View Full Version : Smart Bird

10-27-2002, 07:22 PM
I'm REALLY stressed right now (crate training my new foster dog and she is fighting it with all she has in her little body)... so I thought I'd tell you guys the story of this little bird I met at lunch today.

I went to Sonic to eat.. if you're not familiar with the restaurant, its a drive-in and they bring the food out to your car. When I was ordering, I saw a little bird (crow maybe?) come and sit outside my car window and look up at me. He was really cute. I felt bad for him cause it looked like one of his feet was backwards :confused: When the waitress came out to give me my food, he flew away. I didn't think much of it because there are a lot of birds around there.

I got a phone call and was turned to the side for awhile talking. Then I faced the front, and who was there looking at me ??? The same bird! He was on the hood of my car staring at me through the windshield. I decided to eat my food there because I didn't want to disturb him. He seemed quite content sitting there looking at me. I quickly began to lose my appetite though as I watched the bird. His poor foot was making me sad and I started feeling bad for all the birds who don't have anyone to take care of them. I was feeling soooooooooo bad that I put my food down. The bird still sat there watching me. THEN it dawned on me.. duuuuh! I thought he had been sitting there because he wanted companionship sooo bad. But I realized I'm at a FOOD place and he probably just wants my food!!! I rolled down my window and he tilted his head expectantly. I scraped the mayo and lettuce off the bun of my burger and threw it out there. He attacked it and ate happily.

Silly me. That bird has that routine down pretty good. I gave him the rest of my bun and watched him eat it all then fly away :) :D

10-27-2002, 07:42 PM
:D That birdie got a great lunch today!!

I know what you mean about the stress of crate-training 'cause we are dealing with some of the same issues over here. I'm hoping it all will work out in the end, and I hope the same for you!

10-27-2002, 08:16 PM
LOL! What a smart little birdie! He really knew that his making a pitiful look would earn him his dinner! LOL! These birds really know what to do to get their meals! LOL! LOL!

10-27-2002, 08:45 PM
Thats a sweet story! How is your head doing since your slip at work? Are all the dogs still getting along good?

10-27-2002, 08:48 PM
My head is slowly getting better. The scrape on my cheek is a nice reminder of what a klutz I am :D

The dogs are getting along but my foster is pretty sick :(