View Full Version : Yodie; please, not again!

12-14-2010, 06:21 PM
Remember last year at this time how I was running back and forth to Dr. Lee's w/Yodie b/c she had another ear polyp removed and then got MRSA, how she pulled her sutures out twice and had to wear a collar for over two months, and how Pidgie was sick at the same time and died two days before Christmas? Sigh. I'm concerned that Yodie might be having problems again.

She was sleeping on my bed and I looked at her closely and saw a scab where her sutures were a year ago. There shouldn't be a scab there. I sure hope she doesn't have MRSA again. Dr. Lee is working minimal hours during the holidays, the roads are awful here b/c we've had blizzard conditions, the temp is 12 right now and my finances are really stretched b/c of medical bills of my own that my lovely ins. co. only partially paid. If I absolutely have to, I'll take her in but I'd want Dr. Lee to see her b/c he's the one who treated her before.

I'm rambling, sorry. It's just that this seems to happen every flippin' holiday season!

ETA: I found all the meds that I gave her last year and Dr. Lee will probably prescribe them anyhow, so I'm going to start her on them and see how she does. He believes, as do I, that meds far outlast their expiration dates, so I feel ok w/giving them to her. If she doesn't improve, off she goes to see Dr. Lee if he's in.

Laura's Babies
12-14-2010, 06:56 PM
Lucky you still had some of that medicine left! Maybe if you get out of the house you can just pick up a supply of it for just such as times like this..

12-14-2010, 07:13 PM
BIG prayers for Yodie!

12-14-2010, 07:15 PM
Oh no!!!! Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about poor Yodi. Prayers are being prayed that this is nothing serious. The offer I pm'ed you still stands.

12-14-2010, 08:09 PM
Prayers for healing for Yodi!

12-14-2010, 09:07 PM
Oh no!!!! Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about poor Yodi. Prayers are being prayed that this is nothing serious. The offer I pm'ed you still stands.

Thank you, Eileen. It's much appreciated. :love:

12-17-2010, 08:42 PM
Meowmie, how is Yodie?

12-17-2010, 09:29 PM
Meowmie, how is Yodie?

Her eye doesn't appear to be clearing up, so after the holidays, she'll be going to see Dr. Lee unless it clears up before then. The scab that she had where her old sutures were is gone so I'm happy about that. She feels fine, has plenty of energy, etc. but I just don't like the look of her eye. I don't know if she scratched it or what. Thanx for asking, though.

12-17-2010, 11:26 PM
Prayers for Yodie.. that nothing too serious is going on and all this clears up soon. Healing energies being sent..


12-18-2010, 09:06 AM
More prayers for Yodie! The meds are likely still good, maybe a little weaker, so they take longer to kick in?

Get well soon, Yodie girl!:love::love:

12-18-2010, 09:55 AM
We are sending Our Many MEEOWS for Our Dear Friend Yodie:love::love:
We pary taht she is not seriously ill , and that her White Coats can heal her so you can enjoy Pet Mas!!:love::love:
That is not a time to be ailing.
We LOVE YOU YODIE:cool::cool::cool:

12-18-2010, 11:05 AM
I'm sorry, I thought I posted here. That's what I get for just coming on and looking around so quickly.
I hope Yodie's eye clears up on its own so she (and you) doesn't have to deal with the dreaded collar again.
I will be sending good healing vibes your way!