View Full Version : Black Bear needs to relocate

11-03-2010, 06:06 PM
We seem to have a 2 year old black bear in south RI, who has been feeding on sheep. One farmer has lost quite a few sheep recently. He (the bear, not the farmer) is no longer worried about approaching cars, and doesn't run from humans.

So, the DEM has had to set a bear trap, along with a camera. Not sure WHERE they plan to relocate him, once they catch him.

I don't really think about these things, I feel I am in an urban, city setting. Coyotes, yep. Deer, we have in many areas. But a black bear? Not sure why he has come down this far south!

Laura's Babies
11-03-2010, 06:55 PM
That would scear me to death and I'd be afraid to go outside... I am a big coward in case you don't know that.. Bears.... YIKES!!!

11-03-2010, 07:14 PM
Yikes! Black bear needs to relocate to a national park, maybe? Or a zoo?

11-03-2010, 08:25 PM
We have plenty of State Parks in New England where he could be safely relocated - maybe up to the Quabbin Reservoir area or further North in New Hampshire or Vermont or Maine. If he's just two, he likely wandered south looking for either food, a girlfriend or both - no one told him the city is no place for a black bear!

11-04-2010, 08:12 AM
EEEKK!! :eek: a bear, I would freak out! I hope I never get to encounter any and I hope that nobody does, I am a really fraidy cat when it comes to big cats, bears, and even kangaroos. Can not!!! face them :eek::eek::eek::(:(

11-05-2010, 06:43 AM
I hope he is safely relocated soon.......