View Full Version : Update on the wee one..Caramella

Laura's Babies
10-15-2010, 09:12 PM
Here she is yesterday when I got her back.. My little girl got SPAYED yesterday!


Here she was before she left to go get her ittsy bittsy spay.

As you can see she is growing like a weed! I had forgotten how entergetic kittens could be but she is a constant source of amusement for me and she amuses me for hours on end!

I don't know if I posted this or not here but in case I didn't ..Click on the picture..

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v288/Grammy707/Catzzzzz/th_MVI_1366.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v288/Grammy707/Catzzzzz/?action=view&current=MVI_1366.mp4)

Tomorrow she is to go to PetSmart for adoption day!!

My house PC has a nasty bug, I been working on it for the last several days and not having any luck getting rid of it. It has blocked me from getting on the internet completely. I am just trying to save all my stuff before I do a full system recovery on it.. SO, that's where I have been.. I am using my laptop trying to learn what I need to do and how to do it. That is what I am on now, it is over 5 years old so it don't have that much room on it.. But at least it has the internet when I hook it up to it!

10-15-2010, 09:29 PM
Oh, what a lovely little lady she is!!!!!

Laura, you done so well with her. God bless you. :love:

10-15-2010, 09:58 PM
Here she is yesterday when I got her back.. My little girl got SPAYED yesterday!


Here she was before she left to go get her ittsy bittsy spay.

As you can see she is growing like a weed! I had forgotten how entergetic kittens could be but she is a constant sourse of amusement for me and she amuses me for hours on end!

I don't know if I posted this or not here but in case I didn't ..Click on the picture..

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v288/Grammy707/Catzzzzz/th_MVI_1366.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v288/Grammy707/Catzzzzz/?action=view&current=MVI_1366.mp4)

Tomorrow she is to go to PetSmart for adoption day!!

My house PC has a nasty bug, I been working on it for the last several days and not having any luck getting rid of it. It has blocked me from getting on the internet completely. I am just trying to save all my stuff before I do a full system recovery on it.. SO, that's where I have been.. I am using my laptop trying to learn what I need to do and how to do it. That is what I am on now, it is over 5 years old so it don't have that much room on it.. But at least it has the internet when I hook it up to it!

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not adoption day! She is so darling, I wish she could stay with you and the girls :( But I respect your decision about her :love:. Please give her a BIG hug and a kiss from me. She's so precious!

Lilith Cherry
10-15-2010, 10:49 PM
Good luck finding a furever home to love you Caramella. You are wonderful!

10-15-2010, 10:55 PM
Caramella, sweetie, you're a heart-stealer! Take your time at Adoption Day, and capture a nice big heart, belonging to someone with a smart brain and a stable home, and set sail on your voyage Home.

Love, Columbine

10-16-2010, 08:02 AM
SPAY time already?! Hey, no collar?

She is a charmer, that is for sure. LOVE that video, she had me laughing at her antics. Such a sweet baby girl, you did well, Laura.

Laura's Babies
10-16-2010, 08:09 AM
I am finding that since she came back from spaying that she has been really clingy and affectionate. She keeps coming to me wanting to be picked up and just kisses me all the time (or cleans my face?). She wants me to hold her all the time!

Last night, I had her laying on her back in my hands and went in the kitchen with her. Samantha was in there so I held her down to Samantha and was so surprised at her reaction.... :eek: She started cleaning her!! She cleaned and cleaned her.. That was a first!!! :eek:

10-16-2010, 09:46 AM
What a Great Little Cat of the Future you are Caramella , and one who will make your Furr Ever Home a happier place to be in.:love::love::love:
Your Family will have such a Great Feeling knowing that they saved you , and Caramella will repay you a million f0old with love, fun and laughter:):):)
What a Great Little Friend You are Caramella!!!:cool::cool::cool::cool:

10-16-2010, 10:27 AM
Aww, she is such a sweetie!! I do understand you're at your limit, so I hope Caramella will find a loving home and get spoiled the rest of her life. :love:

That thing she is playing in is SO much fun! :D

10-16-2010, 10:54 AM
While I totally respect your decision I still hope nobody comes to adoption day tomorrow. I just want to see her grow up ;)

10-16-2010, 11:25 AM
I love before and after pics...lol...so posted some. But Caramella is still itty bitty, so the before pics are not very old!:D:love::love:




A memorable before pic here - Baby's first poopie in the box!



10-16-2010, 11:45 AM

She is so precious and healthy, thanks to you :love: In my heart I know you have to do what you have to do but ... it would be so, so hard to say goodbye to such a dear little baby. Maybe Samantha is trying to tell us something?

I'll just think positive thoughts and hope that everything works out for Carmella as it should:love:

Laura's Babies
10-16-2010, 05:27 PM
Her first trip to Pet Smart for Adoption Day! She did really good, was not nervous, not upset at all the noise and commotion going on around her.We had 3 dogs with our group and one of them was a non stop barker so there was lots of noise! She was fine in the van going over there until I would say something, then she would cry and want me to pick her up (as always.. NOT, she was in the kennel, on the back seat, belted in!)

Here she is in her cage there..

They had 2 other groups there with cats and one of them had a cat that weighs 30 pounds and they said he has lost weight since they have had him. I have never seen a cat that big!! I have seen pictures but never live in person. I felt so sorry for him that I just wanted to hug him.. He could hardly move, poor baby..

10-22-2010, 03:24 PM
Hi Laura, How is little Caramella doing? Is there any word on a furever home for her?

10-22-2010, 03:33 PM
Wow, I completely missed this thread! So glad it got bumped up. She is so stinking adorable!!!

In reference to the 30lbs cat - we have a cat at ARF right now that weighed 42 or 43 pounds when he was brought in. He is now down to 34. :D And there is another female kitty that weighs about 30 also. I had also never seen a cat in person that large. But I still LOVE them!!! :)

Laura's Babies
10-22-2010, 05:19 PM
She is still discovering new things and she is a mess!! She will run directly at one of the other girls like she is going to attack them, they will swat at her and she will run off, only to turn right around to do it again! I have noticed that none of them use their claws when they swat her. If she stays much longer I am afraid Samantha will give in and mother her. She will play with her to a point and over and over I have held Caramella down to her and she will clean her. She sits close and watches her play, even doing the wagging of her tail so Caramella can play with it, but pretends not to notice. They do the chase down the hall and back... I noticed even Giz is letting her chase her down the hall but she won't chase her back. Even Grandma Boo will sit close to her and just watch her or walk right by her real close without a concern. They all watch her and don't seem to mind her being here which has really surprised me.

Caramella has gotten so darn sweet. She comes to me often and wants to be held. I hold her up to my face and kiss her all over her little face and she places her paws on my face (NO claws) and just purrs her little heart out. When I stop kissing her she starts licking my face. She will snuggle with me on the sofa...

OH!!I been leaving her out at night, not shutting her in the cage to "protect" her from the other girls now that I know they are OK with her being here. It only took her 3 nights to find out where we all were! She heard me cough or something the other morning about 6am and came got in bed and let me know it was TIME TO PLAY!! So, now we have a new game.

She loves the perch at the kitchen window, loves to climb up that sisal rope as high as she can and yesterday I saw her studying how she could get on the high perches on it. She sees Boo and Giz on them and now she wants to be up there. LOL!

No nibbles on a home for her but after seeing how many others they had at PetSmart looking for homes, I think I need to find her one on my own or she will grow old without a forever home. I want her to have a home that will love her and spoil her the way I do or more..

I am constantly amazed at how fast she is growing. It's like overnight I can see a growth sput in her. Her legs are getting SO long that it looks like she is all legs now. Her baby cuteness is gone and now she is a kid.. Today I introduced her to the dreaded spray bottle... BOY! She don't like that which will make my job a lot easier.. :D

Here's a couple of pictures I took of her this week..

Little Miss Caramella chilling!

10-22-2010, 07:59 PM
Oh my yes, look at those legs! They have sprouted! :D

She is investigating everything huh? And wants to do what "the big cats" do, be with them, go where the go. She feels so safe, she is willing to try ANYTHING! He he heee.

Oops, water bottle, eh? Hmmm, bet she will figure out how to make a game of it.

10-23-2010, 12:45 AM
Yes, kittens sure do grow up fast. I can't believe that my kittens will be 6 months old on Oct. 30th. It sure sounds to me like she's already found a loving and caring home;) and I'm glad that your adult cats are all getting along with her. Good luck in finding her a wonderful new forever home.:)

10-23-2010, 07:46 AM
If she's chilling, she feels safe. She sure is beautiful. :love:

Que sera, sera.

10-23-2010, 08:16 AM
She's a teenager now! Cute as ever, too. :love: