View Full Version : Had to share this story!!

10-28-2002, 09:23 PM
Hi there, I just had to share this story about a lab puppy here.

At work we have an electronic notice board, and a very kind lady put up a notice that she was trying to find a 6 month golden Lab a new home. The current owners wanted to get rid of it desperately.
I asked NO questions, and promptly contacted the lady and said we would take it! She sent me (and apparently 4 other people) the name, address and phone number of the current owners.

I left 4 messages, and got no reply, so on the Monday when I returned to work, I advised this lady. She said she was quite upset (Pissed off ....... is what she said :-) ), and that these owners had now "sort of" changed their mind, and MIGHT keep the pup now.
So, I asked her why they wanted to get rid of it ....... and she said ....... WAIT FOR IT ........ they want to plant a vegetable garden and the puppy is digging in it! I could not believe it - we both agreed that all they needed was a FENCE, and the puppy needed some training.

She agreed to keep me posted ....... and I presume the other 4 interested parties from work.

ANYWAY, today she sent me a note - and I quote :
I thought i'd let you know what's happened because you might find this quite amusing like I did. Someone stole the dog last weekend and left a note that they don't deserve to have the dog!

Isn't that fantastic!!!!! I don't condone theft, but in this case I absolutely agree!!!

I am sure the puppy now has the home it deserves!!

Captain in Australia!:)

10-28-2002, 09:53 PM
I'm not one to comment thievery, but in this case, it just might have been a good thing!!! :o

10-29-2002, 11:39 AM
I think it is awful someone would have stolen the puppy! Yeah sure the people said they didn't want to keep the puppy because they wanted to plant a garden. But then decided to keep the puppy. It don't give anyone the right to steal the puppy. Actually it sounds alittle supicous(sp?) to me.

10-29-2002, 12:26 PM
Working with Lab rescue I have interviewed many people, families, just as you described, who turn in their Labs for reasons just like this! If they do manage to deal with one "problem," before long, another one comes along that compels them to give the dog up. I doubt a garden fence would have solved this family's ambivilence re: their Labbie. You do not get a dog like a Retriever if you are not willing to make it a complete, participating member of the family. They are highly active, highly motivated, personable, "people" dogs. Yes, they shed, they may dig in the garden, they love the water and your floors may look a mess. But real Lab lovers, real dog lovers, are more than willing to put up with these truly insignificant issues for the unconditional love, loyalty and devotion they honor us with. If the dog was digging in the garden, he or she was probably bored! I DO NOT condone dog thievery. However, if the dog is now in a safe, loving and COMMITTED home, I say Amen! You either want the dog, want to make the commitment, or you don't. That is a decision, a commitment you make BEFORE you bring a dog into your family. They are not disposable commodities that stay or go depending on our moods or whim. I doubt any despair this family may be feeling over their loss will last for very long. It's seems this family's prayer has been answered, without the guilt!:mad: I hope they enjoy their garden.


10-29-2002, 06:58 PM
I agree with everyone, that dog theft is not OK. I did not put all the details on why these people don't want the dog anymore - the digging in one aspect, and apparently the fact that it is a puppy ...... was one too.

Yup - sure is suspicious, but I am glad and am certain it has turned out for the better - for the puppy!!!

Thanks for your responses .:)

10-29-2002, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
But real Lab lovers, real dog lovers, are more than willing to put up with these truly insignificant issues for the unconditional love, loyalty and devotion they honor us with.


Tats, you said it *SO* well!! I agree with you 110%!

10-29-2002, 07:10 PM
Ditto that!!!!!:D

10-29-2002, 07:24 PM

Great picture!! I want to have a bumper sticker made up like that. It is SO true!!

10-29-2002, 08:30 PM
moomsmom, the picture is taken for the LabMed website, www.labmed.org They have a great Labbie web "store." That photo is on their T-shirts. They might have bumper stickers, too!

10-30-2002, 12:43 AM
You do not get a dog like a Retriever if you are not willing to make it a complete, participating member of the family. They are highly active, highly motivated, personable, "people" dogs. Yes, they shed, they may dig in the garden, they love the water and your floors may look a mess.

That is why I wish people would RESEARCH the breed before they get it! People are so stupid sometimes! I have *so* many people talk to me about some husky they had, etc. and saying they "had to give it up because it kept getting out and running off!" DUH, if they would have even read one paragraph about huskies, they would KNOW they are famous for this! lol.

Poor little labbie, I hope whoever "stole" it will truely give it a good home! I like that picture too! Very true!

10-30-2002, 01:54 AM
Whatever the reason, no one has the right to steal anyone's pet!! :mad: They wanted to give him away because he dug the garden, but later decided to keep him. This gives absolutely NO ONE the right to go and steal the dog, in any case. If they were doing cruelty towards the dog, or something like that, that would be a different matter, but going and stealing someone's pet like that is absolutely unacceptable. I am NOT impressed with the "theif" people's action.