View Full Version : Calling Chip and Chuck

11-08-2010, 07:26 PM
Hi guys,
What's this I hear that you two are still getting into trouble at home? According to what I heard from your Meowmie, you broke the window blind slat while trying to swing on it then broke a dish in the process.

When Buddy, Poppy, Elmer, Mac, and I talked to you about your antics at home we thought you both listened to us and got the message. Apparently not.

You guys are very fortunate kitties with a Meowmie who loves you and a nice home where everything you need is provided. Yet you keep causing mayhem!

It's time to start planning our Catmobile Holiday trip. We don't want you to miss out but unless you both clean up your act, and I do mean right now, we'll have no choice but to listen to your Meowmie and go along with her decision to keep you home.

There's still time so please behave!

Your friend,

11-08-2010, 07:31 PM
Chip and Chuck are innocent.
According to Moose Angel that slat was loose and Chip and Chuck were repairing it when suddenly a gust of wind knocked that dish on the floor.
Please look at Chip and Chuck and tell us you do not see innocence purrsonified!!!!

11-08-2010, 10:14 PM
Dear Groucho,

Do you think this might be an active-kitten phase they're going through? And if all of us Catmobile occupants keep a whisker out for them, do you think they'd be okay? They've got so much energy!

Thank you,

11-16-2010, 02:02 PM
They broke 3 slats in one of the kitchen window blinds; on the same day.

Chip about gave me a heart attack when I was getting something from the freezer and he jumped over my head into the freezer landing on a bag of frozen peas. My freezer is on top of my fridge and it's a BIG fridge.

Yesterday, they turned their cat litter box over in the middle room on the carpet, before I had time to scoop the litter's icky stuff out.

They turned the big kitchen trash can over, twice, last night.

Groucho, do you think maybe we should talk to the boyzz again and maybe this time include big sis Angel? It sounds like they'll be staying home from the next Catmobile trip. They need to listen to meowmie at home, though. Kids! :rolleyes:

11-16-2010, 05:14 PM
I'm afraid my mind is made up on this one. I do want them home for their very first New Year's Eve and Day. They have shown they are just too young to be out on New Year's Eve this year. Thank you all for putting up with them though. Now, I want you to all have a wonderful time. Maybe telling my kids of all the fun they missed, they will calm down so they can go next trip. (well we can hope) ;) :love:

11-16-2010, 07:40 PM
Hi Miss MoFF, We're going to miss Chip and Chuck on the trip but we kitty trekkers have a golden rule; when Meowmie says no, it's NO! I'm sorry to hear that they're still making so much mischief at home. They both have been so well behaved when they were with us. We guys hope we didn't overstep our boundries when we had that talk with them.

Hi Miss Cassiesmom, I'm not sure if we should get with them again. We kitties respect all of you Meowmies and don't want to get in your way in cases like this.

There might be something we can try if Miss MoFF would like to think about it. A judge in Cat Court handles only cases involving young kitties like Chip and Chuck. Maybe she'll agree to try to set them straight. She's really very nice and won't be mean to them. If you think it's worth a try, let me know and I'll see what can be arranged.

Your friend,

11-17-2010, 01:02 PM
Dear Groucho,
thank you for your concern over my scamps. I'm thinking they are just so full of youthful exuberance, it spills over. Chuck has setted down a lot since the catmobile kitties talked with them. I'm hoping Chip will soon.

Chip was so sick for a while with a virus that now that he feels good, he feels really really good. He loves to play and just has to run and jump. I guess it's not really his fault everything gets in his way, eh? ;)

It's just so hard to be good when there is so much to see and do. :love:

11-17-2010, 03:04 PM
I remember when I first took Juke Joint Joseph in from my brother as Joseph to say the least was an awkward Cat:eek:
He broke a VCR one time although if I looked another VCR through it , it was fine.
He broke a few plates too and a few knick knacks.
Miquelito and Pouncierge broke my Laurel and Hardy statue and a few things and I was not happy.:(
But as My Dear Mother said many years ago when Smokey knocked over the Christmas tree and ruined some one of a kind ornaments, our Lord's Creatures are more important than Man's manufactured things.:love::love:
And we have to realize that it is not intentional and things can be replaced , Our Cats can never be duplicated.:):):)

11-17-2010, 06:07 PM
If I were in better health I don't think it would bother me so much. But I can't get on ladders to replace torn down cutains any more and have no one to help me do that. I really don't like the world peeking in at me at all hours of the night. I wouldn't trade my little boys for anything I just wish they would calm down a whisker. :love:

