View Full Version : Last Pictures Of Fritz

10-06-2010, 07:31 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/littlepal1.jpg http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/littlepal2.JPGI didn't know it at the time but these are the last two pictures I took of Fritz last Tuesday,he was snoozing under the coffee table.It has been a rough week with out my pal here,had a hard time looking at his pictures without crying,didn't know when I wanted to this,but I am doing it now.he hadn't looked sick all week,had been eating begging and barking from me had food from Mom ,had Hamburger and some Ice Cream we brought from Dairy Queen,he had been drinking a lot but thought it was the pills he was taking for scratching,didn't know it was diabetes and kidney trouble.he brought up on the Sunday the 26th,didn't eat much after,he lost 6.5 pounds,Mom and i think it all happened that week.,a few times I picked him up,he groaned in pain and upstairs and down here wandered from place to place trying to comfy and at the vets Wednesday,he wanted me to put him down on the bench which I did,also was losing some hair.he was to be out on intravenous as he was dehydrated, vet did blood work and a test for Canine Pancreatitis.The appointment was for 10:45, about 2 hours later ,the vet called an gave the bad new,diabetes could have been treated,but it would cost too much for the kidney trouble,he would have to be watched 24 hours and on medication and if the vets wasn't open,it closed at 7, he would have to go to a emergency clinic,these visits would have been $500 and Mom could not afford that,so she did the best thing she could do for Fritz,didn't want him to suffer.Marlene went with Mom,I couldn't,too broke up.I talked with Sandra(tatsxx11),she said it wasn't diabetes that made him bring up,could have been the kidney trouble or Cancer.

Daisy and Delilah
10-06-2010, 11:19 PM
My little man looks like he didn't feel well, Barry. I know how hard it was to post the pictures. I'm so glad you did. I've missed him so much. I know he is with Dad and Ruffles smiling on all of us.

10-07-2010, 05:05 AM
It sure won't be the same not seeing and hearing about Fritz. Thanks for sharing those pictures Barry. Time will help to ease the pain. {hugs}