View Full Version : Magical Moe

11-02-2010, 11:48 PM
Hi Moe - you are a legend!!! 22.5 years is a record as far as I know. :rolleyes: You certainly look in fine form and not in the least anywhere near that many years old. We share a birthday day (yes, my birthday is May 7). :D

I guess you have been around for so long that it must be difficult to welcome Bella after your buddy Pookie went over the RB,:eek:but it would be sweet if you could be a little less of a bodyguard for your mommy so that Bella can have some much needed cuddles and time with her.

Congrats on being our Cat of the Day, Marvellous Miraculous Moe, and may you enjoy many more days with your mommy - and Bella. :love::love:

11-03-2010, 03:17 AM
You are a beautiful boy, Moe, and don't show any sign of your advanced age. Your mom must take very good care of you - or you are lucky to have good genes! It can be difficult to accept a new member of the family, Moe, but I hope you can take it easy on Bella and let your mom get some lovin' time with her too. You are a great COTD, Moe, and I hope you have many more days with your loving family.

smokey the elder
11-03-2010, 07:13 AM
What a grand old cat you are, Moe! I think you are the most senior cat to be featured here, and so handsome, too.

11-03-2010, 08:03 AM
Moe, it's difficult to believe that you're at such an advanced age! You don't look a day over 10! ;) My RB Pidgie almost made it to 22 but you hold the title. Such a handsome boy and still active at your age; makes me smile. Enjoy your day as COTD, good boy. :love:

11-03-2010, 08:10 AM
Congratulations are in order Moe for 3 reasons!! Firstly, you are an absolutely handsome and lovely man at 22.5 years old!!! Secondly, it sounds like you make your humans life very happy and joyful indeed just by being you!! And last but not least... You are today's cat of the day!! Hope you get lots of pats and cuddles :love:

11-03-2010, 08:28 AM
Hello, Monsieur Moe - congrats on being such a distinguished COTD! You look fabulous. Reading your story, I was fondly reminded of one of my mom's cats, also named "Moe" (a sweet long-haired calico girl...the last of her littermates "Eenie, Meenie, and Miney"...)- she also lived into her 20s! Best wishes for many more healthy happy times with your family.

11-03-2010, 09:30 AM
Wow Big Moe you certainly do not look as thigh you are 22 1/2 years young , you have that look of a much younger Cat!!
You must ahve excellent care , and lots of TLC from your Meeowmie to look so young at your age.
Does you Meeowmie have access to a Cat Fountain of Youth?
You certainly are quite the Elegant One, Moe and we wish you more years of good health and life!!

11-03-2010, 10:28 AM
Hello Moe, It was a pleasure to read about you. You look good for your age which is amazing to me. (The oldest cat I ever had lived to be 17) It is obvious that you are loved and have a wonderful home. Congrats on being 22.5 YEARS old and being COTD! Kay in NC

11-03-2010, 11:23 AM
Moe, you are so handsome! You remind me of *another* white PT California kitty guy :D It sounds like you have your priorities in perfect order ... napping, sunshine, occasional night-time kitteh action and just generally being a cool dude! Happy, happy Cat of the Day to you, magical Moe!

11-03-2010, 12:00 PM
My heart went right to my throat this morning when I saw Moe's picture.

He is the spitting image of my beloved first cat - Sugar - also a Turkish
Angora. He was my heart cat - pure and simple. He lived to be 18 years old.

Congratulations Moe, on attaining such a wonderful elder status. It is clear that you have been well loved and well cared for to be in such good health.

How I wish I could scritch your ears, rub your tummy and plant a kiss right on the top of your head.

Could you please do it for me? :love::love::love:

11-03-2010, 12:59 PM
Happy Cat of the Day to you beautiful, amazing, marvelous Moe!!!:love: Like Gini, my heart too went straight to my throat when I saw your picture! You are the spitting image, the twin of my beloved Turkish, my boy Buddy, who left for the Bridge a few years ago. He lived to be 20 1/2!:) Oh, how many of life's markers and milestones you and your Mommy have shared over these many years; simply amazing! And how sweet of you to "tolerate" Bella!:p;) Yes, being the man in charge, the household's vigilant patroler and loyal protector is a weighty responsibility, a big job, but you sweetheart are clearly more than up to the job (provided you get in those coveted naps and some bathing time)!;):D How very, very blessed your Mommy is, having a beautiful best friend, a Cat of a Lifetime, in you!!!:)

It was an honor and pleasure meeting you today, Moe! I wish for you and Bella and your Mommy a very happy day, reveling in your exalted "top cat" status, and yes, many more wonderful years together! Love and cuddles to you on your much deserved day of honor, marvelous Moe!:love::love::love:

11-03-2010, 01:07 PM
Moe you are gorgeous!!! I'm in love!!! :love:

That is a wonderful picture of you!!! I hope you and your loving family are having an extra specially fun day today.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D:love:

11-03-2010, 01:45 PM
Moe you're wonderful!! 22 1/2 yrs old??!! :eek: that's incredible!!! No doubt your mom has taken such good care of you :)

Plus, you're so handsome :love: AND very wise, I mean medications can be nasty but you understand they're for your own good ;)

I hope you're having a great day and a proper celebration, you deserve it sweetie pie :cool::cool:

Happy COTD lovely Moe, it was a pleasure to meet you :love::love:

11-03-2010, 04:06 PM
Haha, Moe you are a funny story teller you old dude!:eek:;) You have earned the right to kvetch loudly when being administered that nasty medicine! It will keep you around for another 22 1/2 years I'm thinking!!
Well, do get your beauty sleep (although you really don't need it) and catch some rays for me! Whew, I feel soooo old now that Cat Daddy did the math;).
Happy COTD super handsome MOE:love::love:!

11-03-2010, 04:25 PM
HI Moe,

What a handsome fellow you are Moe.:love: It is a real pleasure to
meet you today & offer congratulations on your special day. You are
certaing deserving of the title CAT OF THE DAY sweetheart.:) As a
Senior kitty, you have earned the right to catch sun rays every chance
you get. Here's to many, many more sunny days for you sweetie.:)

11-03-2010, 04:41 PM
:love: WoW Moe your such a Very Handsome Young Gent.. Congrats on looking so good for your age & Congrats on Cat of the Day..

Meow Meow
11-03-2010, 05:15 PM
Hi Moe,

Aren't you just the handsome boy! :love: I know everyone is quoting about your age..:eek: but it is amazing you are 22.5 years old. What amazing memories you must hold with all the years you've been with your family! They obviously love you dearly and take the bestest care of you possible. :)

Take it easy on poor Bella, I know she might act like a spring chicken.. and maybe your a little jealous or annoyed of her, but she just wants the same thing you have in life.. to be loved by your humans. So give her some cuddle time too.

I think Moe if you could open your heart a bit to Bella you might find you actually like her being around. If you could find the courage to just snuggled up against Bella for your afternoon naps you might be surprised at how much you enjoy it... I'm just saying :rolleyes: It just might take you back a few years when you were a kitten.. snuggled up with your siblings with a nice warm belly of milk.. hee hee hee..

I wish you all the best Moe.. :love:

pets and kisses

Meow Meow

11-03-2010, 06:18 PM
Moe, you are a beautiful cat. Congrats on being cat of the day. You are pretty old, but I am sure that is how you gained tons of cat wisdom.....Sleeping in the sun, having nightime missions, protecting your Mom from that pesky Bella, you have learned a lot of your lifespan. You are looking good, Moe! The oldest kitty we had lived to 17 1/2 years, her name was Suzy and she was a Siamese. I wish you all the best, keep on shining! :love: Robin from KS

11-03-2010, 09:30 PM
Congrats to you Moe.....you are a very handsome fellow;) You look soooo good in your beautiful white fur coat lol :) your mom must give you so much love and take very good care of you too....My Buttons was COTD Oct 13...and he is 14 1/2 (he has twin bro Beau too) they also stay up at night and do Indy 500 lol lol...........look after your little sister Bella....wishing you lots and lots of lazy sunny days....:love:

11-03-2010, 10:32 PM
Thanks to you all for the wonderful correspondence and wishes as we celebrate a truly remarkable little life today. He's a walking miracle and I treasure each and every day he's with me. My life has been enriched in ways I can't even begin to describe by this beautiful creature who loves me unconditionally.
Kind regards to all from Moe's Mommy in Canoga Park, CA

11-06-2010, 02:59 PM
Wow...22.5 years old, and still going strong!
Moe - you are one lovely, strong, and funny boy!
I hope that everyday is COTD for you! :love: