View Full Version : Do I have any luck?

11-16-2010, 03:48 PM
I've had my license for 6 1/2 months or so now, and I've already been in 2 accidents, fender benders I guess you can call it. One was my fault, no doubt about that, but this one was totally the other kids fault. He rear-ended me pretty hard at as red light, in the same car too. I feel like I have no luck. It wasn't a big deal, there's a scratch on the bumper with a bit of a dent, it's really not even noticeable, but I just feel like I have no luck. No one was hurt, it did happen to be some kid that goes to my school, we were both on the way there with passengers in the car. His car had no damage, except to the license plate is dented or something. He's already been in accidents with that car I think, the hood was messed up and he had a nice dent in the front. I have no luck driving my current car, I feel like it's a fender bender magnet.. :p Sorry..just kinda a rant.

11-16-2010, 04:04 PM

Just learn from your experience and be more careful. You'll get better as you have more driving under your belt.

I could write a BOOK about fender benders, believe me. And I'm 57 years old!!:eek:

11-16-2010, 04:19 PM
Hang in there Alysser. You are gaining more experience daily.

11-16-2010, 04:35 PM
The thread title made me immediately think of the old lament ...

"If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all!"

11-16-2010, 05:17 PM
It wasn't a big deal, there's a scratch on the bumper with a bit of a dent, it's really not even noticeable, but I just feel like I have no luck. No one was hurt

The fact that neither of your cars had damage enough to worry about an that no one was hurt in my opinion says very much otherwise. so chin up. *hugs*

though i do know how jarring an upsetting it can be as one night my brother an i wanted to get somewhere before the store closed. we were in a rush cuz in another 5minutes or so it would of been closed. anyway as my brother was backing out he hit a post to his neighbors lean-to thingy. it was such a loud KA-BAM! followed by a horrendous jar through the car that it scared the day lightings out of both of us. it sounded so freaking horrible... an the jarring hurt my neck a little. felt like it was almost about to pop but then came out of it an i was fine. my brother was fine too. just more of scared us then anything.

when we got out to look at the damage it was hard to see cuz it was so dark out but all we could make out was a little scratch an a indent on the back bumper. the post had no damage either.

whats ridiculous is is we werent even going a mile an hour. my brother said he did look as he was backing out but that it was so dark out caused the post to be in his blind spot. plus he normally doesnt back out of that parking spot either. so we got back in the car an still in hopes that the store was was open an continued on.

about half way down the road i burst out in uncontrollable laughter. though i wasnt laughing cuz i thought the ordeal was funny. i was laughing out of relief that it was just a dumb butted post that he hit an not his neighbor or his neighbors truck an that we were fine.

but accidents happen. they just do. dont be hard on yourself over a scratch an dent that you didnt even cause.