View Full Version : Halloween safety for your dog

10-29-2002, 03:12 PM
i was just looking at the dogfancy webpage and noticed this article. just something to keep in mind on halloween night :)

Halloween Is Not a Pet-Friendly Holiday
As fun and wild as Halloween can be for people, it can be a stressful and hazardous holiday for companion animals.

Pets face threats from stress, poisons and abuse during this time of year.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals offers these timely tips to keep your animals safe.

1) Keep dogs in a separate room during high traffic trick-or-treat hours. Too many strangers in unusual costumes can be scary or stressful. It will also help keep your dog from running out through the frequently opened door.

2) Make sure your dog is wearing appropriate, up-to-date identification in case your efforts to keep your dog inside fail.

3) Keep candy and other treats out of your dog’s reach. Chocolate can be poisonous and candy wrappers, especially foil and cellophane, can be hazardous is swallowed.

4) Keep lit jack-o-lanterns away from your dog. Your dog could knock them over, creating a fire hazard. Your dog could also burn itself on the flame.

5) Avoid leaving your dog in the year on Halloween night. Pets have been teased, injured, stolen, and killed on this night of “pranks.”

6) Ensure any costume you dress your dog in is safe and does not annoy your dog. It should not restrict your dog’s movement, vision, hearing, or ability to breathe or bark.

10-29-2002, 10:49 PM

10-30-2002, 12:18 AM
Yeah.......definitely keep your pets inside. Somebody has been mutilating pets up in Salt Lake City. They just found half of a cat just on the side of the street in a nice neighborhood, and half of a dog in a cemetary. There's been some other cats too, earlier this year. And just a couple of days ago some teenagers found a poor border/heeler mix puppy some stupid kids had wrapped up in a bag and tape.....the dog was fine, lucky pup. Sorry for rambling on here, but there's some real sickos in this world, and they seem to really come out around Halloween. :(