View Full Version : We've been claimed by this little guy!

Lilith Cherry
10-15-2010, 09:45 PM
Last Friday I was waiting meet my grandson off the schoolbus in the pouring rain and wind when I heard this plaintive meowing; I called out "puss where are you?" and this little cat ran up and wrapped himself around my ankles wanting to be made a fuss of! He is pathetically thin and boney and his tail was full of horrible sharp burrs but he was so affectionate and obviously starving. He followed Thomas and I across the road to my son's house and my son gave him a dish of kibble on the front step but couldnt let him inside because the stray was sneezing and my son has a fairly new kitten (Lucy) of his own. Thomas my grandson told his dad, "That is Lili's (me) cat!" So I went home and got my carrier and brought him to my house.

He and Leo (our poodle)are still very wary of each other although Leo I think would like to play but unfortunately when he barks the cat gets scared and hisses at him! Puss has been here a week now and is fattening up and his cold is getting better now he has somewhere warm and dry and plenty of good food.

I have posted descriptions etc of him all over but no-one has claimed him so next week we will make an appointment to get his shots and have him neutered! I don't think he is very old or fully grown yet - that gawky teenage stage just past kittenhood and some wicked person has dumped in the country when he was no longer wanted.:mad: He was wearing a cheap flea collar which I cut off his neck when I cut out the burrs in his tail. I just hope he will make friends with Leo soon as he will certainly have to stay because he cant go back outside to face a Canadian winter -- he would die:( Wish us luck with his health and also with making friends with the dog! Here are some pictures of him.

10-15-2010, 09:50 PM
Handsome boy, thank you for rescuing him! Does he have an official name yet?

10-15-2010, 09:59 PM
Awwww, what a sweet tabby cat! Welcome, kitty!

Lilith Cherry
10-15-2010, 10:41 PM
I am thinking of calling him Napoleon because he is very "Boney"! That would also give me an excuse to get another cat and call him Wellington! ( So long as they don't beat each other up ,lol!)

You may remember the bent eared cat that came to visit daily when I first got back from China ... it turned out she and quite a few others "belong to a man down the road here. They are all semi-feral and not well cared for so I still feed them outside when I can. This one though ( Napoleon?) has obviously been a house pet sometime as he knew what a ltter box was for and was quite happy to get into my carrier.

10-15-2010, 10:46 PM
He's a handsome fellow! I think Napoleon is a great name. How many cats are named Napoleon?

Love, Columbine

10-15-2010, 10:49 PM
Or, if you name him Napolean, you could name the next kitty Josephine, or going with the other meaning of Napolean, Tiramisu!

10-16-2010, 12:27 AM
oh sweet boy! You found an angel to take the best care of you. Thank you for taking in this waif. xxooo
Claudia & Calvin

10-16-2010, 01:28 AM
Congrats!!!:) He's so adorable and I love his white paws.:) I'm glad that you were there at the right time to find this sweet boy. I hope that he gets a good bill of health and will learn to get along with your dog.:)

10-16-2010, 01:47 AM
So cute! Bless you for taking care of this little guy!

Killearn Kitties
10-16-2010, 01:56 AM
We will be keeping all fingers and paws crossed that this sweetie gets a clean bill of health!

10-16-2010, 04:05 AM
Obviously he knew the right moment for approaching people :)
So this Napoleon has conquered your heart - good for him:)
I hope his health bill will be fine.

10-16-2010, 05:35 AM
Aww, what a sweetie - and how lucky he found you! :) Hope he'll get a clean bill of health!

10-16-2010, 07:13 AM
What a cutie! How lucky he is to have found you!:)

Laura's Babies
10-16-2010, 07:51 AM
He had lost is slave and has replaced them with YOU!! How cute is that? That was his lucky day that he selected you!!! (Bet he was thinking "That one is a keeper!"..)

10-16-2010, 07:58 AM
What a delightful tale, and with such a happy ending! Thank you so much for helping himl

Hello Napoleon!

Paws crossed for a good vet check!

10-16-2010, 11:43 AM
Oh, how sweet! Welcome HOME, Napoleon!!!!!

10-16-2010, 12:44 PM
what a cutie!!! So glad he found you to wrap around his little paws!!

Welcome home, and welcome to Pet Talk, little one!!

10-16-2010, 03:24 PM
Napoleon is going to be one big handsome tabby - he is so cute right now!

Best of luck at the vet. Napoleon, you have struck gold! Regular food, a warm home and loving purrents. I bet the goggie will welcome you too...sometimes other critters know when you have had it rough, and make it easier for you.

Welcome home, baby!:love::love::love:

10-16-2010, 05:32 PM
What a great Lucky Cat you are Napolean, to find such a kind heatred Meeowmie!
Be nice to Leo the Poodle and you will have a Graet Dog Companion for life.
This is great , another rescued Lost Cat!!!
Bless you Lilith Cherry for being both human and humane!!!
Napolean is going to be so grateful and will be a Good Friend and play Cat for many years to come!!!!

10-16-2010, 06:44 PM
Oh bless you for rescuing him. And you have a Spunky Kitty!. My Spunky looks just like that! Such a beautiful cat! :love:

You were so smart to find your meowmie, Napoleon! Be good to the poodle; dogs are warm buddies during a cold winter. brrrrrr

Lilith Cherry
10-17-2010, 11:26 AM
:DNapoleon is doing fine; thanks for all the encouraging replies! He and Leo are gradually getting used to one another....Leo wants to be friends but Napoleon finds him a little rambunctious for now. In typical cat fashion Napoleon is discovering all the high places (counter tops and fridge) and of course the window sills to watch the world go by outside! He is still sneezing though not nearly as much as before which means I am following him around and disinfecting everything. I really hope it stops after his vet visit and some meds! Still, we love him anyway!

10-17-2010, 04:47 PM

He could be Murphy's twin!!! Look!!!



Lilith Cherry
10-17-2010, 07:51 PM
Oh wow Donna! Ask Murphy if she has a Canadian branch of her family tree, lol!

10-17-2010, 08:23 PM
Napoleon, Spunky and Murphy, you are kitty lookalikes and you're all purr-ecious! Napoleon, I love the picture of you stepping from the window to the stove, what a smart kitty!

Lilith Cherry
10-18-2010, 11:40 AM
Thanks Cassiesmom, Napoleon sends his love and lots of purrs to you and Cassie cat! He is certainly agile and climbs all over the place! Jade (in China would be proud of him as her favourite place was also atop the fridge!

Here is a picture of Jade and Pearl that my friend Audrey sent me yesterday from their new home in Lecong.

10-18-2010, 12:19 PM
:love: Aweee such a wittle cutie pie.. Thanks for giving this baby a home.. See there this baby knew who to rub up too in the rain.. Congrats

10-18-2010, 06:49 PM
He's all over the place and no fear. He must feel very comfortable and loved. As has been said before, he picked you out and made his case.

Napoleon, the conqueror!

10-18-2010, 08:33 PM
Those sweet feeties! Napoleon, you're making me smile with your cute white paws! (Murphy has them too and Mr. Spunky has tabby-feets :D)

10-19-2010, 09:31 AM
It so nice to be chosen, he is so cute. It dose remind me of Roscoes story.

10-19-2010, 09:52 AM
Wow! Napoleon and Murphy are twins!! I think this is what Jax will also look like if and when he grows up. :)
He is one smart kitty though. He knew the right ankles to wrap himself around. :p

10-19-2010, 07:56 PM
Those sweet feeties! Napoleon, you're making me smile with your cute white paws! (Murphy has them too and Mr. Spunky has tabby-feets :D)

Tabby-feets? :D :confused: Mr. Spunky has spats ( are these tabby feets?) on the front feets and jack-boots on the back legs. And he is is really white like an open tuxedo. :love:

Murphy and Napoleon do look like twins. ;)

Lilith Cherry
10-21-2010, 12:14 PM
Just got back from the vet visit which went pretty well; She says Napoleon has a URI but fortunately it is not in his chest but in his nose and eyes. She gave him a shot of antibiotics and has given me pills (clavaseptin)for him to take twice daily for two weeks to get it all cleared up and an eye ointment to relieve him there too. She also clipped his very claws for me which will help! Once his cold is better she will give him all his shots and then neuter him. I was surprised to find he is about two years old but looks small because he is still thin ( though getting plumper by the minute:p). He is missing a few top teeth but Dr Harrison says that is normal with him having been a stray.

So Napoleon is now officially a member of our family - welcome home little boy!:D

10-21-2010, 03:28 PM
Napoleon is now officially a member of our family - welcome home little boy!:D

Welcome home, sweet tabby boy! kiss, kiss, kissie kissie kiss for you :love:

10-21-2010, 05:52 PM
All right! :D Great news!. Keep chowing down, Napoleon.

10-22-2010, 12:12 AM
Welcome home Napoleon.:) I hope you'll feel better soon and recover from your URI quickly.

11-03-2010, 11:25 AM
Lilith Cherry, how's your little guy doing? Could you give him some petting from me?

11-03-2010, 12:15 PM
What a heart warming story - I just love it.

Napolean - do your new owners know how smart you are - you ran up
to the right person because you knew she would take good care of you for the rest of your life.

You are so handsome and I hope you get well soon.

11-03-2010, 01:05 PM
Hello, Napoleon! - from Jinx :-)

11-03-2010, 03:20 PM
He is quite the handsome boy! I love when the tiger cats have white paws and white chests. I am glad he claimed you. He looks like a real keeper. :) :love: :)

11-03-2010, 03:43 PM
That ias such a great happy ending for Napolean.
I had Scrappy Two and Tubby Twio and Tubster Panther choose me as well, and become My Friends and Found Cats.
Sadly Pouncer Roccalno got out , and Gem , Karina and Ebony Beau Tubster were too ill and had to be PTS.
But they were Found Cats for a short time and we will meet again,
One Fine Day.

Lilith Cherry
11-03-2010, 06:25 PM
Napoleon is doing very well and settling in nicely (as in he thinks he is now master of all he surveys around here!) He makes Leo back off while he tastes all food first and struts around like an Empero/General inspecting his troop -- he is well-named lol! Leo still chases him around in an attempt to play but Nap just gets up somewhere higher and belts Leo in the ear with a sheathed paw, It is funny but noisy!

He has gained back his weight and now looks healthy , sleek and shiny as a a well-fed tabby boy should! He is , however still sneezing a little although tomorrow will be his 14th day on the antibiotic the vet prescribed; I hope his cold is gone soon as I really dont want to live with the snot again like I did with RB Deejah Thoris (Doris for short) but if thats the way it goes well nevermind we love him anyway. I will post some more pics later in the week so you can see how he has improved! Thanks for all the good wishes everyone!