View Full Version : Princess & Duchess Pictures

10-26-2010, 12:00 AM
These first two are for comparison.

Princess before getting the medicine the vet prescribed for her:

Princess after taking all her medicine:

Princess now weighs about 8.6 pounds, when before taking medicine she weighed only 6. Earlier she weighed more than Duchess, whom she had always been lighter than. Duchess weighs about 9.2 pounds.



Princess standing up for a Temptation treat



Duchess licking my hand, probably because it tasted like treats


Duchess standing up for a Temptation treat

That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed seeing the Royal Kitties!

10-26-2010, 01:34 AM
Wow! She does look so much healthier now.:) I hope that she'll continue to remain well. What kind of medicine is she taking and what was wrong with her?

10-26-2010, 07:37 AM
She is not taking medicine anymore, and I don't really know what kind it was. It was pink, is all I know. I don't know exactly what was wrong either. She was just really skinny and her fur was thin, as well. Also she didn't seem interested in eating very much.

10-26-2010, 08:34 AM
Aw, such sweet little faces.

smokey the elder
10-26-2010, 09:06 AM
Gorgeous kitties! If it was pink and smelled like bubble gum, it was probably amoxycillin. She might have had upper respiratory infection, which messes with their appetite because kitties can't smell their food.

10-26-2010, 09:50 AM
Your Princess looks 110% better after her medications!!!:love::love:
What was her problem , and what did your Vet prescribe , if we could ask:):)
Michael 19 takes Rantidine, Sulcrate Suspenios and Feline Fish Oil for his kidney problems.:love::love:
We are so glad that Princess is doing so much better.
She is such a special Cat:love::love:

10-26-2010, 09:54 AM
Hello, gorgeous Royal Kitties! You are very beautiful! Princess, you look so much better in your "after" photo! I love to see photos of you two! (((HUGS)))

Laura's Babies
10-26-2010, 11:26 AM
What beauties they both are... and you get to admire them EVERY day!

10-26-2010, 01:24 PM
Gorgeous kitties! If it was pink and smelled like bubble gum, it was probably amoxycillin. She might have had upper respiratory infection, which messes with their appetite because kitties can't smell their food.

Now that you mentioned it, that DOES sound like what the medicine was called. I gave it to her in a syringe every morning before feeding her.

10-26-2010, 01:25 PM
Thank you all for your comments! :):D

10-26-2010, 02:07 PM
Hello Ladies! Your mom doesn't share you with us nearly enough. We need our Royalty fix, lol!

Aw Princess must be feeling so much better!

10-26-2010, 03:35 PM
I will try to share the Royal Kitties with you more often. :) You probably don't know much about their purrsonalities, so I will add a bit about that.

Princess has a rather quiet meow, compared to Duchess'. Every morning they meow to be fed. They are usually out in the garage in the morning, and when Duchess is meowing, you can hear her from almost anywhere in the house! Duchess also has a loud purr. She is very friendly with people she knows. If she knows you, she will come and plop down right near you wherever you are sitting and roll onto her back, purring and purring. But when strangers come she usually hides. Princess is mostly okay with strangers, but she doesn't seem as interested in being petted, and she hardly ever purrs. What she likes is to look out the window when it is open. Princess and Duchess don't seem to like each other much. Many times when they pass each other, one will bat at the other, and sometimes they chase each other around the house, get into fights, and leave fur all over the floor. They each have their favorite spot in the house. Duchess' is on the litterbox, and Princess' is on the scratching post, which is right next to the litterbox, and also near the glass back door, so she can see outside from there. But sometimes, they do rest close to each other, though I have never seen them cuddling.

Princess used to go outside on her harness, and she liked it, but she doesn't much anymore because she would bring fleas into the house. Once I took her to the park. When she was in the car, she seemed upset, but when we got there, she enjoyed exploring the park. When it was time to go and I put her back in the car, she jumped out again. Duchess, on the other hand, hates the harness and going outside. When I was putting the harness on her once, she had her ears back. When I got it on and took her outside, she wiggled right out of the harness and went straight to the front door, where she meowed to be let back inside. When I opened the door, in she ran.

Princess and Duchess can be naughty sometimes. Once I was doing the dishes, and a movie was playing on the TV. I finished loading the dishwasher, but forgot about a white dish of corn on the table. When I got back after the movie was over, there were Princess and Duchess on the table, helping themselves to the corn! When they saw me, they jumped off and ran away.

There, I think that is enough for now. I hope that wasn't too long!

10-26-2010, 04:10 PM
Oh, doesn't she look just great now!

They both look great, in fact..