View Full Version : Zoey!

Pinot's Mom
10-30-2010, 06:46 AM
Zoey, good morning to you, sweetheart! Well, it seems you're a therapy kitty in more ways than one. That is a wonderful calling! You look so adorable in your hat today! :)

I know you'll have a great COTD celebration today, honey, you enjoy! You're a very deserving recipient!:D

10-30-2010, 07:47 AM
Zoey, you are not only beautiful, but a very talented kitty - you've done so much good in your young life...much paw applause to you! It is a joy to meet you this morning and we congratulate you on being today's very special Cat of the Day!

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and all at http://www.cathappy.net

Please help: Abandoned/rescued pets needing homes across the country: http://www.hurricanepetsrescue.org/urgent.htm

Lost/Found pets: http://www.hurricanepetsrescue.org/lost.htm

10-30-2010, 08:08 AM
Zoey, now here is a cat who is deserving of the title of COTD, a working cat and a beauty, too. Wow! Your hat just makes you that much more special b/c you're into fashion as well and you're not all work and no play. Enjoy your day as COTD, pretty girl. :)

10-30-2010, 08:18 AM
Good morning, Zoey! I just had to open and read about the kitty in the stylish chapeau! That is some hat you are sporting, "dahling!"

You selected a very special work for yourself dear, being a therapy cat for your Poppa, and now visiting at nursing homes. But a gal like you never tires of hearing how beautiful she is!

I am so glad you sit with your mom and give her smiles, I bet that makes her smile right back at you! But hey, anyone would smile to gaze upon your loving face.

Have a fun filled weekend, Zoey, and enjoy this special honor at COTD!

10-30-2010, 09:03 AM
Zoey, What a pretty smart girl you are! It was a pleasure to read about you. That is just great that you were a "service cat". I am sure everyone looks forward to your visits as a therapy cat. You really have a full life, dont you? I can tell from the writeup that you are loved & have a wonderful home. I hope you have many more years together. Congrats on being COTD! Kay in NC

10-30-2010, 09:15 AM
Good morning pretty Zoey! Im sorry :(about your Dad. I was touched by you being such a sweet service cat to him and the elderly! Well, I guess there was a little mix up in the breeding process when you were conceived..but in my opinion the breeder COULD NOT have bred a more beautiful cat!:love::;):love: Happy COTD sweet one, you look marvelous in that hat! LOVE IT!


10-30-2010, 09:30 AM
Good morning precious Zoey! Happy Cat of the Day to you, beautiful girl!:) How sweet and lovely you look in your adorable hat, and your expression, so angelic!:love: I admit I got a little teary reading your Mommy's loving words, her touching tribute to her best girl. As has been said, what amazing wonders you have worked in your young life. God definitely had a very special job in mind for you, bringing so much joy, love and happiness to so many, especially those in need. I'm so very sorry to hear of the passing of your Daddy.:( How blessed he was to have had you there by his side during his challenging times; not only assisting him with his activities of daily life, but bringing so much comfort to his days with your unwavering devotion and quiet, unconditional love. And though he may be in heaven now, awaiting that happy day of reunion, his spirit lives on through you, bringing your Mommy much solace, I'm sure!:love: What an honor it was meeting you today, Zoey! You were truly heaven sent, and a very special and most deserving, honoree! Enjoy your special day, sweetheart, celebrating with your proud mom, and all of your adoring fans and friends in the neighborhood!:) Love, cuddles and kisses to you, beautiful Zoey girl!:love::love::love:

10-30-2010, 09:33 AM
Dear Friend,
First of all, I want to tell you how sorry I am to hear of your husband's passing. Zoey, and you, obviously, made his final days more tolerable. I'm in a situation where I am waiting for the end, although I believe a miracle is coming. Even if it wasn't, I know the feeling of looking ahead and not knowing how much remains. It truly helps to have a loving spouse and pets. Your husband was very blessed to have you and sweet, little Zoey.
Zoey's a very pretty kitty. I'll be the first one to say I'm not familiar with all the Siamese sub-breeds (is that the right word?) although I have had two, a Bluepoint named "Smokey", AKA "The Kitty Bear", and a Chocolate Point named "Prissy", AKA "Small Kitty" and "The Small". Smokey lived to be about 14 and Prissy, a really small kitty, lived to be 17. Both were inside kitties all their lives. It's been proven indoor kitties just plain live longer.
Thank you for sharing Zoey, and a part of your life with us, my friend. May the Lord richly bless and keep you all the days of your life and may Zoey be with you for many, many days to come. May your days be sunny and warm and your nights restful and restorative. And may you some day find love once again, if that is your desire. Remarrying after the loss of a spouse does nothing to hurt what you had before. The Lord Himself said it wasn't good for man to be alone...
Take care and may you be happy and healthy, always,
Jim Grayson
Lexington, Kentucky

10-30-2010, 09:49 AM
We too would like to pass on condolences an your loss.
Your husband was a fine gentleman , and Zoey sebnsed this and that is why they were so close.
We know that Your Husband is with Our Awesome Angels Army as a Mentor and Guardian and has so many Animals around him, sharing their love.
Zoey knows that your Husbands spirit is still in your home, and she can sense his prescence, and that is why she still looks for Cheerios in the morning.
Love that strong will truly never die.
One Fine Day.

10-30-2010, 01:16 PM
Zoey what a darling beauty you are!!! :love:

I see your sweet smile in your pictures!!! You look so fetching in your hat. I'm sure you wow the seniors you visit if you wear it. Your bed looks comfy too. Purple is a good color for you. I hope you and your loving mommy are enjoying your day together. I wouldn't be surprised if your pawpaw still has Cheerieos in heaven when you have yours here.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D:love:

10-30-2010, 02:26 PM
Dear Zoey, my heart was touched with the beautiful story your mommy wrote and my eyes are teary picturing you with your Cheerios every morning remembering daddy, I'm sure he smiles at you in heaven when you do that :)

As Pinot's Mom said, what a beautiful calling you have by being a therapy kitty, I'm sure you bless all the seniors you visit with your sweetness and your lovely smile :love:

Happy COTD gorgeous Zoey, it was a pleasure to meet you!
Love and kisses:love::love:

10-30-2010, 03:55 PM
Hello Zoey,

You are very beautiful sweet Zoey.:love: I love the picture with your
stylish hat. Congratulations on being honored today as our CAT OF THE DAY.
I hope you continue bringing joy & comfort to those who meet you.:)

Pet lover 46
10-30-2010, 07:03 PM
Thank you so much for sharing Zoey's story with us today! What a beautiful kitty - and with such a fine character!

I am sorry for your loss these past years and cannot help but think your husband looks in on you and Zoey when the Cheerios are being served. Again, thank you for sharing.

10-30-2010, 09:54 PM
Zoey, there have been many, many, deserving COTDs, but you are one of the most special, EVER! What a beautiful, caring, smart kitty girl you are. Many hoomans could take a lesson on loving others from beautiful Zoey.:love:

10-31-2010, 11:37 AM
What a lovely girl you are...I'm glad that you got away from that breeder - who's only out for money - into a loving home! :love:
Your pics are so cute...you are a sweet, smart kitty!
Enjoy your COTD Zoey, and keep on making people around you smile! :)

10-31-2010, 06:33 PM
Precious Zoey, therapy kitty! How nice you look in your purple bed! I bet you bring smiles to many people when they see you. I hope you had a wonderful day of celebrating as Cat of the Day!

10-31-2010, 11:09 PM
Beautiful Zoey! How fortunate for your family that the breeder didn't want a Lynx Point Siamese! I don't understand how anyone couldn't want you...you're gorgeous! What a wonderful kitty you are to act as a service "dog" for your human dad. You must have made his days more comfortable and I'm sure you made him smile as you sat together. How sadly sweet that you still look for your Cheerios in the morning :(

I love that you smile (I understand because I have a kitty who smiles, too), and that you go around town in your pink stroller. You must bring joy to the residents of the nursing homes when you visit, too. You're quite the kitty!

:love: Congratulations on being our special service Cat of the Day, Zoey!
I hope the honor brought a smile to your face! :love: