View Full Version : Just when I thought I'd get through the holidays with no tears...

12-20-2010, 07:14 AM
I called my brother last night because I hadn't talked to him in a while.

He asked me how I was doing, how I liked writing for an online newspaper. I started telling him about my involvement in the puppy mill protest and how I posed as a customer, and what I saw.

He proceeded to yell at me saying "I don't want to hear it!!" I did everything I could to fight back the tears, not letting him know he got to me (yet again!!). I was hoping he'd say "Good job, Donna!!" But no. He lives down South where puppy mills are all over the place. I told him I was just trying to educate people on the importance of either adopting from a shelter, or a reputable breeder where they CARE about where their puppies go and what happens to them. The conversation went down hill fast from there.:(:(

I feel like crap, crying at the drop of a hat, remembering WHY I hate these holidays so much. Then I realized that it's 37 years ago today that our house burned down and my maternal grandfather, Bumpy George died from his burns.

Merry freaking Christmas.:(:(

12-20-2010, 07:19 AM
I'm so sorry Donna. I'll tell you a hundred times over what a GREAT job you do for animals. Ignore him. He's just a grumpy blankety blank.

12-20-2010, 07:51 AM
Cheer up old mate, you're not the only one with a sibling who doesn't understand. I got one to ;)
I believe that you are doing a tremendous job Donna, and I read you threads regularly to be informed about all the wonderful things you are doing for our pet friends.
Just remember....all of us here, and all of the pets you have saved think you're the best thing since sliced bread ;)

12-20-2010, 07:56 AM
Hugs. Hope your Monday goes well.

12-20-2010, 07:58 AM
Thought you might find comfort in this website, http://www.godvine.com/, my mom did.

12-20-2010, 08:08 AM
He asked me how I was doing, how I liked writing for an online newspaper.

Remember, HE opened the door.

12-20-2010, 08:18 AM
Thanks for the link, Arabella.

Thank you all for your compliments. It brought tears to my eyes to know that you all appreciate the work I do.

My relationship with my brother has never gone smoothly. One day he's sending me checks for Christmas ($1,000 last year blew me over!!!) the next he's yelling at me for standing up for what I believe in. It's a sorry reminder that the only civilized conversation I CAN have with my brother, is on line.


That compliment really means alot to me!!;)

12-20-2010, 08:36 AM
Oh sweetheart! I felt really ticked off at his reaction to your telling him about the puppy mills, and upsetting you like that. You do wonderful work above and beyond the call of duty for animals. I'll call you today and I'll have my soggy shoulder ready to go.

12-20-2010, 08:40 AM

I'll call YOU so it won't cost you anything. ;) You may be miles away, but you're still my ROCK!!!!:love:

12-20-2010, 08:41 AM
Oh, Donna - remember, friends are the family we choose with our heart. You cannot pick your relatives, but you can pick your friends, and I'm sure we all outnumber him in thinking you're doing a good thing with both the new job and with fighting puppy mills!

12-20-2010, 09:02 AM
Thanks, Karen!!

12-20-2010, 09:47 AM
Donna, what you are doing is AWESOME! Please don't let your brother make you think otherwise. He may not get it, but we all do here. I wish I could do just a fraction of what you do to help animals. Keep up the good work! :D

12-20-2010, 09:50 AM
Your brother asked & you answered. What the heck is wrong with people? We are all here for a reason & you are doing a great job at saving animals & putting common sense into the minds of people that don't seem to get what they are doing is wrong (puppy mills etc.) Everyone should have a goal of some kind in life & you have yours. I say go for it, you are my hero. :)

12-20-2010, 09:56 AM
Donna, I am so sorry that happened. At the VERY least, your brother could have said that quietly! Like, "I know it's important for you Donna, but I'd rather not discuss it." He could have been a lot more polite about how he said it. Yelling is NOT called for.

You have tremendous guts and love for the critters you write about and protest. I would never have the courage to go into the puppy mill house as you did.

You absolutely rock, and it is people like you who make a huge difference for the helpless animals in our world, and will continue to do so.:love::love::love:

Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! (and that's an order! ;):D:love: )

12-20-2010, 09:57 AM
Donna, you're doing a great job. What you are doing is great and very helpful for the puppies, think it in that way, you are doing a great job..:) Not everybody has a good enough brain that they understand the good others are doing :( Sadly they don't get it..

And about the Merry freaking Christmas, I'll tell you something.
On 31st August, 2010, my lovely mud-turtle Squirtle became POTD. It was great news, but, it wasn't all good, that was the same day it had been 3 years since my grandfather passed away. That's why 31st Aug, ain't a all happy day... even if that was the same day a certain number of years had passed since Squirtle became POTD....:(

12-20-2010, 10:11 AM
Oh you guys!! Your posts have me in tears again. I always forget the wonderful family/friends I have here on PT. That is worth it's weight in gold!!


You're absolutely right. He could've been a little more diplomatic about it by saying he didn't want to discuss it. It would have prevented the sob fest afterwards. I shouldn't be surprized, because our phone calls ALWAYS end in him yelling at me for one reason or another.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's times like that, that really put a damper on what is supposed to be a happy time.

12-20-2010, 10:21 AM
I know how that's like. My brothers and I don't always agree, see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but we are family. I know it's hard! He should be supporting you for what you do! Chin up. :love:

12-20-2010, 10:42 AM

I'm so sorry for your loss. It's times like that, that really put a damper on what is supposed to be a happy time.

Yea..you're right..and guess what its been 4 months since today since Squirtle left me :( can this moment get any worse? Hoping you are getting through your matter. Hugs and hoping everything goes well :)

12-20-2010, 11:50 AM
Donna, what you are doing is AWESOME! Please don't let your brother make you think otherwise. He may not get it, but we all do here. I wish I could do just a fraction of what you do to help animals. Keep up the good work! :D

I totally agree and I couldn't have said it any better.:) I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year Donna.:)

12-20-2010, 12:19 PM
Oh Donna, i am really sorry you are so upset, and i certainly understand how you must be feeling, he does not have to agree with what you do, but what about having respect for you,and what you do,honestly he needs a good kick up the bum, and show some maturity here.

He seems to be all over the place with you, one minute as generous as can be and the next yelling at you, so uncalled for.

You just keep you head up high my girl, and remember you are speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves, and you have the love and respect from everyone here who knows you and what a great person you are.

HUGS my friend and CHEER UP,just you think of those cute lil puppies you are helping and that will put a smile on your face.,and go talk to your ROCK,you know he will make everything so much better.:):love::love:

12-20-2010, 01:47 PM
Oh, Donna - remember, friends are the family we choose with our heart. You cannot pick your relatives, but you can pick your friends, and I'm sure we all outnumber him in thinking you're doing a good thing with both the new job and with fighting puppy mills!

Well said Karen.....I will need to remember this when my brother and sister make fun of me for rescuing cats.


12-20-2010, 01:56 PM
Donna...you are a hero in my eyes.....I know you want that sort of affirmation from your brother, but just know you have lots and lots and lots and lots of people who respect and honor what you believe in. Don't let his harsh words ruin the good feeling you should have in your heart for helping those babies. People like you will have jewels in your crown one day.

12-20-2010, 02:27 PM
i believe that you are doing a tremendous job donna, and i read you threads regularly to be informed about all the wonderful things you are doing for our pet friends.
Just remember....all of us here, and all of the pets you have saved think you're the best thing since sliced bread ;)

right! :D

Laura's Babies
12-20-2010, 03:49 PM
Donna, you are a brave wonderful woman who stands up for those who can't speak for themselves, you should be PROUD of what you do and should NOT let just one person who disagrees with you get you down because you have so many more standing behind you, PROUD of what you do! You know he is a jerk and would have a jerks reaction.

I have not a doubt in my mind that if someday the world turned on him and he was not able to speak or defend himself, you would be right there to defend and look after his rights and God have mercy on anyone who got in your way!

Don't let one negative wipe out all the positive! We are here rooting for you!

12-20-2010, 05:16 PM
Kinda hooking a trailer onto what Karen said about picking your friends?

I have my dad's eyes, my mom's hair, but they both let me pick my nose.;):love::D

12-20-2010, 05:31 PM
Oh Donna, I am so very VERY sorry you had to be subjected to that. From your brother too, after he led you on to talk about it, and to whom you are so much more vulnerable than the puppy-mill dirtbags yelling at you.

You ROCK, lady, and you'll ROLL with this!

You are doing something so awesome (in the literal, not just the slang meaning of the word), so powerful, so productive and meaningful! I admire you so very, very much, and I am sure that everyone else here (and everywhere!) who knows of your actions does too.

Words (at least not words i could get away with saying in this forum) cannot express my rage at your brother for doing this to you. :mad::mad::mad:

We are sending you warm wishes of healing and strengthening energies. Be at peace, Donna. This jerk is a holdover from a previous century/millenium/aeon and will be evolved beyond, One Fine Day.

:love::love::love::love::love::love: from us all: Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, Sparkler, and Pat

12-20-2010, 05:53 PM
but they both let me pick my nose.

Betcha I can get bigger ones out than you. :p

12-20-2010, 08:26 PM
Donna I'll say it a million times... I think what you are doing with the puppy mill protesting is AWESOME. I would love to get an opportunity to do the same thing. (Only I don't think I would be very nice to those uneducated people):o I have never had a good relationship with my sister, heck I don't even have one with my mother. I'm sorry that he said those things to you and made you cry, but remember how thankful we PT'ers and also those animals are for what you are doing! I, for one, applaud you!

12-20-2010, 08:42 PM
Donna, I am so sorry. Some people really are just ignorant to things, but at least you tried. I am having problems with one of my siblings right now to, trust me I know how you feel. You tried, nothing wrong with that. (((Hugs))) Please try and enjoy Christmas :) I am always here to lend an ear.

As for what you are doing for the puppy mills, I am proud of you!! It's great to see people like you taking actions for the animals.

12-20-2010, 09:08 PM
If it wasn't for my parents and children I would be sane. :p
Donna your brother is very wrong and you are correct, so stick to your guns and don't let him bother you.
You goodness and kindness is what the holidays are all about.
Head up ole girl.
Don't let anyone rain on your parade.

12-21-2010, 07:39 AM
The next time your brother or anyone says something snarky about your rescue work or puppy mill protests, just say to yourself "It's all about the animals, it's all about the animals, it's all about the animals". Some people will never understand. Keep up the good work and definitely keep the faythe, Donna. :love:

Queen of Poop
12-21-2010, 07:48 AM
Donna, I'm sorry you have such a difficult relationship with your brother. But I have to say you are so lucky you can have one at all, difficult or not. It's this time of year that makes me miss my deceased brother and sister terribly. I don't get to have those sibling squabbles, haven't for 24 years now and it still hurts. Hugs for you my dear, you're doing all the right things, if he doesn't want to hear about it he shouldn't ask. Please go give that big tuxy boy a hug, you'll feel better instantly! :love: