View Full Version : Jasper

10-03-2010, 03:07 AM
Hi Jasper! My, you are such a handsome boy - and very photogenic! :D And another rescue story.

I wish you could wake me up for work like you do with your humans on the weekends. :rolleyes: My babies just sleep until I wake up and then they get up.

And how precious is your habit of having a little plate so you can share dinner time. :)

You are very agile in your posing, Jasper. I have never seek a cat strike a pose like that. It is so lovely to know that you and Paka were a comfort to your humans when Bob passed over the RB. These dark times can be softened so much by the presence of 2 beautiful cats.:love::love: We are glad you were there to do that.

Jasper, congrats on being such a worthy Cat of the Day, and may you and Paka have many happy years together.:love:

10-03-2010, 06:35 AM
Jasper what a gorgeous man and a yoga expert too!! Happy cat of the day :love:

10-03-2010, 07:55 AM
Jasper, the Yoga kitty. I like it! I've seen dogs lie down in the way that you do but not cats. Although your joints may be a little stiff now that you're a senior kitty, you still can manage one of your Yoga postures. I guess that's what keeps you flexible. You certainly are a handsome one, too. I'm sure that you'll have many more years yet w/your loving family. So enjoy your day as COTD, handsome boy. :)

10-03-2010, 09:27 AM
Good Morning to a very handsome boy! Thats a first for me to see a cat laying like that! Yoga is good for the body and why not practice it Jasper, you are flexible enough as a cat to do all the poses:D Keep doing your hip openers to help with the stiffness! Happy COTD you are AWESOME!:love:

10-03-2010, 12:19 PM
Jasper you are indeed one gorgeous boy!!! :love:

I can't imagine anyone giving you up for any reason. It sounds like you have a wonderfully loving home now though. I hope you are being spoiled rotten today. :)

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D:love:

10-03-2010, 12:23 PM
What a handsome Senior Kittyzen you are Jasper, and you and Paka certainly have quite a fine Furr Ever Home there where you get your plate to share as you are such devoted Companion and a delight to be with.
You are quite an agile Cat Jasper , and you certainly do strike some unique poses!!
We know that Your Friend Bob is part of Our Awesome Angels Army, where All Pets, Strays , Zoo and Farm and Wild Creatures go and form a Mighty Army so that they can see the best our World has to offer.
Bog Angel dri=ops by to see his Family and his New Friends and see that all is well.

10-03-2010, 01:19 PM
Jasper, It was a pleasure to read about you. It sounds as if you have a wonderful home and people who love you. My LilGirl dog stretches out the way you do and carries a ball too. Are you sure you are not part dog? (Laugh) As a senior kitty you seem quite flexible. I'm a senior myself and we must keep moving and stretching, eh? You're very handsome and I hope you have many years left with your loving family. Congrats on being COTD! Kay in NC

10-03-2010, 06:45 PM
Hi there Jasper! Greetings and a very happy Cat of the Day to you, handsome boy!:) It's always a special day on Pet Talk when a beautiful, lovable senior is our very special honoree! Bless you sweetheart (and Paka),for being there for your family after the tragic, sudden loss of your beloved predecessor, Bob. As we say here so often, our adopted kids so often rescue us, as much as we do them!:love:

You defy your years, Jasper; young in looks and in spirit, and I'm not sure there are many senior humans who can manage yoga on that level (or know how to handle a crimping iron!:D:p) How precious is that photo of you, those dainty, lean legs all splayed out; talk about limber!:cool: What a wonderful life you have been blessed with, sweetheart! It's clear how much your parents love you, how devoted they are to you, and well, any kitty who can claim his very own spot at the dinner table is definitely one pampered puss...and rightfully so!:)
Thanks for ending my day with a big smile Jasper! You truly are one extra, EXTRA special furkid, and so deserving of our coveted Sunday Cat of the Day kudos!:) Hope you and your furry sis are enjoying a very happy and love filled day, and here's to many more wonderful, carefree, happy days with your wonderful family! Love and cuddles to you, precious Jasper, and to dear Paka, too!:love::love::love:

10-03-2010, 09:37 PM
Jasper is also very communicative. He rips and chews paper and cardboard to get attention, even in the middle of the night.

Hey, Jasper! You do the same thing my Cassie does! It is very effective at getting my attention :rolleyes:.

I really like your yoga pose! I have seen it described elsewhere on PT as kitty frog legs, but yours looks very regal and sleek.

You are orange, beautiful and handsome! Happy Cat of the Day to you, sweety!

10-03-2010, 10:06 PM
Hello, Jasper! What a handsome, buff fellow you are :) Your flexibility and grace deny your age! I love the yoga pose. It's unusual to see a kitty lying like that, but you make it look easy. It's wonderful that you were rescued into a loving home where you are treated at dinner on your own little plate, and you can tear up paper in the middle of the night without getting into trouble :D

You were a good boy to bring comfort to your humans when Bob went to the Rainbow Bridge. I'm sure you all still miss him, but remember the good times and know that he's waiting for all of you so you can cross together.

:love: Congratulations to our senior kitty, Jasper, a most-deserving Cat of the Day!
Here's to many more years of purrs, play and treats! :love:

10-04-2010, 09:58 PM
What a cutie you are, Jasper! You look great for an 'old man' - lol! :)
Enjoy your COTD status!