View Full Version : Heartworm prevention medicine

10-13-2010, 09:28 AM
Where do you buy yours? I need to get some by the end of November so I'm looking for a cheaper place to get it.

Also, what brand do you use? I have been using Heartgard, purchased at my vet.

I just searched online and it was more expensive there than at my vet! :eek:

I know there have been threads on where to purchase flea/tick meds online. I'm wondering if I can purchase the heartworm meds there also.


10-13-2010, 10:26 AM
We have a mobile vet that goes to our VIP petcare services that goes to our local western feed stores. I got a coupon in a mailer for 15 dollars off, this last yearly supply I bought of heartguard for Bubba was only like 25 dollars including the blood test.

I also got potter all his annual shots for 40.00.

I was on banfield and paying close to a 100 a month for all of them but it just got too pricey.

You can go here to see when they are in your area


10-13-2010, 11:43 AM
Cindy, whatever you do please don't buy any medications online from companies that aren't from the United States. I just saw on the news last night that several people have been buying medications for their pets online from places like Australia and they were getting fake meds that caused their animals to become sick or the meds didn't work at all. I've been buying my flea meds from entirelypets.com and they usually always have some kind of sale going on. Good luck.:)

10-13-2010, 01:54 PM
Thank you Ladies!! :D

10-14-2010, 09:07 PM
You could ask your vet about Tri-Heart Plus (http://www.triheartplus.com/index.html).

The patent is off on Heartgard and available in a generic. Tri-heart has the same ingredients, it's still beef flavored but more of a milkbone textured chewable tablet, it's made by Scherring-Plough a smaller company that doesn't spend it's clients money advertising all over the tv and magazines. The company has a better written guarantee, and so far since we've carried it, they've had an offer for $5 coupon if you buy a year supply at one time.

If your vet doesn't already know about it, you might want to have him look it up, it might save him AND his clients money.

We switched over our clients to it a few years ago because Merial (who makes Heartgard) kept upping their price ever time we'd order which means we'd have to increase our client's cost on a regular basis. Doesn't make the bosses happy and doesn't make our clients happy either. We've had only a couple small dogs that didn't like it as well as the Heartgard but the vast majority say their dogs don't notice the difference and it saves their owners money.

Cindy, whatever you do please don't buy any medications online from companies that aren't from the United States. I just saw on the news last night that several people have been buying medications for their pets online from places like Australia and they were getting fake meds that caused their animals to become sick or the meds didn't work at all. I've been buying my flea meds from entirelypets.com and they usually always have some kind of sale going on. Good luck.:)

Yes, that is a bigger problem than most people think. We've had a few dozen clients in the last year come in that said they bought Frontline Plus and if they were lucky it simply didn't work, at worst we had several that had very sick pets afterwards. When we looked on their files they didn't buy it from us. When we asked them they had all said they bought the products online from various sites.

10-14-2010, 09:44 PM
I use Interceptor, not Heartgard; that is what my vet suggested when I got Sugar, my first bichon, almost 4 years back.

With the prescription meds, I don't find the online pricing much better either, and just get it from my vet. I do get the flea and tick stuff on line and the savings is there.

See this chart:

Interceptor covers many intestinal worms, so you most likely will never need to do a deworming.

Also, from things I have read, folks just don't seem to get good results with Revolution for dogs.

Revolution for cats is great, and I use that, also my vet's recommendation.

For my dogs, since I use a topical flea tick treatment to kill any that get on them, PLUS garlic to try and repel them in the first place, I really don't need a heartworm pill which will also address fleas. You will see on that chart, some of them do. It is just a matter of preference, I think, as to how you want to go about getting which parasites. Some are more prevalent in one area of the country than another, so that may alter a person's choice too.