View Full Version : Oliver

10-10-2010, 01:10 AM
What a sweet cat! He is beautiful and how lucky he is to have you as his parents! You go, Oliver!!

10-10-2010, 01:27 AM
Like Oliver? I love him!! He is handsome and brave!! I have heard of unique cats liking different things.... but I have NEVER heard of a cat who likes the car let alone going for road trips!! Oliver is absolutely gorgeous in his seat and little shirt!! My wedding anniversary is on Oliver's birthday (September 18) and I think that it is a very lucky and special day!! Happy cat of the day Oliver - It was lovely to meet such a brave boy :love:

10-10-2010, 02:41 AM
Greetings, Oliver, you handsome, brave fellow! You look remarkably good for a 12-year-old kitty who has gone through as much as you have these past few years. I love the photo of you in your tank top, ready to go for a ride in the car. It's awesome that you will dress up and go for a walk on a leash. Not many kitties will do that, so you are very special indeed! I hope you are feeling better after your chemo and surgeries and that you enjoy many more years with your Mom, singing to her and accompanying her on car rides.

:love: Here's to Oliver, a very special Cat of the Day. Congratulations! :love:

10-10-2010, 03:28 AM
Oliver, you are quite a cat! In fact, you are my hero! Sending you loves and good wishes on this, your special day!:love::love:

10-10-2010, 08:06 AM
Your are an inspiration dear Oliver. You have been through a lot. Obviously your mom loves you dearly. All the best to you. I have a blue point too named Saturn. He was cat of the day Aug. 6 2001. He was young then- now he is ten. His brother, Thai, was cat of the day on Sept 12, 2010.

10-10-2010, 08:08 AM
I'm sorry that you've had to endure so many trials and tribulations, Oliver, but I'm happy to see that you've come through it and are still going strong. Meezers are such handsome kitties and you are no exception. W/one eye gone, it looks like you're permanently winking. ;) That is so charming. Enjoy your day as COTD, handsome boy. :)

10-10-2010, 09:11 AM
Oliver, You sure are a handsome cat with one or two eyes. You look good for twelve years. I am sorry you are not well and hope that you will be well again one day. Meanwhile, I can tell that you haven't given up and that you just keep going. You are so cute in all your photos and I think it's great that you'll sit in a pet car seat and walk on a leash (two things my cat would not do). It's obvious that you are loved and cared for by a wonderful person. I hope all of you have many years left. Congrats on being COTD! Kay in NC

10-10-2010, 09:59 AM
We don't just like you Oliver, we LOVE you!:) What a beautiful (body and soul), brave, courageous boy you are Oliver! You and your family both are fighters, and your indomitable spirits truly an inspiration to us all! God bless your dear, wonderful parents for doing all in their power to help heal you, to help you beat this dreaded disease. If anyone can come though this, you can! Just look at you...despite all that you've had to deal with, from chemo to 3 surgeries, the loss of an eye, you still know how to enjoy life and your family, to savor every moment of the day, even enjoying your beloved car rides! (That photo of you all decked out in your fave tank top, ready to head out on one of your road trips, riding shotgun, is the best:cool:) You are a hero in my book, Oliver (your family too); one extra special furkid, and your family so very blessed to have known your love, devotion and companionship these many years.:love: You're only worthy of the title Cat of the Day, you're a Cat of a Lifetime! I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Oliver, hoping that you and your family will know many more happy, love filled years together! Congratulations and lots of love and cuddles and purrrs to you precious Oliver, from me and my kitties Oliver and Tigg!:love::love::love: I hope you're feeling well today sweetheart, able to enjoy a peaceful and happy Cat of the Day with your Mommy and Daddy!:) We love Oliver!

10-10-2010, 11:19 AM
Oliver, you brave, brave young man.:love: You have endured more than most cats, yet you have a look of serenity and wisdom on your handsome face. Despite all the obstacles you valiantly continue to live as normal a life as possible.

It's hard to believe that any cat would allow him/her self to be leashed, dressed up, or taken for a ride willingly, yet you seem to revel in it!;) What a love you are!!!:love::love:

Dear boy, you must celebrate your COTD status, even flaunt it today!!:D Prance on your leash, get dressed to the nines and demand to be chauffered to your favorite spots. By all means, get lots of treats, pets, and lots of loving!:love:


10-10-2010, 11:52 AM
Handsome Olive I'm in LOVE with you too!!! :love:

You are getting quite the fan club here on Pet Talk!!! What a brave boy you are!!! I loved seeing your wonderful pictures. I specially like the one of you in your car seat and wearing you favorite tee shirt. :) Still a boy on the go aren't you? :cool:

I hope you and your loving family have a wonderfully fun day together.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D :love:

10-10-2010, 12:15 PM
You've gone through a lot...and you have great pet parents who saw you through everything! :love:
Enjoy life, and your special COTD status! And oh - Happy Belated Birthday! :)

10-10-2010, 01:23 PM
Oliver, you are brave and stalwart. I hope your trials and tribulations are behind you and you can enjoy the rest of your time with your mum. You are a special cat and definitely worthy of being Cat of the Day!

10-10-2010, 01:39 PM
LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE!!!!!:love::love::love:
You are truly one Lucky Cat Oliver to have Guardians who fought so hard for you nad by doing so have managed to get you through all of your illnesses with flying colors!!
Many other Guardians may have given up but You Oliver have sich great Friends around you to give you every chance!!!
You are such a Happy Adventuresome Cat Oliver riding along for a Car Ride in your T Shirt , and you are such a Big Happy Cat , enjoying life to the fullest , and enjoying life after your medical treatments.
COOL! COOL!!COOL!!!:cool::cool:
LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE!!!:love::love::love:

10-10-2010, 02:08 PM
What a lovely cat you are! You are the spitting image of my cat Twinkle who lived from 1960 to 1981--yes, he was 21 years old when he died and he would have lived longer with the medical miracles they have today. He had the same coat and tint as you do and he was a beautiful boy. We now have a little female tabby, Seal (see April 20, 2003) and she has just completed radiation treatment for an overactive thryoid. She is now 11 and came through with flying colours!

Lot of love to you--you are a very dear kitty!

10-10-2010, 03:57 PM
Hello, most handsome Oliver, road trippin kitty! I hope you will have many more happy, healthy times of car rides and time with your loving family. Count me as one of your many fans. Happy Cat of the Day, beautiful Oliver!

10-10-2010, 04:21 PM
Hi Oliver! You are so beautiful, no matter the missing eye :love::love::love:
You have been through so much, and so did your humans! You are lucky having such a good home, and I wish you a long life.

Enjoy your day, handsome Oliver :)

10-10-2010, 04:42 PM
So nice to meet another cat who loves to ride in cars! My blessed Murphy loved car rides, too, but he couldn't stay put in his seat very well. He travelled back and forth with me 3 hours across Ohio many weekends while my husband and I lived apart for over a year and he loved it. I don't think he was QUITE as HANDSOME as you are---Love, Yvonne

10-10-2010, 06:33 PM
Sure do love your Oliver kitty! I like how he enjoys his tank tops and car rides! I would love to see him riding along in the car, unfortunately I dont live near Maine:( You certainly took/take good care of sweet Oliver. I hope he continues to be a long term companion. It was so nice to meet him!:love:

Hi Cat Daddy:)

10-10-2010, 07:39 PM
Dear Friend,
You said, "Hope that you will like our Oliver kitty." Well, to be honest, I don't like your Oliver kitty- I love him. I really shouldn't joke around like this but I did so because of how he affected me. Poor little man's been through so much and yet, he hasn't lost the apparent tremendous love he has in his big, ol' kitty heart. What a kind and wonderful kitty he is. He may not be as attractive as some kitties but that which is within him more than makes up for it. He's a beautiful kitty inside his heart and he gives and gives and gives to those he loves.
You know, animals have almost brought me to more tears that people have...almost. They so often give and give and are so selfless. I look at the photos of your boy Oliver and, after having so many kitties in my 59 years that I honestly couldn't count them right now, I know how you feel about him and I also know what he's done for you and for your heart deep down inside. I look at Oliver and tears come to my eyes because I know "who he is", in a way of speaking. The one big problem with having pets, especially those of us who love them like family, is there comes the time we have to say good-bye and with me, it's becoming harder and harder. That's all I'm going to say about that except to say that, to me, my pets are little gifts from God to lighten my days. I've been disabled for over 21 years now and my one puppy dog named Harvick and my two kitties named Erin and Tweeder, have helped to brighten my days in ways I can't explain to someone who doesn't love animals as we do. Your love for Oliver is so apparent. He's your baby. He loves you with a pure and sweet love. He's a blessing to you and you've obviously been a blessing to him in return. I pray the Lord blesses you for what you've done for Oliver. I also pray you have many more years together, that his health improves and that he really begins to feel much better than he has for a while.
Well, I've carried on enough, my friend. May the Lord bless and keep you and all your loved ones, both human and pets. May your days be good and your nights restful. If you have not come to know Him yet, I pray you develop a relationship with the Savior our Creator so generously sent so we can spend eternity with Him. I believe with all my heart that our animals spend eternity with us, too.
Take care.
My love to all in Jesus, my Lord,
Jim Grayson
Lexington, Kentucky

10-10-2010, 10:45 PM
You`ve gone through some hard times Olly. Hope the rest of your days are sick free & you have a wonderful life son.

10-12-2010, 02:38 AM
You are a beautiful boy, Oliver, and I think you would look quite dashing with an eye patch. You have endured a lot of medical treatments and your mom was right by your side through it all. You haven't lost your joy for life; you still enjoy your walks and riding in the car. Oliver, I hope you have many more years of improved health and happiness with your family who love you so much. You are a sweet and wonderful COTD!