View Full Version : Voting

10-15-2010, 09:02 PM
I have always voted, taken great pride in voting in fact. I consider it a great honor, many men and women died so I can cast my vote.
This year I don't know, it might be the first time I don't cast a ballet.
Nothing but one canidate brow beating the other. No one talks about what or HOW they will make things better, just how rotten, corrupt, dishonest, cheating, stealing, back stabbing, lying their oppentent is. I am so tired. One moment I am watching a commerical from the right beating the guy on the left and the VERY next commerical is the guy on the left bad mouthing the guy on the right. As far as I am concerned you are all a bunch of losers. It is just a matter of who is less of an a-hole at this stage.
One thing I know for sure Bill O'Reilly is a huge huge butt head. :mad:

10-15-2010, 10:31 PM
Well, Yeah, it's always a tough decision. I really try to go on line and read about the candidate's record. I try to be non partisian. I vote because I feel it's my civic duty. Ugh. So many people went through he** to give us the opportunity. But, right, politics is plain ugly and the ads are brutal. I usually mute them.

10-15-2010, 11:06 PM
Marigold, go, vote and just don't select any candidates, or if you can find one person vote for that one. It will be recorded that out of X voters, A got so many votes and b got so many votes, and they don't equal the total, so the "protest" votes(or lack thereof) are noted. That makes more of an impact than staying home.

Laura's Babies
10-16-2010, 08:23 AM
I realized years ago that is all they do so it looks like you just have the choice of the lesser evil.. I can't understand why they don't run on their own record, things they have accomplished and what their qualifications are for the position they are running for. All they do is smear one another!

Years ago there was a guy running for the local school board and his thing was he was going to build us a new school to replace the one that burned down and get the kids out of portable buildings... the same promises they all had made before him and never did. So, when he knocked on my door telling me that I told him so many others before him made the same promise but no one ever fulfilled that promise and asked him why I should believe him.. How could he do what no one else could do..

Well SURPRISE! He won and he DID build us a new school! I still haven't figured out how he did it when no one else could.

10-16-2010, 09:23 AM
You can do write a in if you aren't happy with the runners. I did that one time. It really messed up things for the volunteers that day though.:eek:

10-16-2010, 01:07 PM
Yes I will take your advice Karen. I just so hate how they all lie about the other person, twisting the truth, confusing people and scaring the elderly.

10-16-2010, 07:07 PM
Marigold, go, vote and just don't select any candidates, or if you can find one person vote for that one. It will be recorded that out of X voters, A got so many votes and b got so many votes, and they don't equal the total, so the "protest" votes(or lack thereof) are noted. That makes more of an impact than staying home.

I knew you could write in votes, I didn't know you could vote without selecting anyone!:eek::confused:

10-16-2010, 07:37 PM
I knew you could write in votes, I didn't know you could vote without selecting anyone!:eek::confused:

Yes, you can turn in a blank ballot if you really need to. And it does send a message!

10-16-2010, 08:29 PM
Absolutely vote. Sadly it's come down to voting to keep the least sane OUT of office. I wish they would run on their record/principles etc rather than taking it to the gutter. I think it's left to us to ignore the ads and do the research. I find it particularly revolting that many people are able to buy there way into office these days. I already voted!

10-17-2010, 07:19 AM
I've been where you are, Marigold2. No one fits the profile for what I want in a Governor. I'm tired of these bashing commercials. Am I not going to vote and possibly hand over the Governor's seat to someone I really don't care for? Oh hell no!! Can't wait for Nov. 2nd to come!!

It's a process of elimination. Pick the one that doesn't bash everyone. One that has a little bit of dignity left.

10-17-2010, 08:32 AM
The campaigns are really rough this year. **shakes head** Our local newspaper started about 6 weeks ago to "test" all the allegations. We have a daily "truth" meter.

Nominee X says Nominee Y did this. Did s/he? And the meter registers True, False, Half Truth, or Not the Entire Story. Then there is a short write up explaining how the paper came to their result.

The "worst" one from my perspective: Current Attorney General (who is running for reelection with 5 challengers, seems every party has a candidate in that race) did not charge the Providence Mayor's brother for fraud. Yes that was true BECAUSE under state law he is not permitted to, conflict of interest, he refers it to the Fed and THEY handled the prosecution. AND got the guilty verdict. So the Challenger makes it sound like the current AG messed up, when he did exactly the right thing. Talk about twisting the facts!

10-17-2010, 04:55 PM
Pollies are starting to all become lowlifes.

10-17-2010, 05:24 PM
I just hate the down right lies. Why can't they talk about the good they have done and will do instead of lying about the other guy and confusing people? Maybe they haven't done any good, :rolleyes: I think I will write a letter to some of the worst offenders asking them about their commericals and why they lied, I will ask for an explaination to their behavior. This should not be allowed. They make the National Enquirer look like the Wall Street Journal.