View Full Version : Brrr, this is just too cold for us.

12-05-2010, 05:24 PM
On occasion the South experiences some serious cold snaps. This week the mornings will be in the low to mid 20s with the highs under 50 until Friday. And it is windy. Yet, this is an improvement from the long-term forecast which had the mornings in the teens. This week the temps are 15 to 20 degrees colder than normal. I am listening to the forecast now and we are supposed to be having a warmer than normal winter. Hmmmmmm

We usually dress lightly since it warms enough during the day. A heavy coat would be baggage once it warmed up.

The critters have parked themselves in front of the kerosene heater. I even slept on the couch Friday night. The rest of the house just couldn't get warm enough.

Just 30 miles north, NC mountains are having another snowstorm.

I know you hearty Canadians will laugh. Go ahead. The clothes marketed down here are not meant to be worn in layers. (Isn't there a thread about the Canadian Winter?)

Cheers and warm, spiced apple cider

12-05-2010, 05:32 PM
It's pretty cold here in GA too. At least compared to the weather we had just a week ago. 25 earlier today but it was the wind that really got me. I had to go find my NJ coats.

12-05-2010, 05:36 PM
I used to live in Greenville,SC so I know how cold it can get and how hot is can get in the summer. I sure don't miss it one bit. Being in CA for more than 20 years has spoiled me. Even we had a cold spell recently. It went down to the mid 30's at night and was only in the low to mid 50's during the day. Now that's cold for the part of CA that I live in. I'm just not used to it but luckily I have several cats to help keep warm at night.:)

12-05-2010, 06:05 PM
Awww, I recommend nice oatmeal for breakfast - it'll warm you up from the inside out! That, and a nice hot mug of tea or cocoa in the afternoon ... It's in the thirties during the days and is supposed to be all week, but that just feels appropriate for us in December. I was sooooo hoping for snow tomorrow, but they've changed their minds, sigh.

12-05-2010, 06:13 PM
Where i live in Queensland Australia,it never really gets very cold ,but can get a little too hot at times.We dont have the change of seasons like you have so we dont experience the beautiful Autum leaves falling and crunching under your feet.
Having lived in England for some time,that is some thing i really miss.,but certainly not the extreme cold,my little wouldnt be too happy about that.

12-05-2010, 07:03 PM
Anne, I'll join you in that warm spiced cider!

12-06-2010, 04:58 AM
24 in Memphis right now.....Brrrrrrrrrrr!
fortunately my boyfriend stoked up the fire when he left for work a few hours ago. I'll load it up again before I go to help keep the kittehs warm. We have central heat as a backup, it's set on 65.

12-06-2010, 06:13 AM
As a new member, I'll comment on the wind chill here in Mpls. It is zero. Time for my long down coat and boots guaranteed warm for minus 20 degrees! :love:Minnesota!

Laura's Babies
12-06-2010, 07:00 AM
We are suppose to have a 20* night tonight, the coldest we have had yet. They great thing about the deep south is while it may get that cold, it never lasts but a few days. Suppose to be in the 20's from 11pm to 8 in the morning.. Brrrrr!

12-06-2010, 07:23 AM
5 above here have to bundle up & keep moving :eek:

12-07-2010, 04:41 AM
My best online friend from Alabama is complaining about it being cold as well.

when we first moved here we wore several layers of cloths. so many cloths that if any one of us fell over we would have difficulty standing back up. LOL
that was 26years ago. now we go outside when its just 40/50°F with short sleeved t-shirt an jeans no problem.

12-07-2010, 09:32 AM
Cloudy Snow Shower
Feels Like: 9°

From my weather channel online.;) Getting ready to head out into at least 6" of snow with the pups!:D

12-07-2010, 06:28 PM
Cloudy Snow Shower
Feels Like: 9°

From my weather channel online.;) Getting ready to head out into at least 6" of snow with the pups!:D

I am not the least bit jealous.

12-08-2010, 08:50 AM
-1.5 degrees F. this morning. Had to really bundle up for chores & kept on the move.

12-08-2010, 07:47 PM
That puts me about 25 degrees warmer than you.