View Full Version : Hoodini has a clean bill of health!

10-20-2010, 08:01 PM
My boy's vet visit went very well. His snipping is done, he is caught up on his shots and he got an ear cleaning and nail trimming. It turns out he had a bad case of ear mites :eek: but the vet said that If I start using the dual treatment Advantage flea med it should be under control for all three of the cats.

The vet and her staff absolutely adore him. Apparently he was a very good boy and even jumped onto the scale on his own. He weighed in at 8.75 pounds. The vet said he should fill out more now that he is snipped. He also turned his cuddle circuit on doubly today because during the exam and after he woke up from his snip he wanted to cuddle with the techs. He is now cuddled up with some laundry in the bathroom, resting. I have some pain meds to give him a bit later and one dose for tomorrow night and then he should be fine. I'm planning on keeping him and the others separated for tonight and maybe tomorrow so he can heal without another cat's nose up his butt.

10-20-2010, 10:09 PM
Yay, Hoodini! Please have your meowmie give you some cuddles for me!! :love:

10-21-2010, 12:59 AM
I'm glad to hear that he's a healthy boy and that his big snip went well too.:) I'm sure he'll recover quickly from this. He sounds like a petite male cat. Besides my two kittens, Pearl is my smallest cat and she weighs 9lbs. I consider her petite in my household. How old is he?

10-21-2010, 05:15 AM
I'm glad to hear that he's a healthy boy and that his big snip went well too.:) I'm sure he'll recover quickly from this. He sounds like a petite male cat. Besides my two kittens, Pearl is my smallest cat and she weighs 9lbs. I consider her petite in my household. How old is he?

He is a little over 3 years old...maybe 3.5. He has always been small. The vet said he should gain a bit now that he is neutered but not much.

Here are some pix of my boys cuddling...Remus missed his buddy!





10-21-2010, 05:18 AM
Well done, Hoodini!

10-21-2010, 05:29 AM
happy to hear about Hoodini. So, how's Spook doing. Hope he/she is having fun with Remus and Hoodini. Lots of hugs and kisses to the trio :)

10-21-2010, 09:39 AM
That is so great when we take Our Ctas into the White Coats and they get a clean bill of health, and compliments from the Vets on Our Cat Companions!!:love::love:
Way to GO Hoodini!!!:cool::cool::cool:

10-21-2010, 03:56 PM
Hoodini sends his love and purrs. He is curled up next to my leg. Seems like he has gotten to be even more of a cuddle cat!

This message lovingly typed through Remus' tail :rolleyes: