View Full Version : Puppy mill protest...

12-12-2010, 11:11 AM
Week two protesting at the puppy mill house. It was a good day. I didn't get arrested even AFTER having a lit cigarette thrown at me by a snotty 16 year old (owner's daughter, figures!!)

We are out there just trying to make people aware of what puppy mills are and the deplorable conditions. We were out there for 4 hours. Then the owner's snotty, piece of crap daughter flings a lit cigarette at me. One of the protesters (who did NOT know when to keep his mouth SHUT) started calling her all sorts of names (can't say it here). The owner came flying down and we called the cops. They sent two cruisers after the second phone call asking for assistance. The father of the 16 year old wanted to press charges against Matt for sexual harassment. I told them that if Matt was going to jail, so was the 16 year old, if not the father, for lying to the police about his daughter's age (he told them she was 18). That stopped HIM dead in his tracks. After that, it was getting late and cold, so we all went home.

We did get alot of support from people. We also got the "friends" of the owners who were flipping us off and yelling obscenities. We just smiled and waved at them.

Example of people's stupidity: An older couple got out of their car. When they came out with their puppy mill puppy, we politely told them that there are HUNDREDS of dogs in shelters that need good homes that are DYING because of people like them. The wife's remark was, "There are NO puppies in shelters". I told her to pull her head out of her @$$ and go look.

This place is a breeding ground for DNA's (do not adopts). People who have been turned down time and again by shelters and rescues (for very good reasons, I'm sure) for a pet, will spend an outrageous amount of money so they can get WHAT they want, WHEN they want it, without the wait. When the pet is no longer cute, or requires veterinary care they can't afford, out they go. The class of people going in there was pretty scary.

I'll be glad when this is all over. On the way to my friends house this morning, part of me was saying this was just SO wrong. But another part of me was saying, okay, maybe it isn't so bad. At least there are a FEW puppies that are outta that awful place and into loving homes. One can only hope they are healthy and survive.

The big frustration was the media. No one wants to hear about it. Fox 61 told us they would be there. When we called them a couple of hours later, they claimed there was a breaking story. A bunch of horse puckies, according to my source at AP (Associated Press). I guess if it's not a murder or a water main break, it's not important.:(

Laura's Babies
12-12-2010, 07:45 PM
Well, look at it this way, you called them and told them about it so they had first chance at it... When this does go BIG and they try calling you wanting a interview, remind them they were not interested!

(On a side not... Kev still gets calls and emails from the news people wanting to do a follow up stories on Johnny Walker but the hours he is working makes it hard to do.)

12-16-2010, 09:41 AM
Unfortunately, unless there's a murder or a water main break, it ain't worth the time or gas. Pathetic.