View Full Version : Rest well my Rupert bear :(

Demi Is A Digimon
12-21-2010, 01:13 PM
I haven't been active on this site for a while now, sorry, school has become intense.
Me and my sister always wanted a little rattie, my mum always said no though, she was scared of them. Christmas 2008, me and my sister kept bugging my mum for a rat, on the 27th December 2008 she finally gave up saying no. We saw Rupert and knew he was the one and we brought him home.
Throughout Rupert's life we had so many jokes together, my friends also loved him and always used to pick him up and play with him when they were round. Whenever people said, 'Oh, rats are dirty. They caused the plague.' I was one of the first to stick up for rats and say how loving and intelligent they are. Rupert taught us a lot of things on how to care for a rat and how amazing they are; but he also taught us how the simple things in life are sometimes the best things. We'd offer him a simple treat and he'd snatch it up and love it.
A couple weeks back we noticed that something seemed off about Rupert, yes he was getting old and was slowing down, but it seemed as if the spark had gone out, he was struggling. He got better though, ever so slightly so we had hope that it was a bug that he'd get over, the spark had returned ever so slightly. Things changed quickly. On Sunday he didn't seem his self again, and we made the decision that if he wasn't better after Christmas we'd get him put down.
This morning my mum picked him up, as usual, and she went into my room and said, 'I don't think he'll make tomorrow...' He was so cold, so we wrapped in up the best we could. Shortly afterwards he died. I tried to stay strong, but it was impossible.
Rest in peace my sweet, sweet Rupert bear, you've been such an amazing rat, you've gotten 3 people over their fears and you've educated us that rats can be absolutely amazing pets. There won't be another one like you. We'll always miss and love you Rups. :(

12-21-2010, 03:28 PM
:( I am so sorry for your loss of Rupert.. RIP baby & god speed to RB now..

12-21-2010, 03:43 PM
Aw, I am sorry for your loss.

Rupert had a grand life with you, meeting all your friends, sharing good times together. Good memories!

Lilith Cherry
12-21-2010, 04:43 PM
Sorry to hear about Rupert. It sounds like he was an amazing friend.

12-21-2010, 07:58 PM
I'm very sorry about Rupert. :(

12-22-2010, 08:48 AM
Rupert found his human family with you guys. How blessed you all were to be together! How wonderful that he taught your mom that there was nothing to be afraid of! Love conquers all . . .:love: :love: :love:

Rest in Peace Rupert Bear

Much love,
Cathy and the FLock

Demi Is A Digimon
12-22-2010, 03:50 PM
Thank you, all of you. Your comments mean so much :love::love::love: