View Full Version : Miscellaneous Cat Anatomy Factoids

10-28-2002, 10:54 PM
I found this interesting, especially the one about the eyelashes because of the recent posts. Weird, because all three of mine have eyelashes!!


^..^ Here's a collection of "fascinating facts about your
>< frisky feline's physique: (Say that three times fast!)

--Both humans and cats have identical regions in the brain
responsible for emotion.

--A cat's brain is more similar to a man's brain than
that of a dog.

--Cats have 30 vertebrae, 5 more than humans have.

--A cat's field of vision is about 185 degrees.

--Cats have 32 muscles that control the outer ear
(compared to human's 6 muscles each). A cat can
rotate its ears independently 180 degrees, and
can turn in the direction of sound 10 times faster
than those of the best watchdog.

--A cat can jump 5 times as high as it is tall.

--Cats step with both left legs, then both right
legs when they walk or run. (like a camel)

--In relation to their body size, cats have the
largest eyes of any mammal.

--Most cats do not have eyelashes.

--A domestic cat can sprint at about 31 miles per

--A kitten will typically weigh about 3 ounces
at birth.

--The typical male housecat will weigh between
7 and 9 pounds, slightly less for female housecats.
(well, I guess all of my kitties are "above average!")

--Cats take between 20-40 breaths per minute.

--Normal body temperature for a cat is 102 degrees F.

--A cat's normal pulse is 140-240 beats per minute,
with an average of 195.

--Cat's urine glows under a black light.

--Cats lose almost as much fluid in the saliva while
grooming themselves as they do through urination.

The Cat Factory
10-29-2002, 12:03 AM
Those are cool! Thanks for posting them!

10-29-2002, 12:39 AM
These are great. All 3 of my cats have eyelashes too. :) My male cats are also all over the 9lb weight of a typical housecat. I guess I have very large cats. :)

10-29-2002, 01:03 AM
Corkscrew is a big cat too, he weighs 12 lbs.

10-29-2002, 02:34 AM
Pretty cool facts Nomilynn!

I like to see how they move their ears like an aerial,..I suppose that's for them to get control on what happens on the rest of 175º their sight can't reach.

An did you know that cats arnd rabbits have excately the same skeleton except for one bone.

Loooong time a go saw a reportage on what the cats see. I only remember they can see only certains colours ,laking in a specific cell responsible for the vision of a certain colour. Is something I always ask myself when buying toys for them , which colour can they see better?
Also remember they see very blurry,like in shadows.

It would be nice to come across this information again.

10-29-2002, 05:25 AM
Those were fascinating facts. Thank you for posting. This one I found particularly intriguing - --A cat's brain is more similar to a man's brain than that of a dog. Guess that explains why husbands only do what you want them to when they feel like it! :D :D :D

10-29-2002, 05:46 AM
Let's see:
I know that Lucas has lovely eyelashes, but now I am going to have to go check all the others.
Most of my cats are over 8.75 pound, so above average here.
And as far as the saliva......I CAN BELIEVE THAT!!! they are constantly bathing and making the most horrible slurping sounds.
Great facts.