View Full Version : Remember me? (update: more bathroom news)

10-21-2010, 07:54 AM
I know, it's been a while... :o

Would like to post more, but I haven't much to tell lately. Here's an update:

I'm still at home, still on sick leave. My back is better after the surgery, but I'm still dealing with the effects of my various diseases (Hashimoto's, etc.), fatigue, depression, exhaustion and the lack of energy is the worst of all. There are many days when it's almost impossible to function at all, and I cannot see any perspectives for my future life, especially when it comes to ever get a job again. I will try to apply for a disability pension, but of course it's up to the authorities to decide. Whatever they'll decide, I'm facing a life in poverty, so there's not much to look forward to. I'm trying not to think about it all the time, but it's getting harder.

The exhaustion and inability to do anything leads to loneliness, I'm spending most of my days on my own. I never minded being alone, but lately, it's getting harder to bear. Of course there are Luna and Lily, and I can still talk to my friends on the phone, but I'm missing someone to hang out with, like I used to do when I was younger. Seems these things aren't possible these days since my friends live far away. On the other hand, it makes me tired and dizzy being around people, and it's getting worse.

Another thing that's weighing heavy on my mind is the fact that my bathroom needs to be retiled. Work will probably start next week, and I was told it would require one or two weeks of work... It's gonna be a real challenge to have all this mess and the dirt here, and the workers being here from 8 am till 8 pm... I will have no privacy at all! And I'll need to look after Luna and Lily all the time, keeping them out of the danger zone... I'm not looking forward to this at all! But there's no other choice, the old tiles (really ugly tiles from the 70s) are broken and some of them are falling off the walls now, and the worst thing is that the entire area around my tub is soaking wet, there were actually mushrooms growing between the tiles, I was so freaky! So this really needs to be done, but I'm not looking forward to the process at all!

I will keep you updated!


10-21-2010, 08:15 AM
Hi Kirsten! Thanks for the update. Don't worry about being alone, you have PT! I can also feel for you trying to cope with a group of illnesses at one time. I have atrial fibrillation ( a heart condition), diabetes, essential tremors (a form of Parkinson's), and sleep apnea. I'm doing well in my assisted living facility here in Pennsylvania. I hope to hear some more posts from you, Kirsten!

10-21-2010, 08:27 AM
Hi Kirsten!

I see your photos on your FB account now and then, and I hadn't realized you have not been posting on PT for a bit. Oops!

I am sorry you are "down in the dumps." Chronic illness is very tough, and depression is common. I wish there were some way I could come visit you regularly!

Part of it too, at least for me, when I don't feel well I want someone around to do the little things, "just get me a cuppa, please?" You know, so it magnifies the being alone time.

The bathroom job, yes it does sound as it HAS to be done, and you WILL enjoy it! The best thing is, you KNOW the work / mess / noise will END, it is not a forever thing. Hold on to that thought, lol. Can you put the kitties in your bedroom for the 2 weeks? Move their food and water dishes, and litter box in there? Oh and few toys as well.

I've done a few projects here at my home, and the safety of the cats has always been a priority, I make it clear to the workers, "If you see a cat, stop and CALL ME, I do NOT want them getting out or getting hurt." The guys have been understanding. I had to keep the cats in the cellar for the 2 weeks of redoing the floors here. They weren't happy about it, but they were safe, had all they needed. And I knew they were safe and it was for their best interests. So funny to see them come up the morning after all the work was done. Noses twitching this way and that, cautious slow steps, you could get a lot of fun photos at that point!

Sending you cyber hugs!

10-21-2010, 09:05 AM
Kirsten, I'm sorry you're feeling down in the dumps. :( It WILL get better! :)

I sent you a PM.


10-21-2010, 10:43 AM
We have missed you, glad you are back posting, even if it isn't great news. We are sorry you are feeling lonely, we are here for you! If we could be closer, we would, promise!

Do you at least get to pick pretty tiles for the new bathroom? That would be something positive to focus on, and the chance for a nice long soak in the renewed bathroom ... And chance you and the girls could visit your parents or someone while the work is being done, so it's less stressful for them and you, or do you need to be there while they work?

10-21-2010, 11:14 AM
Hi Kirsten!

Glad to see a post from you. . .putting out prayers that your health will improve and you will start feeling better about things VERY soon.

Just wanted to share that I had my bathroom retiled this past week (just the tub area, the rest of the bathroom is painted) and although it was a bit inconvenient, it is now BEAUTIFUL and I can't wait to get in there and repaint etc. You will feel rejuvenated. One of the walls was wet as well because whoever tiled before didn't do such a great job, but now we know that our bathroom is well finished and we can enjoy how lovely the new tiles look. . .you will too! Hopefully it won't take them as long as they expect. . .

Much love :love:
Cathy and the FLock

10-21-2010, 12:27 PM
Thanks for your comments everyone, and your support!

David, I'm sorry you have to deal all these things, but I'm glad you found a good place to live, where you're feeling comfortable!

The bathroom job, yes it does sound as it HAS to be done, and you WILL enjoy it! The best thing is, you KNOW the work / mess / noise will END, it is not a forever thing. Hold on to that thought, lol.

Yes, I will try to keep that in mind. And yes, it really needs to be done, there is no other way. My landlord and I put this off for far too long, but the mushrooms were such an eye opener, it's so scary when you find these things growing over night! Yuck! Hopefully they don't have to remove too much of the tub's surroundings, that way, it would take much longer. And it will suck not to have a tub for such a long time!

Yes, I will keep the kitties in the living room or bed room most of the time, and I will also spend my days there, being with them. Their safety is the most important thing during the entire procedure!

Do you at least get to pick pretty tiles for the new bathroom? That would be something positive to focus on, and the chance for a nice long soak in the renewed bathroom ..

Unfortunately not. I have to accept the cheapest offer, some cream-colored tiles. They wouldn't have been my choice, but after all, they are not so bad - and much better than the ones I have (beige and brown with an ugly pattern from the 70s)! I will add some color and decoration to the room, and I'm already building some new bathroom furniture. I think it will look nice in the end. :)

One of the walls was wet as well because whoever tiled before didn't do such a great job, but now we know that our bathroom is well finished and we can enjoy how lovely the new tiles look.

Same here. They once built my tub on wood (which they covered with tiles :eek:), and now with the old, broken tiles, the wood got soaking wet, that way the mushrooms could grow. The entire wood construction needs to be removed and replaced by something else, and I hope that - once the tub and wood construction are removed - it won't turn out that the stone walls are wet, too. Don't even want to think about what that means!

I envy you for having it done already. Painting and decorating will be fun! :)

10-21-2010, 12:31 PM
Oooh, but cream colored tiles will just be the perfect background to paint little designs on when they're done! If you use acrylic paint, the landlord can always peel it off if needed some day, or it can be scraped off easily ...

10-21-2010, 12:33 PM
I remember both you and your beautiful photos. I'm sorry to learn you're not doing well. The new tiles is a good thing. Do you know you might have mold behind them? That can affect your health. I know it will be very stressful. Is there one room where you and the kitties can stay? You could come out when needed and it would cut down the stress on the kitties. Even though your friends are far away, could they ever visit? Do they know how you're doing now? I'm sure they'd be there for you if they knew. I'm really sorry things are so bleak. I hope your life gets some sunshine soon.

10-21-2010, 12:35 PM
Well, the tiles won't reach the ceiling, so above them, there's some of the wall left. I have planned to paint that wall terracotta-colored, with a border of golden ornaments. Will post pictures of it, once it's done, but it's a long road to go...

Do you know you might have mold behind them? That can affect your health.

Yes, there is mold also, and I'm really worrying about that! :(

Even though your friends are far away, could they ever visit? Do they know how you're doing now?

Yes, they know how I'm doing, but they're too far away and too busy to visit. At least we can talk on the phone.

10-21-2010, 04:44 PM
...and did you ever post that one photo in your mom and Reinhardt's restaurant?

Do animal shelters and other organizations there have fund-raising activities and events? You could sell several prints of your kitty photos there, and give the event a percentage...and keep enough for yourself to cover your costs.

On the depression side - my doctor has advised me to get a High Density light. Apparently these new lights - I think they are LED - produce the full spectrum light that is used to help depression and SADD (seasonal affective disorder, which happens when the days get shorter).

Hope you feel better soon. And with your talent - there is every reason you can be less poor than you fear.


10-21-2010, 05:35 PM
Sending *hugs* your way!

10-21-2010, 06:18 PM
On the depression side - my doctor has advised me to get a High Density light. Apparently these new lights - I think they are LED - produce the full spectrum light that is used to help depression and SADD (seasonal affective disorder, which happens when the days get shorter).

I looked into those lights once some time ago and they were really expensive! I got some new lights for our garage that are 'Daylight' balanced. The guy at the store mentioned that they had a lot of customers that bought them for using for SAD disorder. I do notice that I 'feel' a bit perkier when I'm in the garage now. Might be worth a try since they are cheaper.

Lowes Daylight Balanced Fluorescent Bulbs (http://www.lowes.com/pd_196250-371-85154_0__?productId=1229501&Ntt=daylight+fluorescent&pl=1&currentURL=%2Fpl__0__s%3FNtt%3Ddaylight%2Bfluoresc ent)

10-21-2010, 06:43 PM
Yes, they are getting less and less expensive as more and more are manufactured. OTT makes a light that looks like a desklamp - it sells for $49.95 CDN here.

Will try one next paycheck. :-)

10-21-2010, 07:11 PM
Hi Kirsten, glad to see you posting again. I was wondering where you disappeared to. You mentioned mold, well mold is mold but have it checked and find out if it's black mold. If it is black mold you should make sure you get every trace of it out from behind your wall as this might be a big part of your health problems, it can even cause some neuro problems. In any case a new bathroom sounds like that will be cheery once it's done.
Sorry you're so lonely, don't forget you still have that good friend,,,your camera....those pictures you post are just awesome. Some magazine or art gallery will pick up on them if you're persistent.
Hope you start feeling better soon, your kitties are always there for you as well as PT.

10-21-2010, 08:31 PM
Dearest Kristen I am sending you the very best wishes. You give so much joy to everyone with your pictures, may the joy come back to you 10 fold.

10-22-2010, 01:07 PM
Thanks everyone! Today is another bad day where I'm feeling kind of strange, can't even put it in words. Wonder if this is a menopause thing... I'm feeling like a stranger in my own home, probably because I WILL be a stranger here for the next week, with the workers around. I hate not to have any privacy!

I spoke to my landlord about the mold, but she doesn't want to think about it. She's an old lady, and she doesn't want to be bothered with these things. Guess there's no chance she would pay for such a test (re. the black mold), and since I figure these tests are expensive, I cannot pay it myself. And if it was really black mold, they would have to remove the entire outer wall and the ceiling, and that way, I would have to move out. I bought a spray to remove the mold, of course it doesn't disappear entirely, but maybe it helps a bit...

Re. these lamps... I just got one from my neighbors which I'm currently testing, maybe I can buy it from her. Don't know why I cannot stand the darkness lately! I always liked the dark season! Maybe another menopause thing.

10-23-2010, 01:17 AM
Kirsten, I'm sorry to hear that you're not doing or feeling well these days.:( I hope that you'll start feeling better and that your bathroom remodeling goes well. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.

10-23-2010, 07:11 AM
Dear Kirsten, I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad, both physically and emotionally. And I'm so sorry your friends are not closer. How hard to go through everything you are going through now by yourself.

My kitties and I are all sending our love and good wishes and warm thoughts. So are all your Pet Talk friends. And we are just a few keystrokes away.

You will have a nice new shiny bathroom soon! And Luna and Lily are there to look after you and cheer you up. I hope the new lamp will help, too. I've heard great things about those lights.

Love, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~,
Pat, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, and Sparkler

Laura's Babies
10-23-2010, 09:48 AM
Sorry to hear all this Kirsten. I know if I didn't have Caramella, I would probably be deeply depressed from missing so much work. She has been a lifesaver for me during this time! The last thing I ever thought I needed or wanted was a bottle baby but now I know I would have never made it through all this without the distraction she has been.

Life has a way of throwing curves into our life that we never expected without a thought to what we had planned but I look around and see so many with a lot more problems that I have and see how lucky I am....

Hang in there!

10-23-2010, 06:57 PM
Sorry you're so lonely, don't forget you still have that good friend,,,your camera....those pictures you post are just awesome. Some magazine or art gallery will pick up on them if you're persistent.

Great point! I know how much better I feel after having been out taking photos. I could have had the most stressful night but its all forgotten after doing something I'm so passionate about. We'd love to see more of yours. I remember your beautiful photos and how you added some Photoshop things to them. I hope you can get to feeling better soon. Wish we could do more for you. I'd love to make you a card if you'd like. Just PM me with your info.

10-24-2010, 06:41 AM
Kirsten I'm very sorry you've been so down in the dumps. I know I've seen how your hating the darkness here lately on FB. I like dark dreary days, but not when everyone of them is like that! Here in Ohio, we've had weeks of dreariness, so I understand the feeling.
Do you have tanning beds over there? Sometimes when I'm feeling like that I go and take a tan. Just seems to make me feel a little better (and warmer!)

I'm glad that you don't have to pay for all this work to be done yourself, that's a plus. Just getting rid of that old tile and seeing it all new will improve your spirit, if only a bit.

I like every one's idea of selling your artwork. It's definitely worth a try!

Big (((HUGS)))!!!

10-26-2010, 04:38 AM
The work in my bathroom has just started half an hour ago. Right now, the old constructions are being teared down, so there's some noise. I also figure that there's a lot of mold in the air right now, since the wooden construction on which the tub was set up is soaked with it. :eek:

I'm in the bedroom with Luna and Lily, and they don't like it at all. While Luna is inquisitive and would love to get out and have a look, Lily is hiding. She's afraid of all the noise, and very nervous.

Anna, we do have tanning beds here, but I don't like how they make your skin look. Besides, Hashimoto patients shouldn't use them, as far as I know. I'd rather use my daylight lamp, which has the same effect, but without UV rays.

Re. selling artwork... it's not as easy as it seems; I was never lucky when I tried that.

BTW, this is what my old bathroom was looking like. You can see were I removed the tiles from the tub, after the mushrooms grew last summer. You can also see how ugly these old tiles are. I'm actually glad to get rid of them!


Lily yesterday in the empty bathroom:


10-26-2010, 09:02 AM
As the work progressed today, I got some very bad news. Parts of the outer wall are completely rotten and need to be replaced. Right now, I'm waiting for the carpenter to take a look. I was told that it would take two weeks until all this is done...

I'm feeling ill and nauseous right now, I'm very exhausted, and this is only day #1! :(

Luna and Lily are great; so far, they accepted all the restrictions without complaining. My brave little girls! :love:

10-26-2010, 09:47 AM
Kirsten, about the lights for SAD(Seasonal Affective Disorder), do you have one of them? I have one and it helps tremendously. I also just got a sunrise alarm clock. It has a light that is on a dimmer/brightener so that the "sun" slowly rises and I wake up slowly, but can bask in that glow of the special light. Mine is by a company called Biobrite. Maybe you want to check out one of these?? I can also go to sleep by it doing a "sunset" setting as well. It's really nice.

10-26-2010, 10:30 AM
Kirsten, how I hope that you can weather the next two weeks along with the cats - and then really get to enjoy the new bathroom. Finding that the wall is rotten may be a good thing because they will have to repair everything and remove the mold.

I will say a prayer for you especially that you will soon feel better.

10-26-2010, 11:14 AM
At least the work has begun, and that's one day closer to the problem being over! It may be that getting rid of the rotten wall will help you feel better physically, all that moisture can lead to unhealthy air!

10-26-2010, 11:30 AM
Hang in there mate ;)
And make sure the tilers use anti-mould grout.

Laura's Babies
10-26-2010, 11:37 AM
I have always found that Rule #1 is always NOTHING is as easy as it seems. #2- If anything can go wrong, it WILL!

I expect this sort of thing to happen when I try to do anything. Only once and awhile, things go as they are suppose to and that is always a pleasant surprise but I expect things to go wrong.

10-26-2010, 12:18 PM
Yup, things look really complicated right now. The carpenter was here this afternoon, and he even suspects the kitchen wall being affected, too. If that's the case, it has to be removed, too. :( Guess that means I cannot stay here, for the time being.

Turned out that the damage of the outer wall was not caused by the broken tiles but by the window which is slightly aslope. Also, someone has blocked the draining holes of the window frame, so rainwater remained inside the frame and leaked into the wall - probably over decades!! Now they want to try to make it an insurance thing - because this is something that's clearly been messed up by the company that installed the windows once.

Learned an hour ago that the carpenters will be here tomorrow at 8, trying to replace the rotten beams in the wall. Please keep your fingers crossed that they won't have to remove the kitchen wall as well!

10-26-2010, 12:42 PM
Maybe some of your issues are caused by living in that toxic environment! This might actually be your road to better health. !!! :love:

10-26-2010, 01:02 PM
Yup, things look really complicated right now. The carpenter was here this afternoon, and he even suspects the kitchen wall being affected, too. If that's the case, it has to be removed, too. :( Guess that means I cannot stay here, for the time being.

Turned out that the damage of the outer wall was not caused by the broken tiles but by the window which is slightly aslope. Also, someone has blocked the draining holes of the window frame, so rainwater remained inside the frame and leaked into the wall - probably over decades!! Now they want to try to make it an insurance thing - because this is something that's clearly been messed up by the company that installed the windows once.

Learned an hour ago that the carpenters will be here tomorrow at 8, trying to replace the rotten beams in the wall. Please keep your fingers crossed that they won't have to remove the kitchen wall as well!

Kirsten as bad as this might sound I'm sort of praying that the whole kitchen has to be replaced as well as your bathroom. If you could find somewhere else to stay until the work is finished that would be great. From reading your posts I think you've been living in extremely toxic conditions for a long time.If everything is so rotted and has been for so long then removing and replacing everything is the only solution as bad as it sounds. I really believe a lot of your health problems are related to the mess they found and you can be sure you have black mold in there which is the worst thing you could be living in. Out here the landlady would be responsible for paying for other living accomodations while the work is being done but I don't know how it works out there. I hope everything will get done as fast as possible and you can get peace again.

10-26-2010, 07:24 PM
Kirsten as bad as this might sound I'm sort of praying that the whole kitchen has to be replaced as well as your bathroom. If you could find somewhere else to stay until the work is finished that would be great. From reading your posts I think you've been living in extremely toxic conditions for a long time.If everything is so rotted and has been for so long then removing and replacing everything is the only solution as bad as it sounds. I really believe a lot of your health problems are related to the mess they found and you can be sure you have black mold in there which is the worst thing you could be living in. Out here the landlady would be responsible for paying for other living accomodations while the work is being done but I don't know how it works out there. I hope everything will get done as fast as possible and you can get peace again.
I was thinking the same thing.

10-26-2010, 11:20 PM
I so understand your frustration with mushrooms in your bathroom. I've had them in my basement.

I hope they get things done there for you pretty quick so things will settle down and you'll have a nice home when it's done.

10-27-2010, 04:58 AM
Well, the carpenter is here right now, replacing the rotten wood in the walls and adjusting the window. Luckily, he could save the kitchen wall! And yes, he agreed that I lived in a very unhealthly environment. Okay, my health is ruined anyway, but I hope the girls will be alright!

Catlady711, I can feel your pain re. the mushrooms!
This is how mine looked like:


Totally disgusting, isn't it? :eek:

But in the end, it turned out these mushrooms were a good thing; if the tiles did not break and this did not happen, no one would have noticed the damage in the wall, caused by the window!

Oh, forgot to say... Luna and Lily are wonderful; they're in the bedroom with me, and they are really good girls and accept the situation without complaining. I'm so proud of them!! :love:

10-27-2010, 05:59 AM
Wow that's crazy:eek:

I'm glad your girls are being so good. Makes a stressful situation much easier to deal with.

10-27-2010, 11:14 AM
Wow!!! Those mushrooms sure are big. I expected them to be very tiny and hardly noticeable. I hope that everything will go smoothly and that you'll have a brand new bathroom very soon. I'm glad that Luna and Lily are being such good kitties through all of this. I also hope that this will make a huge difference in your health for the better of course.:)

10-27-2010, 12:06 PM
Kirsten, if the mold and unhealthy air were contributing to your health problems, luckily, when the construction is done and all the icky stuff gone, the cleaner air should actually help you feel better!

I am soooo glad the girls are being good about all this - that's a comfort at least!

10-27-2010, 12:24 PM
I really hope I will feel a bit better, once this is fixed!
And yes, the mushrooms were big, it's disgusting!

Meanwhile, the rotten wood has been removed and replaced, and they have also adjusted the window. Tomorrow, they will do all the plaster work around the new beams, and will start building the setting for the new tub.

Here are some more pictures...

This one shows a part of the old surroundings of the tub after some of the tiles have been removed. You can easily see all the mold:


This is what my bath was looking like this morning, with the rotten wood around the window:


And the current state, with the new wooden beams, and foam around the adjusted window:


10-27-2010, 12:43 PM
Wooo hoo! Progress already!

10-27-2010, 06:01 PM
Oh Kirsten i really feel for you right now, with your illness, isolation you feel and what is going on with the bathroom, it seems never ending and so unfair, i too have health issues,so i know how low one can get at times, it is overwhelming at times, but i am so fortunate to have my husband and children around me, and a few friends,i can really empathise with you completely.

Is there a support group near you, maybe that might help you to get through the hard days,you might be able to make some new friends there who are closer by, just a thought.

I Certainly hope after all the inconvenience of the bathroom issues, you will indeed enjoy a more pleasant environment and health and well being.

Know even though i am thousands of miles away, i am thinking of you and wishing you a happier and brighter future with less sad days, and painfree days as well,sending you my love and a ton of positive vibes, you take care now.

P.S i always find my kitty girls, are there for me in times when i am so low,they always offer unconditional love and ask so little in return, not like our human friends and family lol.

10-27-2010, 08:05 PM
Looks like things are making progress already, though, Kirsten. Bet you'll feel better physically, too, when all is finished.

10-27-2010, 08:09 PM
Wow Kirsten I thought you meant little tiny hardly visible mushrooms. And the rotted out wood...those conditions are a lot worse that what I thought you were describing. If anything like that ever surfaced in a house out here everyone would be evicted at the landlord's expense of course, and the building would be condemned until it was properly fixed and inspected by the city council.
I'm sure your health will improve after all this stuff is removed and replaced. Hopefully the fur babies will continue to be good and everything will be over with as quickly as possible.

10-27-2010, 08:44 PM
Kirsten - your mushrooms beat mine in size and yours are prettier. lol Hopefully they'll be done soon and you'll be healthier for it when it's done. When those guys are done, if they do a good job, can you ship them over to the U.S. and have them do my basement? lol

10-27-2010, 10:07 PM
I hope you feel better and more positive as you see the new structures taking shape. It would be so WONDERFUL if your health improved too! I feel sure it will, seeing all the crap in the walls etc!

10-28-2010, 08:11 AM
Wow, that's real bad water damage that's been happening there. I hope those guys seal everything off so that it doesn't happen again.

10-28-2010, 09:29 AM
Thanks for your support everyone!

I'm feeling exhausted and worn out today, it's the third day of my "isolation" in my bedroom where I'm spending my days now with Luna and Lily while the workers are doing their job.

Right now, they're setting up the new tub, and as far as I can tell, they're doing a good job. Of course, the work is not progressing as quickly as they hoped for, because there are always some complications you did not expect.

Too me, it feels like I'm already living for an eternity like this, and yet it is still the beginning, and still a long way to go. What would I give if I could take a shower! And it sucks to wash my hair or brush my teeth in the kitchen sink! Then again, I'm thinking of all these people who have lost their entire homes lately in natural disasters, like Haiti, Pakistan, or now, Indonesia, which is so much worse. But I would love to have my life back!

10-30-2010, 04:15 AM
Day 5 of my bathroom renovation. They started to tile the walls today.

Again, I'm spending the day with Luna and Lily in the bedroom. Both of them are really good girls, they accept the unsettling situation without complaining, they're really sweet. :love:

Pinot's Mom
10-30-2010, 06:53 AM
Kirsten, I can't remember the extent of your health issues, but if arthritis is one of them it is a documented fact that mold WILL (not might) be detrimental to your condition. I have psoriatic arthritis and it was spelled out to me in no uncertain terms that I was NOT to come near any mold. Mold is also really bad for any pulmonary issues.

I have great faith that ridding your home of this will make you feel a lot better; the kitties might feel better, too! :) Keep us posted.

Laura's Babies
10-30-2010, 08:50 PM
IF you are worried that the fungus from the mold may be part of your problem I have been reading up on natural ways to handle mold in the body... One way is if you can get some Pau D'arco Tea, make it and drink it and they say that kills any fungus in the body.

Also Tumeric... 1 tsp. is a glass of water drink daily... rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after wards to avoid staining of your teeth.

If I even suspected those antibiotics didn't get rid of that sinus infection, these were what I was going to try next since I have been exposed to a lot of mold over a long period of time.

11-05-2010, 12:33 PM
Laura, I'll check that out; wonder if this tea is available here. :)

Well, the good news is... It's done!!

The workers finished their job the day before yesterday, and after that, I had to wait for 24 more hours before I could start cleaning and putting my things back into the new bathroom.

Here's what it's now looking like: :)

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs923.snc4/73669_1639482154381_1456615523_1589275_6056185_n.j pg

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs993.snc4/76692_1639482314385_1456615523_1589276_8024484_n.j pg

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs973.snc4/76603_1639482394387_1456615523_1589277_5586836_n.j pg

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1136.snc4/149798_1639482514390_1456615523_1589278_5500713_n. jpg

I'm really happy with the result, and it was soooo good to take a shower (after washing myself in the kitchen sink for one and half week)!! And it feels good to have my privacy back!

11-05-2010, 12:53 PM
:eek: WoW looks so much differant && So much better.. I would be happy too.. Congrats that its all done..

11-05-2010, 04:38 PM
It looks beautiful. It was worth the wait & a lot safer now. Enjoy! :)

11-05-2010, 07:07 PM
Wow, looks beautiful.:) You must be sooooo glad to get the workmen
out of your place, finally. I am like you in that regard, I hate the mess
and disruption of renovation, but usually love the result.

11-05-2010, 07:23 PM
Great news. Looks nice too!

11-05-2010, 08:01 PM
Just beautiful!

Enjoy your showers and I hope getting rid of the mold helps you feel better too.

What do the girls think of the renovations? ;)

11-06-2010, 12:41 AM
Your new bathroom looks great.:D I'm sure you'll enjoy it for many years to come.:)

11-06-2010, 02:41 AM
Wow. Nice job.
You must be very happy Kirsten. ;)

11-06-2010, 06:19 AM
That's beautiful, Kirsten!

Can I come over and take a shower?

02-04-2011, 02:32 PM
Haven't posted for a while, so I thought I'd give you a brief update. Not much going on here, except that my health is going downhill quickly; I'm contantly feeling ill now. Also, it feels like I've got another disc hernia, at least my back feels like that for a while now. Would be #3... :rolleyes:

I've applied for disability pension yesterday, sadly, there's no other choice left. It's depressing, as this means a life in poverty. I won't get much of a pension, so the rest would have to be paid by welfare. At this point, I seriously doubt that I can stay in my apartment. It's not even the rent itself that's too much, but the costs for electricity and heating. Got a horrible gas bill last Saturday which broke my neck, financially. It's a sad fact that I'm facing dark times, which is why I cannot look forward to the springtime and summer because it will bring even more sorrows to my life.

Luna and Lily are doing fine, but it worries me how to pay future vet bills. They deserve a better life than this! :(

02-04-2011, 02:55 PM
Prayers being said for Kirsten!

02-04-2011, 03:14 PM
You have certainly been missed, Kristen! I'm so sorry to hear that things are looking so bleak for you right now. Try to think positive, things have a way of working themselves out. As for Lily and Luna, I'm more than willing to help you out as best I can. They love you just as much as you love them...and we all know that's a lot. Feel free to pm me anytime to vent or whatever you need. I may not have the answers but I will listen.

02-04-2011, 06:01 PM
So sorry to hear that things are not brighter for you right now, but it is said that it is darkest before the dawn. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Gosh - your photography is so awesome, it's difficult to believe that you wouldn't be able to make money with that talent. Is there someone that would sponsor you, perhaps to publish your works? It seems like such a waste that you have such a way with the camera, but you have no way to share it with the masses. I'm certain that there is a market out there just waiting to be tapped in to. I've seen photography sell for big $$$, that can't even come close to the beautiful work that you do.

Feel better, and don't lose hope.

02-04-2011, 06:36 PM
Oh, Kirsten, I am so sorry that you are having such a difficult time. I lit a candle for you: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=12610992

I wish there was more I could do, something that would actually help you with all these troubles.

Love and warmth and light and good wishes and prayers from us all.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~,
Pat, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, and Sparkler

and P.S., I agree with EVERYONE else here, your photographs are stunningly beautiful and your talent is amazing. You just need the right publicity agent!

Laura's Babies
02-04-2011, 08:18 PM
Kristen, your bathroom is beautiful!!

I am sorry you are staying so sick and getting so depressed. You are such a gifted person with your photography and decorating skills... I hate that all has happened to you..

02-05-2011, 12:20 AM
Kirsten, I'm so sorry to hear this latest news.:( I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

02-05-2011, 02:14 AM
Oh, Kirsten, I am so sorry that you are having such a difficult time. I lit a candle for you: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=12610992

I wish there was more I could do, something that would actually help you with all these troubles.

Love and warmth and light and good wishes and prayers from us all.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~,
Pat, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, and Sparkler

and P.S., I agree with EVERYONE else here, your photographs are stunningly beautiful and your talent is amazing. You just need the right publicity agent!

I lit a candle for you too. I agree with everyone about your photographs. I would be honored to have one. I just don't know how. If it would be something I purchased via the Web? or if I purchase the right, say to print one photo copyrighted to Kirsten, one time? or if it were published in some form (book? calendar? Cafe Press?), that I can't say. If anyone out there knows a way, I'll be waiting. I also put a link to your Web site on my Facebook status.


02-05-2011, 05:15 AM
Ah gee mate. That's not good news at all. :(
Is it possible for you to find some casual work, if you're feeling up to it of course. Maybe an hour or two a day to supplement your pension ????

02-05-2011, 10:04 AM
I agree with everyone about your photographs. I would be honored to have one. I just don't know how. If it would be something I purchased via the Web? or if I purchase the right, say to print one photo copyrighted to Kirsten, one time? or if it were published in some form (book? calendar? Cafe Press?), that I can't say. If anyone out there knows a way, I'll be waiting.


I am so sorry things aren't going well for you right now.:( I do agree
with Elyse that it's a shame your talent can not be put to good use to
help with finances. I would be happy to purchase some of your artwork,
photos, etc. if only there were a way to do so. You do excellent work.:)

Prayers that there is a bright light at the end of this tunnel.:)

02-05-2011, 10:14 AM
Kirsten I echo everyone's thoughts about your wonderful talent with your camera. All of us appreciate it when you post any new photos - they are so beautiful.

I have lit a candle for you and will continue to say prayers for your mental as well as physical health.

Blessings to you.

02-05-2011, 11:19 AM
Kirsten, I'm so sorry you have to deal with so many problems. I hope your disability goes through. At least you can relax and know your rent is secured every month. You may not be able to live like a King, but still...

The world is a tough place these days and it's getting tougher. I feel Denmark is falling apart and I honestly don't know where I'll be in a few years, so I try to enjoy NOW as much as I can. Don't give up, Kirsten, you have a talent for Photography - and perhaps you could do websites for people, also. Take it to the limit, girl!! :cool:

PS. Do you need some household saving tips? Just ask - I'm the best! ;)

02-05-2011, 11:27 AM
Thank you everyone for your support!! That means a lot to me.

If the pension goes through, that won't mean my life is "safe". I would only get a very small pension (564 € minus health insurance etc., so I don't know what will be left in the end, maybe 400€, or even less), and I would have to apply for social welfare. When I'm on that, I won't be allowed to make any extra money, they would take it away immediately. For that reason, it wouldn't make any sense at all to start selling pictures etc. at this time. These things have become so complicated here ever since we got that social aid called Hartz IV. Unless I'd make so much money that I won't need social welfare at all (which is very unlikely, especially in my bad condition), there's no use to start something like that. I wouldn't be allowed to keep it.

This link (http://www.toytowngermany.com/lofi/index.php/t192141.html) may explain the Hartz IV-concept a bit better.

02-06-2011, 05:21 AM
@Pat and Elyse: Thank you so much for the candles! That was so sweet!

Much to my embarrassment, I missed that yesterday! :o I'm getting senile...

02-07-2011, 12:41 PM
More bad news: Got a call from the endrocrinological clinic in Goettingen this morning where I've been a couple of weeks ago to have some tests done. Turned out that my cortisol level is way too low, so I need to go back for more tests. Guess they're thinking of Addison Disease, an autoimmune disease of the adrenal glands. Would suck big time, but at least this would explain why I'm contantly nauseous. Was told to call the doctor of that clinic tomorrow to discuss further steps. This crap never seems to end... :(

02-07-2011, 07:03 PM
More bad news: Got a call from the endrocrinological clinic in Goettingen this morning where I've been a couple of weeks ago to have some tests done. Turned out that my cortisol level is way too low, so I need to go back for more tests. Guess they're thinking of Addison Disease, an autoimmune disease of the adrenal glands. Would suck big time, but at least this would explain why I'm contantly nauseous. Was told to call the doctor of that clinic tomorrow to discuss further steps. This crap never seems to end... :(

I'm so sorry to hear this! Good, positive vibes are on the way to you from Groucho and me that all will work out well. I'm solidly on your side if there's anything I can do for you ;)

02-07-2011, 08:36 PM
More bad news: Got a call from the endrocrinological clinic in Goettingen this morning where I've been a couple of weeks ago to have some tests done. Turned out that my cortisol level is way too low, so I need to go back for more tests. Guess they're thinking of Addison Disease, an autoimmune disease of the adrenal glands. Would suck big time, but at least this would explain why I'm contantly nauseous. Was told to call the doctor of that clinic tomorrow to discuss further steps. This crap never seems to end... :(

Oh, boy. I will keep praying.

02-10-2011, 07:27 AM
More bad news: Got a call from the endrocrinological clinic in Goettingen this morning where I've been a couple of weeks ago to have some tests done. Turned out that my cortisol level is way too low, so I need to go back for more tests. Guess they're thinking of Addison Disease, an autoimmune disease of the adrenal glands. Would suck big time, but at least this would explain why I'm contantly nauseous. Was told to call the doctor of that clinic tomorrow to discuss further steps. This crap never seems to end... :(

So what did you find out, Kirsten? Are you doing any better?

As for those who wish to purchase one of Kirsten's photos, it's easy. I bought one from her through her Paypal account and received it faster than I do from most online merchants in the U.S. I'm taking it in to have it framed probably next week. I should've had it done long ago but you know how that is....shoulda, coulda, woulda. :)

02-10-2011, 10:18 AM
Thank you everyone! :)

Well, it turned out the low cortisol level was most likely the result of a cortisone injection I got four days earlier when my back was so bad. So, I guess that's some good news.

But I'm not doing well at all. My back aches, down to my legs, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was another disc hernia. The last two days, I was dealing with a bad migraine. And I'm always feeling ill. Life's no fun these days...