie girl!:love: I just love your Doxie quilt of colors, and yours is a face that couldn't melt the coldest, hardest of hearts; what a doll baby!:D And what a precious pic of you posing with your stuffie, and your and Lola's Merry Grinchie Christmas card is simply the best!:D How neat that you "got there" in time, and for Christmas; the perfect healing gift of love to your family, whose hearts were broken after the passing of your beloved predecessor, Kelly! You and your wonderful family were destined to be as one, Snooki, and what a lucky group they are, having such a precious, beautiful best friend and furkid in you (and Regis and Lola, too)!:love:

Have a happy, fun and love filled Dog of the Day celebration, sweetheart, and to you and your family; to your parents, Regis and Lola, a very Merry Christmas and happy, and healthy New Year!:) (Hope Santa spoils you all rotten!:D) Love and cuddles and kisses to you precious Snooki, and to Regis and Lola, too!:love::love::love:

12-22-2010, 04:14 PM
Hi Snooki,

What a precious, sweet face you have Snooki.:love: I love all your
various colors too. I loved reading all about you & your furfamily today.:)
I am so happy for your people that you were in the right place at just
the right time to meet them. Congratulations on being our very special
DOG OF THE DAY.:) Sending you hugs & kisses sweet girl.:)

p.s. I love your cute Christmas card with the Grinch theme.:love:

12-22-2010, 05:15 PM
Snooki, What a pretty girl you are! I am so glad you were adopted by a caring family. From the writeup I can tell your humans are proud of you and love you very much. Many years ago I had a mini doxie & she too was sweet & smart. I hope all of you have many more years together. Congrats on being DOTD! Kay in NC

12-22-2010, 09:11 PM
You're a pretty girl Snooki! Congrats on being DOTD! :D