View Full Version : Horse back riding? I think not...

10-29-2002, 09:32 AM
- | -Zippo- | -

Believe it or not my cat likes to ride on my dogs back. She jumps on the sofa and right when he passes she jumps on his back and rides. She only stays on afew seconds before she falls of right infront of her food dish. lol. It's cute. my dog doesn't like it much. Bu6t the food dish is only like on foot away from the sofa.

10-29-2002, 06:32 PM
Sounds like a cute sight. You should try to capture it on film.

10-30-2002, 07:04 AM
You must try and get a picture of that for us!

10-30-2002, 09:43 AM
- | -Zippo- | -

O I have a picture of it already! After having her do it for the last year I know I do. ^^. The problem is I don't have a scanner... I'll have to use my friend computer.