View Full Version : How'd You Get To Pet Talk???

10-26-2002, 10:06 PM
How did everyone find out/get to Pet Talk?? I just thought it would be interesting to know! I found out because my friend told me that every day they feature a different pet on this site so I went. Then I entered Floppsy in and when he won I saw at the bottom "Talk About Today's Pet in Pet Talk!" and so I went to see what people were saying about Floppsy and a few days later I joined. My first post was a compliment to Steinway (POTD).

The Cat Factory
10-26-2002, 10:14 PM
I saw at the bottom "Talk About Today's Pet in Pet Talk!"

That's how I found PT, too! I was looking at a COTD, and I decided to see what PT was :)

10-26-2002, 10:54 PM
I saw at the bottom "Talk About Today's Pet in Pet Talk!"

Me three! http://smilies.f-o-o-l.de/wavey.gif Hi everyone! http://smilies.f-o-o-l.de/wavey.gif

10-26-2002, 11:15 PM
It wasn't at the bottom, way back when, when I joined. Just, all of the sudden, there was a Pet Talk tab, and I checked it out. I think I was one of the first members, but not THE first. Am I correct that Freckles (Joan) was the first offical member, other than Karen and Paul???

I do know that Sandra, Pam, Rachel, Karen, Carrie and Jackie followed close behind. Whew!!! I'm glad about that!!! I have 6 of my very best friends coming from Pet Talk now!!! :)

10-26-2002, 11:16 PM
I think I did a search on a engine for "pictures of dogs" and I found Pet Talk. I only looked at the Pics for a while, then I ventured into here. And I havn't left since LOL

10-26-2002, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Logan
It wasn't at the bottom, way back when, when I joined. Just, all of the sudden, there was a Pet Talk tab, and I checked it out.

That's how it was when I came too. I was sent the link for Cat of the Day from my brother-in-law who stumbled on it accidentally one day. He never returned and I never left! LOL! :D

10-27-2002, 12:29 AM
I don't remember how I got here...and no, it isn't early senility. COTD has been bookmarked on my favorites forever..one day, not too many months ago, I snuck in, looked around, and here I am! :D

10-27-2002, 01:06 AM
A loooong time ago Rachel/Countrywolf07 told me about the Dog of the Day website. I bookmarked it, looked at a few times. I'm not sure when exactly I chose to click on the Pet Talk button.....and I'm not sure how Rachel found DOTD......but I'm glad she did. :D And I had to convince her to join Pet Talk lol.

10-27-2002, 03:15 AM
About a year ago, I did a search on yahoo for cockatiel pics. It so happened, that that day's POTD happened to be a cockatiel! It turned out on the search and I clicked on it, and was pleased to find a great pet site. Every day after that I would return to see the new pet. I did this for several months, until I began to wonder what this Pet Talk tab on the left was all about. I clicked on it and enjoyed reading everyone's comments on the POTD. I returned everyday to see what people were saying about the pets, and a day came when there was just the cutest pet bird, that I myself, HAD to comment on. So to comment on that bird, I became a member. I never left. :rolleyes:

10-27-2002, 06:05 AM
I found COTD on a search engine. I looked at that EVERY day for a while. I ventured into Pet talk one day and saw I needed to register. Ok, here comes the part that shows how naive I am, I did not know if I should or not. So I continued on looking at the COTD and when I felt the NEED to comment on a POTD, I decided to GO FOR IT and register. Well, the most addicting thing I ever did in my born days!!:D

10-27-2002, 06:42 AM
I found dogoftheday.com way back around 1998. But we had the slowest computer ever, and an even slower connection. So I hardly ever connected to the internet, but when I did that was the first thing I checked out. Last summer, we updated to a new computer/cable connection and since then I checked dog/cat/pet everyday. After Azure was petoftheday, I clued in that there was a talk section and read everybody's WONDERFUL comments about him. A few weeks later I joined, and here I am still blabbering...:rolleyes: :o

10-27-2002, 06:56 AM
I did a search for cats and found COTD. I actually have been checking COTD out for a long time now (at least a year). There was one abyssinian last month though, that I just had to comment on and that's when I became a member.

10-27-2002, 07:25 AM
Another thing was that I thought it was one of thise huge business-like websites that had a bunch of owners and a customer service dept. and stuff, I never dreamed I would meet the owners. But I did!! Yay Karen and Paul!!!:D

10-27-2002, 07:44 AM
I found my way here from Casper & Kitty's homepage :) :)

Felicia's Mom
10-27-2002, 08:22 AM
In my case I had been lurking on a different site (for around 2 years). I did not like the way the people on this site were always arguing.(sp) I found Pet Talk just surfing around. I lurked for maybe one day before I joined.

10-27-2002, 08:27 AM
I was visiting my nephew's website . There was a link to "Dog of the day" . I had a look , then saw "cat of the day" , and the words "talk about this on PETTALK" . I clicked on it , ....
and the rest is history !!!;) :D ;) :D
I haven't left since ;) ;) ;)

10-27-2002, 08:37 AM
Sounds crazy, but one day it just popped up, and I've been here ever since!

10-27-2002, 11:09 AM
I was searching on Google for Cat Sites - found a couple that weren't what I liked - then BINGO! Up popped PET OF THE DAY Yippppppeeeeeeee!!
I lurked for some time before joining - and of course, I've never looked back since!


10-27-2002, 11:50 AM
I get the Lockegnome (computer) newsletter, written by Chris Pirillo. One day, his dog Sprocket made Dog of the Day. That is how I found the site. I sent in a picture of my cat Abby, and she made Cat of the Day (http://catoftheday.com/archive/2001/July/28.html) on July 28, 2001. I just recently found the discussion boards, when I wanted to talk about my new kitten.

10-27-2002, 02:15 PM
Before I joined, I had been looking at COTD for a while, but then I noticed PT, read a few posts and joyned 16.01.2002. I posted 3 days later.

Enjoying this board immensely, it's such a friendly bunch of people! :D

Miss Meow
10-27-2002, 05:50 PM
I think I was doing a google search for Siamese cats and saw it. I bookmarked Cat of the Day and checked in daily for months and months but never saw the "Talk about today's pet ..." at the bottom. There must've been a pet where I scrolled and finally hit that link to addiction :D

10-28-2002, 12:06 AM
I think I found it when I was searching for info about an allergic reaction in cats from vaccinations? it was either that or I was searching for info on the breed "russian blue" because I wanted to learn more about Bassett. I clicked the PT button but I didn't join right away.. I did a lot of lurking :D