View Full Version : Some advice please....

10-28-2002, 01:08 PM
Hi there -

I don't know if this is the right forum for this, (maybe should be in dog health....)but I'll try it here anyway.:)

Would anyone have any advice on how to teach my new lab (she is 2 y.o.) to eliminate in one area. I've tried to leash her & just stand there & say "go potty" so she will go, but she never seems to want to right where I'm standing....

Any other training techniques or tricks you know about?? We'd like to keep our lawn green.

Also, has anyone tried "G-Whiz" dog treats or "Green-Um" products? They claim to help w/ the pH level and burning of the grass, but has anyone ever tried them? If so, did the work? Not work?

Thanks very much & Happy Monday!!!:D

10-28-2002, 01:25 PM
Consistency and patience. Take her to that spot every time, and wait until she goes, then praise lavishly! :) Once she "goes" there once, it may be easier to get her to go there again, but whever she wants out, go straight there and linger until she does something, THEN play and praise!

10-28-2002, 02:45 PM
Thanks! We will sure give it the "ol college try!";)

Thanks again!! :)

10-29-2002, 07:38 AM
Karen has great advice. You can also try to change the potty area to a place that she prefers. Patience & consistancy will pay off.

Also, has anyone tried "G-Whiz" dog treats or "Green-Um" products? They claim to help w/ the pH level and burning of the grass, but has anyone ever tried them? If so, did the work? Not work?

From my experience as a vet tech I do not reccomend them at all. I have seen numerous cases of dogs that end up having urinary problems (like urinary, bladder & kidney infections as well as stones & crystals). Common sense as it does change the PH level in the dogs urine. I think they cause more harm than good.

Instead I would get treatment for the lawn. There are many products out there in all sorts of form from liquids to powders that you apply to the yard. And just a simple watering of the yard works well too. You can either spray your area of the yard or just keep a watering can handy & everytime she goes water the area down. You need to get the area pretty wet.

10-29-2002, 11:11 AM
Thanks for the advice!!!! It's appreciated!!:)
