View Full Version : I know its been a while....

12-06-2010, 08:43 AM
but I'm still around. Here are recent photos of my guys - Mikey is such a goofbhall, so many are of him. In fact, this first post will be dedicated to Mikey. :)

He's taken a liking to balancing on the railing, but every time he does, he's off by the time I grab the camera. I got it (finally!)

and then he fell (no Miekys were harmed in the making of these photos)

He's developed an obsession with licking hte laundry basket.

and I'm not sure whether he's tabby or turtle

But he works hard around here too -- he's chief ornament inspector.

Mikey adores his budy Mystic, and they share the #1 spot (which is on top of the DVR satellite TV box)

More coming.....

12-06-2010, 09:14 AM
Mikey adores his Mystic, lucky for Mystic!

But the same goes for Harry and Flutter

but they all do love each other (unless its the middle of the night, when they decide to fight and screech their heads off)

Pouncer sure can get comfy on new comforters

or on newspapers

even books for that matter

Pouncer is a sleepy little boy, while Harry works VERY hard at making sure my crochet stitches are nice and even

but he's a gentle task master, and handsome too!

But Pouncer does help with crochet too - making sure I start the chain properly

12-06-2010, 09:18 AM
Trixie is my little sweetheart

and Callie's sweetheart

and Cameron's building buddy

and a sink baby

Mystic makes me swoon whenever I look into his golden eyes

Abby is so hard to photograph.... but I loved this candle-lit-looking shot

So much so that I'm thinking of making it into a needlework, here's a screen shot from the needlework program.

And last but not least: Allen. My sweet ginger boy.

12-06-2010, 09:45 AM
Welcome Back Cat Napper!!!
We certainly have missed You All. and it is nice to know that Flutter , Pouncer ,Allen, Abby and All their Cat Companions are still alive and well!!!
Is Pouncer better now, we remember that he had recurring health issues!!!
Welcome Back:love:Welcome Back:love:Welcome Back:love:

12-06-2010, 09:46 AM
Hey there! It's so good to see all your furbabies (and even one of the skin-kid:p). I am laughing at how they like to sit on each other and they tolerate it too. I almost didn't even see Mystic in that pictures with Mikey on the DVD box. :D
I think the one of Pouncer with the yarn across his head is just precious! Trixie is just too cute and of course so are Allen, Flutter and Harry (and Cam). :)

Lilith Cherry
12-06-2010, 09:50 AM
I was thinking of you yesterday and wondering how you were doing! Welcome back!:)

12-06-2010, 10:13 AM
I'm so glad to see your wonderful babies back- especially Allen and Pouncer.
I am not sure I can agree to your making them crochet- don't you think that is too hard work for the little ones?

12-06-2010, 10:43 AM
Hi, Kim! SO great to see you!

I so enjoyed all the pics of your furkids. There is no saying who is handsomest or prettiest - they are each uniquely wonderful. :):love::love:

Good to see you again. Don't be a stranger...:D

12-06-2010, 11:28 AM
Oh my gosh, too much all at once, he heee! Seems you've got the whole family in here one way or another - with some really great shots!

The one where Mikey has fallen of the railing, and Mystic is looking down at him, ha ha haaa. Just like when a cat brushes something off a table and then peers over to watch it fall. CATS! LOL

Mikey just seems to be into everything, silly boy. (Perhaps you should wash that laundry basket, in case whatever is attracting him is not good for him.) Mikey the tabby turtle! I do believe you have discovered a new species! :)

The way Mystic climbs over him on the box, gosh, mine would be in a tussle for sure if any one of them tried that with any other one. And here I thought my kitties get along well!

Love the pet covered bed, I see that around here as well.

And dear Pouncer, must be interesting reading as you have a dreamy eyed look in that photo!

Harry, those jewel tones look nice with your coat as well! (Just been over at the other thread you posted, Kim)

Trixie sure IS a sweet heart, such a soft look about her face.

That needlework look sinteresting. I wonder if there is any way to lighten the background, though. Too much black / darkness, I think. Hmmm maybe make it a pale golden color?

Allen looks as though you caught him dropping off for a nice nap, lol!

So lovely to see everyone. Now Callie wants HER time and HER thread so get busy again, BOL!

12-06-2010, 11:46 AM
I think if I came over, Trixie would be cat napped and stolen. She's absolutely gorgeous!!

Your other pics are great too... loved seeing all the kitties and the pup! Cameron is getting so big!!

HUGS to you, missed you around here!

12-06-2010, 05:03 PM
They are all gorgeous!! But as an orangey lover, Harry and Allen have especially caught my eye.:love:

Laura's Babies
12-06-2010, 06:01 PM
WOW! What a great thread!! The more I looked, the more I laughed! You really got some funny stuff in here and the captions were just perfect! What a way to get back into things here!! WELCOME BACK!

12-06-2010, 07:09 PM
What a fine menagerie! Great pictures! Thank you.

12-06-2010, 10:52 PM
Welcome back Kim!!!:) I enjoyed seeing new pictures of all of your furkids. It's great to see them all getting along well too.:)

12-07-2010, 07:18 PM
Thank you so much for posting! The first group with Mikey and Mystic remind me so much of Remus and Spook. What is it with tabbies and black kitties getting along? :D

12-07-2010, 11:15 PM
i'm very happy i hooked up with pettalk today and yesterday
for the first time in way to long,especially since you shared your
most recent photos of your crew.
they are a great crew and look so healthy and very content:)
i hope pouncer has been well(i mean purrfect)lately:love:
he's my favorite then harry.i really wanted to go thru the screen for that lover boy harry.
i love all your great pictures,and of course i'm happy to see you.i mean your furrys....but take one of you too sometime.
we could make a new (human general) lololol
i hope to get a new camera...soon.ours is not working well from falling
on the floor too many times from the cats because i am to exhausted;)
to put it correctly away....yes it is my lazy fault...the camera battery door won't shut.plus it's a cheapy bad one anyway;)
we'll see each other in human general in a couple years at our same pettalk??? "kidding karen and paul"

12-08-2010, 11:10 AM
:love: Awee I see the Babies are just as spoiled as ever.. They are all so Adorable.. great pics thanks