View Full Version : Interesting............

10-03-2010, 04:04 AM

It is fortunate that these have survived. Most probably a million wet plate photos were made during the civil war on glass plate.

Popular during the war, they later lost their appeal and many were sold for the glass. Many used in green houses. Over the years the sun caused the images to disappear.

These are pretty amazing considering they were taken up to 150 years ago:
A collection of photos from the era of the War Between the States.

Run the cursor over the photograph and the picture caption will pop up.

Click on the photo to enlarge and to read the story.


10-03-2010, 06:22 AM
Thank you so much for this link. I didn't know there were so many photos from this time. Tragic and well worth remembering. :love:

10-03-2010, 07:02 AM
Very interesting. Thanks Wom!

10-03-2010, 08:41 AM
First, let me say that the pictures are amazing. Second, as a Civil War reenactor, it is sad that this had to go into Dog House....no it wasn't a pretty time in our history but it is HISTORY! It is part of what made us the nation we are today and it can't be changed or hidden...and in case anyone wants to know, my husband and I, along with the Regiment we belong to, portray North and South, whatever is needed at that event.

10-03-2010, 08:57 AM
It didn't need to be in The Dog House, and I have now moved it into General.

We have a bunch of photo negatives on glass plates that my mother's mother, who was an artist, took. We have not found anyone who would develop them, as they are, or course, fragile. I do not want to risk damaging one by scanning it, as I worry the light will be too strong and damage the negative.

10-03-2010, 09:31 AM
some of the phots are graphic, that's probably why he put 'em in the DH

10-03-2010, 10:28 AM
Alicia and I were just in Gettysburg, it is a very sad and tragic time in our history. But then war always is. It's main purpose is to kill the enemy or in other words another human being with different views, how sad we humans are.

10-03-2010, 11:04 AM
Thanks for that, well worth a view.

I was struck that the only Confederate soldiers shown were dead ones. At least, until you get to the bottom where they show some officer portraits. I couldn't find any explanation, though. Maybe there were no photographers in the South; or the plates didn't survive. But if they are in the Library of Congress, I wonder why this site only showed one side. :confused:

10-03-2010, 10:55 PM
It didn't need to be in The Dog House, and I have now moved it into General.

Sorry, but I really did consider General, but I was kind of worried that someone would say something about the pics of the dead.

10-03-2010, 10:58 PM
Alicia and I were just in Gettysburg, it is a very sad and tragic time in our history. But then war always is. It's main purpose is to kill the enemy or in other words another human being with different views, how sad we humans are.

Yeah, it's all very interesting.
I spent some time at Manassis (Bull Run).

10-03-2010, 11:01 PM
Thanks for that, well worth a view.

I was struck that the only Confederate soldiers shown were dead ones. At least, until you get to the bottom where they show some officer portraits. I couldn't find any explanation, though. Maybe there were no photographers in the South; or the plates didn't survive. But if they are in the Library of Congress, I wonder why this site only showed one side. :confused:

Who knows ??? Maybe a lot of these plates were gathered and stored by a particular photographer from that time who happened to be working for the North. There are certainly plenty of Confederate pics around.