View Full Version : Diabetic Cat Food

11-24-2010, 08:15 PM
Is a no grain cat food good for a diabetic cat? Does anyone have a recommendation for a good No Grain cat food that doesn't have to be bought at the vet?:)

11-24-2010, 08:40 PM
Here is a link for cat foods:

I feed Taste of the Wild, which is a grain free food. There are several out there.

As for what a diabetic cat can / should eat, I have no info.
You can use Google and put in
diabetic cat food brands

that give lots of hits for info.

You can also use Google for a diabetic pet forum.
I think on Catster there is also a diabetic forum.

Are you testing blood sugars twice daily? Is the cat on insulin, or other meds?

Best wishes!

11-24-2010, 09:09 PM
My Maine Coon Simon gets 4 units if insulin twice a day, but at this point I'm not testing his blood. He is doing really good and has put all of his weight back on and back to his crazy/sweet self.

Thanks for the information. I will check out the links that you suggest.

11-25-2010, 02:09 AM
I feed my cats Wellness Core dry and it's very high in protein with very little carbs. I know that lots of carbs are bad for diabetic cats. They also make 2 Wellness Core canned foods and they have several grain free canned foods as well. Here's a link to Wellness:http://www.wellnesspetfood.com/cat-wellness.aspx.

In their FAQ section here's an answer to if Core is good for diabetic cats:
CORE may be good for cats with diabetes because it is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, resulting in a naturally low glycemic index. However, diabetes is a condition that affects only a small percentage of the cat population and does require veterinarian intervention. If a cat has a pre-existing diabetic condition, we recommend people take the information on CORE to their holistic vet who can help them decide if this is the right diet for their particular condition. There is a perception that low carbohydrate diets are good for cats with diabetes, however, we are not in a position to prescribe or present CORE as a cure for any condition.

It also says this about the glycemic index:
Our diets may be good for cats with diabetes however, insulin dosage is directly related to carbohydrate amounts in the food. An insulin prescription is determined by a veterinarian. If a cat is diagnosed with diabetes, veterinarian input is needed. Showing their veterinarian our Nutrition Facts - Typical Value will help them determine the best course of treatment for a cat.

Good luck.:)

11-25-2010, 06:08 AM
My 11 year old kitty is now in diabetic remission since July 12. Wellness Core is a really good food for a diabetic kitty. Any dry is really bad for a diabetic kitty, even the Purina DM dry that the Vets sell still has enough carbs. My kitty likes Merck BG Chicken which is low in carbs. She is now controlled with low carb wet food with her remission. I stilll have to take her blood glucose every few days just to keep a check.

11-25-2010, 06:37 AM
I'm sorry - up above I meant to say "Merrick BG 1" (before grain) wet food, not "Merck." Also the Merrick BG 1 Beef is a good choice.

smokey the elder
11-29-2010, 12:03 PM
There is tons of good information on feeding and care of a diabetic at www.felinediabetes.com, and www.mycathasdiabetes.com. Good luck with your kitty!