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10-29-2002, 08:05 AM
I was thinking about the relationships that children develop with animals from a very young age. I can never remember not having a dog in my life even as a little baby, and I do feel very sorry for children who are never allowed to have a pet of their own. With that in mind, I just wanted to share a picture with everyone of my little grandson (13 months old) and my Trevor. As you can see, Trev is a very tolerant kitty and Christian is being taught from an early age to respect animals and "be nice." If anyone has a caption feel free to post it! http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid37/pb43bdc32322bda49786931346de35b60/fd1bad9e.jpg

10-29-2002, 08:12 AM
Pam great pic., and I agree with all you said - with me I was brought up with cats. Hence the three musketeers!!

Caption:- 'Best Milk Buddies'


10-29-2002, 08:13 AM
Oh Pam , you must be such a proud and happy grandma !! Little Trevor is such a sweet little boy ... ! I do not have grandchildren yet , as my kids are 17 and 13 . But my sister has 4 , and she enjoys every minute she spends with them !
Congrats to a super grandma !!

ps. the grandma in this smiley is a bit older , but I thought it was funny ..! http://www.gifs.net/animate/cobygrma.gif

10-29-2002, 08:20 AM
To be read/sung to music..."Lean on me, when your not strong, I'll be your friend"...he he he...I had dogs around me always....and was taught at an early age to respect animals, be kind, be responsible, etc. I think a child learns sooo much about life when he/she is raised with animals.

10-29-2002, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by lut
ps. the grandma in this smiley is a bit older , but I thought it was funny ..! http://www.gifs.net/animate/cobygrma.gif

Oh Lut you made me laugh out loud! I do have a rocker and my kitties often jump on the rocker to sit in my lap, but I don't know how to knit very well.! HA! Also thankfully I am not that old! :D :D You gave me a great laugh today!

10-29-2002, 11:53 AM
"Hmmm, I have red hair - this fuzzy soft thing has red hair, guess we are brothers!"

Pam, your grandson is so adorable! I bet you wear out his cheeks giving him kisses!

10-29-2002, 11:54 AM
I never had a pet growing up. Draker is my first ever!! My mother has always been an animal lover, but my father doesn't like animals. I was bitten by a dog when I was young and was terrified of them till I got Drake. I was 20 when I overcame my fear.

Looking back, I do not know how I ever lived with out a dog in my life! I have found a passion that I didn't know existed. Andrew and I will ALWAYS have dogs. No ifs, ands, or buts! When I have children of my own, the too will have a furry best friend to call their own.

10-29-2002, 12:11 PM
Pam, you can tell they are from the same family since they have the same hair color! :)

I was one of those kids who couldn't have a dog or cat due to my dad's allergies. We were allowed gerbils and I spoiled them plenty! Once I got my own place I got my own cat who has been a big sister to all 3 of my kids. We plan to get a dog when the kids are teenagers.:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-29-2002, 01:24 PM
Pam, he's adorable! Your grandson I mean. ;) :) Of course Trevor is too, and it's wonderful that he is so tolerant. I know a lot of older people who have cats, and when the grandkids come the cats hide, but looks like Trevor rather likes the extra attention. :)

<Grandson whispering to Trevor> "Psst...don't tell anybody, but I smuggled some milk in here for you Trevor. Now if I can just keep from spilling it all over my lap, and I can get the darn lid off, I'd give you some." ;) :)


"Psst..Hey Trevor, look, I "accidentally" spilled some milk on my lap. You, per chance, wouldn't want to help me clean it up, would you?" ;) :D

10-29-2002, 01:53 PM
Pam, I am glad you posted this topic. It has made me feel a whole lot better. My husband and I are trying to have a baby, and I was worried that when we had the baby we would have to get rid of our furbabies. Now I know everything will be ok with them. Thanks! :)

10-29-2002, 02:08 PM
I have always had lots of pets.. always two dogs and two cats at least. My parents still have that many!! :D I have already discussed with my boyfriend too, if we have kids one day we WILL have pets!! At least he agrees! He didnt have any because his mom hates the mess (she is a freak :rolleyes: ). But I would never raise my kids without pets, and if they have allergies, we get the breeds that are best for that!!! :D

10-29-2002, 06:18 PM
I have no captions, but I must say that both of the boys are angels! Little Christian, you little doll, you. Look at that beautiful golden hair of yours :)

It's off subject but I am officially going to be an aunt and my brother is probablly going to name my nephew-to-be Christian :)

10-29-2002, 06:36 PM
When I was young, I was never allowed to have the much sought after cat or dog. But I had many other pets. And all children should be taught the value of other living creatures. Great photo.

