View Full Version : Hank gets mad/jealous... Advice?

10-09-2010, 02:16 AM
So this has been going on for a while.... Hank gets very jealous when Mike comes over. Especially if it's just the two of us alone. He expresses by pooping in the house. Exact same spot. At first I figured it was just a phase he was going through. He used to be fine before and now he just shows attitude. It's interesting, he is most closest to dad and I. Normally when dad is home, he's always around him, when he's not home/away on business trips, he turns to me. I am just confused why he'd behave like this. He likes Mike, but hates it when he's with me, especially when we hug or kiss. Never shows aggression either. Never attempted to bite him either.
I just never had a dog like him, I love him, great dog, but not when he's behaving this way. Any advice?