View Full Version : Got bit by a 10 month old semi-feral...

10-11-2010, 02:58 PM
I was pet sitting for my friend Nancy's cats. I worked with this beautiful, recently spayed little girl. She started to purr. Only problem was I needed to put eye ointment in her eyes twice a day. She HATED it!!! I finally got her used to it. Nancy came home and took over. That was the beginning of the end.

Nancy asked me if I would try and work with the cat at my house and I agreed to. Before I took her home, I asked Nancy to help me clip her nails. I told her how to hold her. That cat went balistic!!!!:eek::eek: She kept lurching for Nancy's face! I kept trying to get in between to prevent her from biting Nancy's face. :eek::eek::eek:

The cat is going back to where she came from to live in a heated barn. I thought for SURE I could get her to turn around.

I know alot of you are wondering why I didn't wear gloves. Gloves are very cumbersome. I never could've gotten a good grip of her, and she would've gotten away. At least it's a happy ending.

10-11-2010, 03:18 PM
We are praying that the bite was not serious and that you got a shot for it. Pouncer Roccalno bit me on the left elbow and I had to go in for shots and it still hurts a little bit.
I thought it would go away, but it didn't until it was treated.
Good Luck with that Little Lost Soul!!!!

Laura's Babies
10-11-2010, 11:16 PM
Did you get to the doctor? You will need antibiotics... I been bitten so many times, Boo bite me twice I think when she first came here. My regular PCP gives me a shot and a 10 round of antibiotics.

10-12-2010, 08:48 AM
Nancy's injuries are far worse than mine. I have a couple of puncture wounds and alot of scratches. Nothing serious. I've been bitten many times as well and the doctor (last time I went for a bite) told me that I can build up an immunity to them. So far no red lines.

Nancy is keeping an eye on her wounds. I think she should go to the doctor. She refuses, saying she knows about "cat scratch fever" and she's been bitten many times and it has always healed itself.

The cat was picked up yesterday. The guy who originally fostered her said she's sitting in his lap purring!!! :eek: My gut feeling is she was abused by a female.