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10-24-2010, 04:34 PM
I would like to introduce CHRISTOFUR (yes, spelled like that)...

He's six months old, has a more severe case of Cerebellar Hypoplasia than Bob or Elmer.. - he cannot stand, needs help to eat and poo..

BUT (since I've been asked what kind of quality of life is that) he is able to skootch around somewhat, and he LOOOOOOVES his food! :love::love::love:, and he PURRS when I pick him up!

He was on the road for some 24 hours to bring him to me from western Michigan, and he arrived yesterday afternoon.

Here he is shortly after his arrival.. boy, was he POOPED!

Here are a couple of pictures after he had a nap for a few hours and then some dinner (NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!!):

He's having a couple of days for him to settle in and get used to his new digs (and me to get used to caring for him).. then he'll see the vet and get a thorough workup to figure out just what is going on with him and what his prospects are.

So far, so good!

10-24-2010, 05:00 PM
God bless you CHRISTOFUR.:) You are a very handsome boy.:)

10-24-2010, 05:21 PM
He is adorable :love:

Has he met any of the others yet?

10-24-2010, 05:42 PM
What a Great Big Owesome Orangie Christophur is , and he ceratinly looks quite a bit with a very Young Michael!!
How wonder for you to adot this very special little Cat!!!
You truly have a Big Heart!!!
All the Found Cats , Porch Cats and Angels are sending Hugs and Kisses!!!

10-24-2010, 05:56 PM
Congrats!!!:) He's adorable and I hope he'll thrive in his new home.:)

10-24-2010, 06:25 PM
He is adorable :love:

Has he met any of the others yet?

Well, he's living in the bathtub (with lots of bedding) so far. When I'm home I leave the bathroom door open. The others have taken a look from time to time, but they don't seem to perceive him as a (territory-threatening) cat.. It's more like, oh something else weird Mom has brought home ;).

10-24-2010, 06:48 PM
Maybe he would benefit from a little cart to get around - I know it's too soon to tell, and you will know more after the vet visit. But welcome to Pet Talk, Christofur!

10-24-2010, 06:54 PM
What a gorgeous boy! I hope his vet visit goes well, and that maybe he will become just a bit more able as he grows.

Bless you for taking him in!

10-24-2010, 07:06 PM
Oh my goodness! Hello, Christofur, sweet orange kitty! You are beautiful!
I will be interested to see what the vet recommends, and I know you are in very capable hands with your new meowmie! Kisses to you, precious kitty Christofur!

Laura's Babies
10-24-2010, 07:20 PM
OMG!! I have got LES SO bad!! He is SO darn cute and I know what it will mean to his life that you took him in!! I am so touched by this... you know what CH kitties mean to me and I know what kind of life he would have had without you...

I don't know if you watched this when I posted it before and I realize paralyzed is a whole different thing from CH... but there could be a thing or two in there that can help you figure out some ways to better take care of him..


Do you think he can't get around because he lived in a cage all his life or what? Queenscoopalot (Jan) taught one she had to walk by making a sling out of a T-shirt I think it was and helped hers learn to walk some like that.. If Christfour has been caged all his life, he will need to build up strength in his muscles to support himself and learn how to walk.

(That is one reason why I could never board Amy somewhere, where she would have to stay in a cage 24/7. I know she would loose her ability to walk if she couldn't get up and move around)

What kind of history does he have or do you know?

10-24-2010, 07:23 PM
Hello Christofur! Welcome to a PT home!

10-24-2010, 07:24 PM
Oh Pat, bless you for caring for this sweet boy. He's so handsome, too. I always say that it's amazing what good vet care and lots of TLC can do. I'm sure he'll fit right in and be as happy as can be. :love:

10-24-2010, 07:53 PM
Best of luck with this new little darling!! What a sweet face he has. :love:

10-24-2010, 11:04 PM
Thud!!! Where was the cuteness warning? What an adorable widdle boy, Christofur is!:love:

10-25-2010, 06:53 PM
Oh, what a precious orangey. You are so sweet to take him in.

10-25-2010, 07:31 PM
Christofur is adorable! And I love the spelling of his name. Prayers are being prayed that all goes well with the vet. He's one lucky little kitty to have you to love him and care for him.

Thank you and bless you for taking this special little guy into your loving care. If he's up to it, would you give him some lovies from me?

10-26-2010, 02:30 PM
Yesterday I took Christofur to the vet to be checked over. The vet found that while his eyes respond to light, he doesn't seem to process what he sees. She threw some cotton balls down in front of him, which would have most cats in "CHARGE!" mode, but he didn't seem even to notice them.

The same thing with his hearing: If I whistle or snap my fingers or make some noise, he doesn't seem to hear.

He's still the same little lovebug, though! And I learned something else about him last evening: He LOOOOOOOOOOVES catnip!!!!! :love::love::love::love::love:


10-26-2010, 02:33 PM
What a cute cute baby he is.
Welcome to Pettalk little Christofur- we hope that the TLC you are getting now is helping you to feel better- but you seem to be just fine which is one of the things why kitties are so amazing.

10-26-2010, 04:21 PM
Yesterday I took Christofur to the vet to be checked over. The vet found that while his eyes respond to light, he doesn't seem to process what he sees. She threw some cotton balls down in front of him, which would have most cats in "CHARGE!" mode, but he didn't seem even to notice them.

The same thing with his hearing: If I whistle or snap my fingers or make some noise, he doesn't seem to hear.

He's still the same little lovebug, though! And I learned something else about him last evening: He LOOOOOOOOOOVES catnip!!!!! :love::love::love::love::love:


Creamsicle was like that in the beginning; she couldn't seem to focus on anything and my old vet determined that her peripheral vision is bad plus she's deaf. I know that your CH babies have more severe cases than my Creamsicle and they've adapted well so I'm sure that Christofur will, too. :love:

10-26-2010, 05:12 PM
But he has trouble with his legs, too, right? So even if he wanted to pounce on the cotton balls, could he?

Sweet Christofur, I know you will have the best of care with your loving meowmie! ***kisses***

10-26-2010, 06:44 PM
Creamsicle was like that in the beginning; she couldn't seem to focus on anything and my old vet determined that her peripheral vision is bad plus she's deaf. I know that your CH babies have more severe cases than my Creamsicle and they've adapted well so I'm sure that Christofur will, too. :love:

The vet was afraid that something progressive is going on and thought his prospects might not be all that great. But, as I told her, "He's happy and comfortable, and he can keep on being happy and comfortable with me as long as he wants." She thought that was a good way to look at it all.

10-26-2010, 07:29 PM
The vet was afraid that something progressive is going on and thought his prospects might not be all that great. But, as I told her, "He's happy and comfortable, and he can keep on being happy and comfortable with me as long as he wants." She thought that was a good way to look at it all.

Good for you, Phesina! Hang in there Christofur, you are in a good place now, this just may be what you need to feel better baby boy!

10-26-2010, 08:43 PM
But he has trouble with his legs, too, right? So even if he wanted to pounce on the cotton balls, could he?

Sweet Christofur, I know you will have the best of care with your loving meowmie! ***kisses***

He doesn't have much use of his legs so he couldn't pounce on the cotton balls, but he could at least lunge toward them or somehow express an interest. He didn't even seem to notice them dropping by him.

10-27-2010, 12:41 PM
:love: WoW how did I miss this Precious Baby's Intro Thread.. Pat he is just such a Cutie Pie for sure.. Oh I just wants to Huggss & Cuddless Him.. Well for one sounds like he is fixed eyed.. For two maybe his brain is just not quick on sending out reaction sensers.. However Many Congrats On Taking This SweetHeart Home Into Your Loving Home & Heart.. Mmm my babies may need to send another kitty bed & treats for this baby..

He doesn't have much use of his legs so he couldn't pounce on the cotton balls, but he could at least lunge toward them or somehow express an interest. He didn't even seem to notice them dropping by him.

10-27-2010, 02:20 PM
Not to pick on the vet...but Christofur may have noticed the cotton balls a bit more if they were bright red, or even a dark colour. If I recall correctly, cats are pretty much colour blind except for red and one other colour (green?).

Also, omega 3 oils apparently do good things for the nerves, as in the actual physical nerves in the nervous system. I wonder about adding some to Christofur's diet since he is still growing?

Wishing that cute wittle boy a long and happy life!:love::)

10-27-2010, 03:08 PM
He doesn't have much use of his legs so he couldn't pounce on the cotton balls, but he could at least lunge toward them or somehow express an interest. He didn't even seem to notice them dropping by him.

Oh, boy. Time will tell. I'll keep praying. Please give ALL your kitties some kisses and snuggles from me!

10-27-2010, 04:15 PM
:) Yes your so right Candace.. I did not think of that.. Well I had to come back & see Mr. Cutie Sweetie Pie again.. Huggss & Cuddles..

Not to pick on the vet...but Christofur may have noticed the cotton balls a bit more if they were bright red, or even a dark colour. If I recall correctly, cats are pretty much colour blind except for red and one other colour (green?).

Also, omega 3 oils apparently do good things for the nerves, as in the actual physical nerves in the nervous system. I wonder about adding some to Christofur's diet since he is still growing?

Wishing that cute wittle boy a long and happy life!:love::)

10-27-2010, 07:12 PM
He had a seizure late this afternoon. We are going to see the vet tomorrow.

10-27-2010, 10:37 PM
Prayer thread here in Cat Health: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=164151

10-28-2010, 01:16 AM
Praying for Christofur!:love:

10-28-2010, 07:28 AM
Praying hard for your new baby...thank you for taking him in.


Laura's Babies
10-28-2010, 07:53 AM
Some CH'ers do have seizures. Dr, Gott that sees Amy a lot has a friend that has has a CH kitty that sounds to have the same level of CH that Christofur has and he has seizures. Dr. Gott always asks me tons of questions about Amy whenever he sees her, just gathering infromation to better educate himself on CH and the different levels of it and possiably find out something that can help his friend.

I would just love that baby to pieces as much and as hard as I could so he would know he is loved and give him the best quality life he could have.

Prairie Purrs
10-28-2010, 08:20 AM
This sweet boy is lucky to be in your hands. I hope his CH is manageable and that he can adapt over time. And that the seizures don't continue.

10-28-2010, 08:43 AM
Thank you so much for the good wishes and prayers.

I will write more after we see the vet. I was told he has had seizures before but had not seen one yet.

10-28-2010, 08:44 AM
What a sweet boy! He is so lucky to have found you. :) I hope he'll get better and be able to use see properly and use his legs more with time.

Sending lots of positive thoughts - please give him some kisses from me. :love:

10-28-2010, 12:35 PM
:love: Now Remember Pat Our Baby Taccoa has Siezures too.. Meowmom is always with her thru them.. She is on Phenobarb..

Lots of Huggss & Prayers being sent from TX.. Hope All Turns Out Good At The Vets.. Keep us posted ok..

Thank you so much for the good wishes and prayers.

I will write more after we see the vet. I was told he has had seizures before but had not seen one yet.

10-28-2010, 02:45 PM
Christofur is on Phenobarb too.. His previous person had been giving him some for about a week before he came to me.. before that he had no medication (that I know of; I've asked her for all his previous records, but she still hasn't come through with them). When my vet examined him on Monday she said he'd been getting 4 TIMES THE PROPER DOSE! So we are now giving him what he should get.

He's getting used to the new med level plus a completely new environment and way of life for the first time since he was born! This level of stress would easily add to the likelihood of triggering a seizure.

The vet now wants me to track any seizures he should have starting from yesterday's.. date, time, and duration. We will do our best to eliminate them completely but she said that's very hard to do.. we'll work to reduce them as much as possible.

10-28-2010, 05:51 PM
Christofur is on Phenobarb too.. His previous person had been giving him some for about a week before he came to me.. before that he had no medication (that I know of; I've asked her for all his previous records, but she still hasn't come through with them). When my vet examined him on Monday she said he'd been getting 4 TIMES THE PROPER DOSE! So we are now giving him what he should get.

He's getting used to the new med level plus a completely new environment and way of life for the first time since he was born! This level of stress would easily add to the likelihood of triggering a seizure.

The vet now wants me to track any seizures he should have starting from yesterday's.. date, time, and duration. We will do our best to eliminate them completely but she said that's very hard to do.. we'll work to reduce them as much as possible.

Big, big prayers for this sweet orange tabby kitty. Meowmie, could you please give him a snuggle for me?

10-28-2010, 06:48 PM
I'm holding him in my arm as I write.. he's all wrapped up in a soft, snuggly blanket, and resting happily. More snuggles delivered!

10-29-2010, 07:56 AM
I'm praying hard for your little baby and for you as well.


10-29-2010, 12:16 PM
Thank you, Melissa, from both of us. Christofur is keeping on comfortably and happily with no further seizures.

10-29-2010, 12:21 PM
:love: Thats Very Great News.. Rest comfy wittle Preious Boy.. Huggss & Prayers..

Thank you, Melissa, from both of us. Christofur is keeping on comfortably and happily with no further seizures.

10-29-2010, 12:26 PM
Sending love to Christofur *kiss*kiss*kiss*:love:

10-29-2010, 07:36 PM
Right now I've got him on my lap.. He's wrapped in a nice warm towel and purring away!