View Full Version : I am a bad kitty mommy....

10-26-2010, 07:45 AM
I fell asleep in front of the television last night and wandered back to bed at some point. Apparently I did not fill the kitty bowls with dry food like I usually do before bed. This morning I opened a new bag of cat food and you would have thought they hadn't eaten for days! Meow, meow, meow, MEOW, MEOW, ! I confess my negligence. Please do not report me to the authorities. :(

10-26-2010, 07:52 AM
Groucho the Lawyer is away with the Catmobile contingent for a few more days and I won't breathe a word of this. Let's hope your furcrew doesn't have his cell phone number.

10-26-2010, 08:05 AM
You mean they allowed you to sleep through the night?! Wow, you are one LUCKY cat mom, he hee.

If I don't fill the dishes enough for overnight, along about 4 AM they are all on the bed, jumping on me, knocking things off the night tables, patting my face and nibbling my wrists.

As I tell mine: you WILL live. They sure can make a fuss, can't they!

10-26-2010, 09:38 AM
You mean they allowed you to sleep through the night?! Wow, you are one LUCKY cat mom, he hee.

If I don't fill the dishes enough for overnight, along about 4 AM they are all on the bed, jumping on me...

same here! you read my mind! Sophie would have meowed and patted on my NOSE at 4 AM... lucky you:D

10-26-2010, 09:45 AM
I do that some times as well, as I find that if food stays too long in the bowl, taht the Found Cats will not eat it at all:confused:
You are not a Bad Cat Meeowmie , just a little forgetful as we all can be!!!:confused:

10-26-2010, 09:49 AM
You mean they allowed you to sleep through the night?! Wow, you are one LUCKY cat mom, he hee.

If I don't fill the dishes enough for overnight, along about 4 AM they are all on the bed, jumping on me, knocking things off the night tables, patting my face and nibbling my wrists.

As I tell mine: you WILL live. They sure can make a fuss, can't they!

I'm with Freedom! 4 AM: "Mrreoww..." Translation: "Wake up, Meowm! I need fresh food in my dish NOW! You know my breakfast requirements: first half before sunrise, second half when you eat your breakfast. You are mere human, I am Cat and I'm in charge here." :rolleyes: And I willingly comply...

P.S. Happylabs, now that their tummies are full could you please give them some scritchies and hugs from me?

Laura's Babies
10-26-2010, 11:11 AM
I can't believe they didn't let you know you forgot to feed them all night long!! Mine would have screamed at me until I got up and fed them!

10-26-2010, 01:47 PM
My Taz would have been waking me up at 4am also. But Paizly is such a quiet girl, she just deals with it until I get up and feed her. Jax ALWAYS has food in his dish in his room. Because when he is out of his room he eats all of Paizly's!!:eek:

10-26-2010, 02:06 PM
Groucho the Lawyer is away with the Catmobile contingent for a few more days and I won't breathe a word of this. Let's hope your furcrew doesn't have his cell phone number.

You mean they allowed you to sleep through the night?! Wow, you are one LUCKY cat mom, he hee.

If I don't fill the dishes enough for overnight, along about 4 AM they are all on the bed, jumping on me, knocking things off the night tables, patting my face and nibbling my wrists.

As I tell mine: you WILL live. They sure can make a fuss, can't they!

I'm with Freedom! 4 AM: "Mrreoww..." Translation: "Wake up, Meowm! I need fresh food in my dish NOW! You know my breakfast requirements: first half before sunrise, second half when you eat your breakfast. You are mere human, I am Cat and I'm in charge here." :rolleyes: And I willingly comply...

P.S. Happylabs, now that their tummies are full could you please give them some scritchies and hugs from me?

My Taz would have been waking me up at 4am also. But Paizly is such a quiet girl, she just deals with it until I get up and feed her. Jax ALWAYS has food in his dish in his room. Because when he is out of his room he eats all of Paizly's!!:eek:

Whew! Amen. I am glad Groucho is away.

I am surprised as well that they did not wake me up. Buddy is usually the one to do that. I think the other two wait for him to tell me.

They always get excited when I open a new fresh bag of cat food. I think now that I am down to 3 cats, the bag doesn't go down as fast as the food may not be as fresh. I just got a new container to hold the big bag of food with a snap on lid so hopefully the food will stay fresher for them. :love:

Extra scritches and hugs around for them all. :love: :) :love:

10-26-2010, 02:11 PM
Dear Auntie Happylabs,

This is for you!



10-26-2010, 03:00 PM
LOL! You're not alone, I forgot to fill Fister's two bowls the other night before I went to sleep. Fister let me sleep for about an hour, but then he started racing around in despair and meowing like crazy. I thought I'd better get up and see what was happening - I mean, it sounded like the house was on fire!

Immediately he guided me to the kitchen and what did I see!! Almost empty food bowls! :eek:

Oh dear, they certainly know how to get our attention!!

How lucky Groucho is away! :D

10-26-2010, 03:40 PM

10-26-2010, 03:41 PM
LOL! You're not alone, I forgot to fill Fister's two bowls the other night before I went to sleep. Fister let me sleep for about an hour, but then he started racing around in despair and meowing like crazy. I thought I'd better get up and see what was happening - I mean, it sounded like the house was on fire!

Immediately he guided me to the kitchen and what did I see!! Almost empty food bowls! :eek:

Oh dear, they certainly know how to get our attention!!

How lucky Groucho is away! :D

Cassie guides me to the kitchen too!! :love: