View Full Version : I Found A Goldfish

10-05-2010, 04:55 PM
Help, I found a Goldfish this evening. I was out behind my garage calling
my cat Baby Kitty to come inside for supper. (she lives in my garage) She
was taking her time about coming, so I started picking up stuff around the
garbage dumpsters & noticed a half empty water bottle sitting on the side
of the alley. Only after I picked it up did I notice it had a goldfish in it.:eek:

I neighbors across the way moved out last week & someone was hired
to move some leftover stuff out of the house & garage a few days ago.
I think that's where it came from, but I really don't know for sure.What am
I going to do with it? I don't even have a bowl for it, or food to give it.

10-05-2010, 07:01 PM
You can put in in a vase with some water, run the water for a minute, then let it set in the vase and leave it for at least an hour. Then submerge the water bottle in it, so the temperature equalizes and let Fishie loose to swim. Tomorrow, you can pick up some gravel and fish food, but he should be fine for tonight, they can go days without eating.

10-05-2010, 11:43 PM
OMG, how sad! Did they just leave him out as trash? How sad! :( Poor little fishy. Goldfish are starter fish and fairly easy to keep if you only have one. You'll also need some water conditioner as well as a filter if you plan on keeping him. Sponge filters are pretty cheap. Goldfish create a lot of amonia and are pretty dirty fish.

10-07-2010, 05:14 AM
I'd take it if you lived closer. Like the others said, it wouldn't take much to house it, (a smaller goldfish) until you could find it a home if you don't want to keep it.

10-07-2010, 04:42 PM
I'd take it if you lived closer. Like the others said, it wouldn't take much to house it, (a smaller goldfish) until you could find it a home if you don't want to keep it.

I wish you did live closer, I would let you have it. He/she is a lively little
bugger. I read that Goldfish don't usually live a long life, so I was prepared
to find him gone in the morning, but not this one.:)

I put him in a rectangular glass vase I had & gave him some fish food &
boy was he glad to get out of that small water bottle.:) I haven't checked
with all my neighbors yet, but I'm still trying.:)

10-07-2010, 05:00 PM
Good to hear he's doing well! Know anyone at the local elementary school that might take it to be a class pet? Poor fishy, I am glad you saved it!

10-07-2010, 06:49 PM
I wish you did live closer, I would let you have it. He/she is a lively little
bugger. I read that Goldfish don't usually live a long life, so I was prepared
to find him gone in the morning, but not this one.:)
I have two Goldfish who are nearly 5 and two close to a year old.;) They don't usually live long only because people don't care for them properly. :( I'm glad you saved him and hope you find him a home.:)

10-08-2010, 04:49 PM
You should keep him. :D Fish are awesome and have the cutest little personalities.

10-09-2010, 10:30 AM
Well, the little guy didn't make it.:(:(

I fed him as usual yesterday morning & watched him as he ate. Seemed fine
and active as usual. When I checked him again later in the late afternoon,
he was laying on his side in the water.:(

Sorry little one, I tried my best.:( R.I.P. little Goldfish.

10-09-2010, 07:19 PM
Aww. Poor fishy. :( Who knows how long he sat in that water bottle. Well, you did what you could.

10-09-2010, 07:34 PM
Aww. Poor fishy. :( Who knows how long he sat in that water bottle. Well, you did what you could.

It makes me sad that he didn't live longer. I wrapped him up in cotton
cloth & buried him next to the garage.:( It was a matter of respect.:(

10-09-2010, 07:44 PM
I'm sorry he didn't make it.:( At least you tried and someone (you) cared about him before he died.

10-11-2010, 07:15 AM
The best person who could have found him did, and you did the best you could for him. I'm sorry that he was not treated with the love and respect he deserved until you found him, but at least he was cared for properly in his last days. :love: