View Full Version : Busy Busy days in my home..

12-20-2010, 10:32 AM
My house has been quiet busy these couple of months. You'd never know why. Well, there are many news to tell you all. Firstly, my Mid-Term Exams have began and I'd love it if you all prayed that I get good marks this time. Hopefully the marks will be nice even though I didn't study :rolleyes: Well, my house has been busy as 24th and 25th December is verry near.

My brother's getting married!!! My sister-in-law is from the family.We have two days of the wedding so its 24th and 25th. I hope everything goes great. :)

These days are so busy busy.My mom's is out buying stuff with my sister. The room isn't done totally. Some things still need to be put in. Its a little fun though :) Hoping you all are having fun these days too :)

See ya all soon! :D

12-20-2010, 03:09 PM
Congtraulations to your brother and all your family! :D

I didn't quite understand about your sister-in-law being from the family. Do you mean she is related to you before being married?

Oh, and good thoughts and prayers for your exams. You are a very bright young woman and I know you will do wonderfully! :D:love:

12-20-2010, 03:33 PM

congratulations to them an everyone :D

12-20-2010, 04:10 PM
Planning for a wedding is a lot of work, lol. Congrats to your brother!

12-20-2010, 05:45 PM
Thanks guys! :)

Being from the family, I meant we are related in another way too :) So, it might not be too hard for her to settle here :) She'll be living with us, so hoping she enjoys :D

Catty1: Oh, and good thoughts and prayers for your exams. You are a very bright young woman and I know you will do wonderfully!

Thanks so much:)

12-20-2010, 05:51 PM

congratulations to them an everyone :D
Thanks! :D :) :love:

Planning for a wedding is a lot of work, lol. Congrats to your brother!

Thank you! :love: And, yeah a lot of planning :D i had to put up the curtains with our worker a couple of days ago and all the bed sheet being layed down. God! they are all so frilly and pretty. We are all pretty sure that bed sheet will be there for not more than 2 days! :p