View Full Version : Potty Training Nightmare!

10-29-2002, 10:27 AM
I need some help, or encouragement or SOMETHING!

I have a 10 week yellow lab puppy. For 2.5 weeks since we got him he hasn't "oopsed" in the house at all. We were actually getting to a pretty good schedule, meaning we take him out every 4-5 hours consistently. We even take off work during the day to take him out.

This last week, things have been not so great. Ceebers now has been peeing and pooping in his kennel at least once a day, and once overnight (even when we get up at 3am to take him out to do his business!).

I noticed the other day that whenever I go to his "house" in our garage that he piddles before I even get there to take him out.....not sure if he gets so excited to go out that he goes? One good thing is that he does go potty on the plastic that we lay down (and chews it to shreds!).

I'm wondering if this is normal for a young pup, even after he was doing so well going outside....are we doing something that may cause him to do this, does he need more attention? We also tried crating him during the day and at night, but I felt so bad, like I was locking him up or something.

Any word of encouragement or advice would be great.


10-29-2002, 11:20 AM
First of all I wouldn't worry about the peeing when he sees you. Around here when Bella was a puppy, we called it "excitement pee." She did it all the time when she was greeting someone, and it was especially embarrassing when she greeted guests to our home. :o

I personally am a BIG FAN of crate training. I didn't use it with my first two dogs (toy poodles) because I didn't know about it then. My last 3 dogs have been crate trained and I personally think it is the best thing since sliced bread! Since dogs don't want to soil their "den" they learn to "hold it." None of my dogs ever soiled their crate and I believe it is a rare dog that will do that. Don't feel that you are being mean. They don't mind....really!

I think maybe your first couple of weeks were just a lucky fluke. Your little one is still very young and it will take more time for him to really learn what is expected of him. Hang in there!

Oh, one thing, if you do decide on a crate, keep it in your bedroom at night! I did this with Bella, after several Pet Talkers advised me, and it worked beautifully. They feel your closeness at night and have much less anxiety. Then first thing in the morning it is outside for you both! I remember those days well - it was February and often sleeting and/or snowing and I was in my bathrobe walking around the yard encouraging my little sweetie to "go." Thank God those days are behind me! Good luck and let us know how you do!!

10-30-2002, 10:30 AM
Well, I tried having his crate in our bedroom, and it worked really well! I think he felt safe being closer to us...now I just need to be patient and allow him to get trained as it does take time and lots and lots of patience!

One last question, since I now have his crate in our room, do you think its okay for me to keep him in the garage during the day, without crating him? I've heard that its good to keep the crate in the same place and not move it.


10-30-2002, 10:40 AM
Yes, putting the crate in your bedroom is definitely a good idea! I think that maybe you should still leave him the crate when your gone, until you can trust him more. Is there anything in the garage that he could get into and hurt him? Puppies get into E V E R Y T H I N G! lol.

My puppy (now 5 months old, 8 weeks when I got him) is potty trained...he only had one accident in his crate, dogs don't normally like to "go" there. He still sleeps in a crate in my room at night, and is left in an outside dog run while I'm at work during the day.

10-30-2002, 10:48 AM
My husband and I have thought about letting him outside during the day, as we have a huge backyard/dog run. I'm thinking it may be too cold in the winter, and he may be too young, he is 10 weeks old! what do you think?

Hum, I never thought of crating him during the day, but it sounds pretty good at this point since I have no idea what I'm going to come home to (potty wise).

Thanks for the tips,

www.ceebers.com (http://www.ceebers.com)

10-30-2002, 02:22 PM
No, I wouldn't leave a 10 week old pup outside. He just is too young. I would worry that he would get hurt or something. I mean you never know if another dog could get loose and come and "visit" if ya know what I mean. It's just too risky.

I think that you should probably keep him in the crate during the day. How long are you gone for? If it's a long time you might have to come home to let him out to go potty.

Hope this helps,


10-30-2002, 02:33 PM
I agree with not letting him outside, I would worry about him all day!

We come home once a day to take him out, so I think its just a matter of time, and the handy crate!


10-30-2002, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by mpoier
One last question, since I now have his crate in our room, do you think its okay for me to keep him in the garage during the day, without crating him?

I would keep him in the crate when you aren't home. It will be MUCH easier to housebreak him that way. As soon as you come home, out he goes. I pretty much kept Bella in the kitchen with me a lot when I was home (used a gate) and watched her like a hawk for any signs of sniffing, etc. and whisked her right outside and also after all meals. At night and while no one was home she was crated. I am fortunate in that I only work part time so she never spent more than 4 hrs. or so in the crate during the day. Even after she was housebroken I still used the crate when no one was home because she was still doing her puppy chewing. When I was convinced she could be trusted not to trash the house she earned her freedom as Queen of the House! :cool:

10-31-2002, 01:28 PM
We haven't had any "messes" since Tuesday......I think this crating thing is really working! Thanks again!:)

10-31-2002, 02:49 PM
Congratulations on the success! Yes, crate training is amazing. In fact, it works just as well on an older dog who has never been properly housebroken. When my son married his wife she was the owner of a cute Pekingese. He was 2 years old and was still having mistakes constantly. I gave her the crate that I had used on my miniature poodle and immediately PRESTO no mistakes for this little guy!

11-02-2002, 06:57 PM
you should keep his crate in one sport at all times.....and I recommend that you keep it in your room.....I dont agree with keep a dog crated during the day.....i dont think thats very safe,not sure y i think that but i always get a bad felling when i think about crating my pups during the day.......I recommend that you fix up one room for the pup to stay in all day......that way hes not kept locked up in a lil crate all day........GOOD LUCK!! sounds like you already have gotten all the help you need so far from other Pet Talk members....so Best of Luck!!