12-01-2010, 03:23 PM
Only advise I have is use unbreakable ornaments and take lots of pictures.
I, myself, gave up on having a tree years ago. Something I do not regret, specially now with the terrible twosome: Chip and Chuck. :D:love:

Chip and Chuck ... please, pretty please try to leave meowmie's Christmas decorations alone! I'm sure you have lots of toys to keep you busy ;)

12-01-2010, 03:37 PM
:) Whats age have to do with it..;) Heck my Sunny has decided to be the Bad boy now.. Sunday I am in the back bedroom & then I hear all of this clanging & clunking & glass breaking && what did I find.. All of the stuff on the microwave (decor plates & figurens) & all of the stuff on top of the refrig All On The Floor.. And what was Sunny doing :rolleyes: Just looking at me like he was saying This Was Not My Fault.. I should of already had all of that stuff cleaned off just for him.. Yup a couple of my decor plates are broke now.. Well what can I say = umps get out the glue.. :D

If I were in better health I don't think it would bother me so much. But I can't get on ladders to replace torn down cutains any more and have no one to help me do that. I really don't like the world peeking in at me at all hours of the night. I wouldn't trade my little boys for anything I just wish they would calm down a whisker. :love:

12-02-2010, 12:15 PM
*MOFF shakes head* Ah, Sunny, Sunny what are we going to do with you and Chip? You two just can't understand that breaking things is a no no!!!

Chip has me busy cleaning up the kitchen. I have a set of metal shelves 4 shelves high that I put puzzles on the very top shelf. I can hardly reach the top shelf myself. Nice and safe out of paws, I thought. Until I heard lots of crashing noises and found Chip sitting on top of them throwing them off to the floor.

He had launched himself off one of the card tables I had stuff piled on in there and up he went. So, I cleaned off the table and took it down. Spoiled his fun I did!!! He's still upset with me about that. :D

I don't even bother to decorate for Christmas anymore. Well, I do put a wreath that lights up on the front door. So far they can't open the door and mess with it. I have a feeling it's just a matter of time.

12-02-2010, 04:31 PM
:p Just wait The Boys will figure out the opening of the door soon enough..:D

*MOFF shakes head* Ah, Sunny, Sunny what are we going to do with you and Chip? You two just can't understand that breaking things is a no no!!!

Well, I do put a wreath that lights up on the front door. So far they can't open the door and mess with it. I have a feeling it's just a matter of time.

12-02-2010, 04:49 PM
:p Just wait The Boys will figure out the opening of the door soon enough..:D

Chip has already fiqured out that the door knob has something to do with opening the door. He just can't turn it, yet!!! :D:love:

12-03-2010, 12:44 AM
Chip has already fiqured out that the door knob has something to do with opening the door. He just can't turn it, yet!!! :D:love:

Both of my boys have too. I still don't let them in either bedroom because there are too many things for them to get into to. Alani loves to tear up paper and cardboard boxes. I've already had to throw out 4 boxes that my other cats used to sleep in because he tore them up so much. He likes to play with the little pieces of cardboard. Sometimes he'll even put them in the water bowls. Kittens really keep you on your toes.:)

12-03-2010, 01:26 PM
Both of my boys have too. I still don't let them in either bedroom because there are too many things for them to get into to. Alani loves to tear up paper and cardboard boxes. I've already had to throw out 4 boxes that my other cats used to sleep in because he tore them up so much. He likes to play with the little pieces of cardboard. Sometimes he'll even put them in the water bowls. Kittens really keep you on your toes.:)

Cardboard is a big hit with my kids too. Chip specially loves it. He chewed holes in two boxes of baking soda and made a big mess about a week ago. I always keep it on hand to put in the bottom of their litter boxes. I thought it was high enough up on a shelf he wouldn't mess with it. Guess who was wrong? :D

12-06-2010, 03:14 PM
Cardboard is a big hit with my kids too. Chip specially loves it. He chewed holes in two boxes of baking soda and made a big mess about a week ago. I always keep it on hand to put in the bottom of their litter boxes. I thought it was high enough up on a shelf he wouldn't mess with it. Guess who was wrong? :D

Hi, Chuck and Chip! How was your weekend? Keeping out of trouble?

12-06-2010, 03:21 PM
Keeping out of trouble?

Thanks !! I needed a good laugh today!!! ;) :love::love: