View Full Version : Wallace the poodle

11-03-2010, 12:28 PM
This is my mom's American cocker spaniel, Wallace. He's been in need of a haircut for a while and all she managed to get done the other day was his head, so he looked like an obese dog with a shrunken head. So I brought over my grooming kit while my mother was at work yesterday and gave him a new style. Then I wrote a note to her saying not to shave the rest until I get my camera over. I half expected to get a call at work last night saying "why does my dog look like a poodle!" but she ended up just laughing. Getting pictures was the hard part though. This dog does not stack on his own and if you touch him to move him into a better position he will roll over on his back. It took half an hour to get what I got.









Lilith Cherry
11-03-2010, 06:33 PM
Poor little guy - his bum must be chilly LOL!

11-03-2010, 06:46 PM
Wow, he does look obese in that first shot, lol!

You did a great thing, and I am sure Wallace appreciates it!

11-03-2010, 11:33 PM
LOL this thread sure had me confused till i read what you said.
he sure is cute :D

11-03-2010, 11:50 PM
Wow, he does look obese in that first shot, lol!

Yep, somewhere under the fur is a mere 20 pounds of cocker spaniel.

He loves it. It gets him attention! I'm not sure if he's going to want me to finish cutting him but his long fur is starting to smell like an old carpet, everything just clings to it.