10-29-2002, 07:39 PM
"Quick Trev, they aren't looking...drink some!!"

What a cutie! (Both Trev and Christian) It llooks like the really get along...very sweet!

10-29-2002, 09:32 PM
The picture is darling, Pam!! It does look like they are having a little "boy" talk going on!!! Wonder what they were saying to each other?? :D

Both of your boys are just precious!!! :)

10-29-2002, 11:25 PM
What a cute picture Pam. Both Christian and Trevor look so sweet together. :) When I was growing up we always had some kind of a pet in our house. We only had one dog though and about four cats at different times. The rest of the animals were rats, mice, guinea pigs, gerbils, fish, ducks, and many reptiles. My Mom is the true animal lover and she would convince my Dad to let us have pets. Now my Dad has become a big cat lover. I can't imagine my life without some kind of pet. Since I'm a real cat lover, I know that I'll always have at least 1 cat in my life. :)

10-29-2002, 11:48 PM
thats a really cute pic, I was going to say the same as Gini, they both have the same color hair/fur!:D

10-30-2002, 12:10 AM
Oh my goodness, when did Christian get to be such a big boy!!!!

(Opps, thats not a caption.. I just haven't seen a pic of him since he was very little. What a sweetie!)

10-31-2002, 10:21 AM
I read an article awhile back about how it's good for children to have pets when they are young because it shows them how to be gentle and patient which also improves their relationships with other people.

10-31-2002, 10:52 AM
Pam, it's such a lovely picture! A picture of true friendship and a deep understanding for each other. I bet Christian will remember Trevor when he's an adult! :)

10-31-2002, 11:09 AM
My family always had cats & dogs and my two children (now grown) were raised by my SunnyKat for the first twenty years of their lives. Now I have responsibility for eight dogs - only four of my own (look out Mugsy:eek:) and 6 cats - two of my own (i've always taken in strays, those here who know me know that means two leggers also). Happy to say both children now have cats & dogs and my grandson of 3 yrs has never not had cats & dogs to play/sleep/eat with. Best way for a child to learn love, patience, kindness, beauty and all that's good - in a world that's not always so. Laurie

All Creatures Great And Small
10-31-2002, 12:06 PM
Oh yes, kitties in the house from the time I was old enough to remember, and both mom and dad loved them (though my mom was much goofier about it than dad!) Then I got married, and my new husband came from a one-dog always home, but we lived in rental units where you couldn't have pets. I always told him the day we bought a house would be the day I got a kitty, and fate stepped in beautifully - we hadn't even moved into our house yet (we were still painting it, etc.) and my (RB) Leticia Ratt was found and given to me. My husband always thought that it was a setup, that I had planned it beforehand, but it was just fate. He grudgingly accepted the kitty, but 2 years later, when we had our daughter, it started a chain of "sibling rivalry" behavior that persists to this day. I mean my daughter not accepting the cat, not vice versa. I sometimes think she was switched at the hospital with someone else's baby :D :D :p because she's nothing like my husband and I! She is definitely FASCINATED by animals, always has been, since she could talk, but she has always been MEAN to whatever cat we own. When she was 5, she cut the whiskers off of my girl kitty when I wasn't looking, and just LAUGHED about it when she got scolded. She used to get down on the floor and bark like a dog in the cat's face, just to bug her, and would startle the cat out of a sound sleep by making loud noises deliberately. Thankfully she never did anything really cruel, or I would have taken her to a psychiatrist immediately. Then girl kitty passed away 2 years ago and we inherited boy kitty, whom she had idolized and adored when he was Grandma's kitty, but now that I was showering him with affection, he became her rival. I tried to explain to her that she would never win the cat's trust unless she was CONSISTENTLY kind and quiet, because it took the kitty a while to get used to our entire loud family when compared to my mother-in-law's quiet, empty house. The kitty ended up not liking my daughter too much, so she decided to repay him in kind, I guess. She's almost 15 now (and an only child), and still has to annoy the cat at any opportunity, such as scaring him on purpose to watch him skitter across the hardwood floors, knocking into the chair he's sleeping on to wake him up, and just generally making loud noises at him for no reason. When I ask her why she does this, she just grins. She can be reduced to tears reading about animal abuse, and has her room plastered with pictures of dogs and horses, but just can't be nice to this one kitty. I guess my attempts to show her how to love an animal backfired into her jealousy.

By the way, that is a darling picture - so nice to see furkids and skinkids bonding so beautifully. (And I've been a Trevor fan for a while now - we had a big old orange kitty when I was growing up.)