View Full Version : My treasure search?

10-02-2010, 07:45 PM
Now that the house has to be emptied I am finding all kinds of treasure in boxes of papers my Ma and Pa had collected.

Some are photos, receipts, papers and letters from their lifetimes.


I found some report cards for some sibs, I found a V-mail letter from an uncle that I never knew. During the Second World War a soldier had to write on a form to send out a letter. That form was then looked at by a censor, copied and shrunk into a sheet about 5x8 and stuffed into a tiny envelope. The writing is so small I cannot read it!

I have found pictures of people I do not know....Please take the time to put a note on your photos, Someday you sibs or offspring will do the same thing I am doing and will wonder about who they are looking at!

I found a receipt for a color TV they bought in 1971. 463 dollars!
That was a huge amount of money back then!

I found statements of all kinds and a hospital bill for my sister's birth. It cost about 250 dollars.

I would gladly pay the hospital to take her back. I'd give them 48 cents.;):D

I found 57,000 pesos.

In Mexican Money......

That is worth nothing.

I went on line and found out that the Mex gov't. changed the coins in the
90's and the 57,000 pesos, which, had they not been taken out of circulation and made worthless, would be worth about 4,000 dollars in U.S. dollars.

Oh well, I have always use them in a slingshot? Or on Halloween?:eek::rolleyes:;)

I am almost thru with most of the papers, but am looking forward to see what else shows up.

I'll let you all know!:)

10-02-2010, 08:10 PM
actually... 57,000 pesos.. are now about 57 pesos.. they took the 3 zeros at the end.. and yeah.. not worth a dime now.. but... you might find a collector and sell them...;)

10-02-2010, 08:14 PM
You know some of the treasure I have found when cleaning out our house - which was Great Aunt Bertha's before us, now you get to have the fun!

Richard, take a large sheet of matt board, glue, markers and those pesos, and make art! Then you can sell it for more money! :)

Laura's Babies
10-02-2010, 08:27 PM
Mama always told us to be sure to write on the back of pictures who they were. She did on all hers and after she died we went through all her pictures and had the best time. Mama had a picture of my brother that passed away in 1994 a picture of when he was young and his daughter was there looking through all that with us when she came across that and we ALL just busted out laughing. She looked EXACTLY like him except she has long hair. The picture of him looked like she would with real short hair. It was so much fun looking through all her pictures and dividing them up.

I thought I had seen all of Mama's pictures but found a bunch I had never seen before. Found some really beautiful ones of her when she was young that Daddy took. You could tell by looking at her pictures that Daddy took of her that he really loved her and was proud to show her off.

10-02-2010, 09:48 PM
I had to clear out my moms house a couple of years ago. Unfortunately she was a hoarder so there was alot of junk. My sibs said to just dump everything in the bin but I think I had to take the time to go thru some stuff and I'm glad I did. Saved alot of pics and letters. Some I can read, some pics I can ID but most not so. I did find some treasures. My brothers baby bracelet, Misc treasures. I dumped six huge dumpsters of trash and ended up with about ten office boxes of things to go thru. It's bittersweet for sure.
Good for you Richard. Carry on!

10-03-2010, 07:35 AM
Isn't it fascinating?

After my Mum died, I cleaned out tons of stuff as she was a hoarder as well. Glad I took the time; I found a "love letter" my Dad wrote to her just after WW II ended; she was still in England, with the food rationing still in place. Among other things, he wanted to make certain she had received the case of Spam! :D

10-03-2010, 08:23 AM
I was the one to clean my parents' home after they passed and the things I found were amazing. My mother was a teacher and I found all kinds of small gifts and letters her pupils had given her over the years, I had no idea that she had kept all of these mementos and cherished then so.I found old family pictures form 100 yrs ago which helped fill in spaces in our family tree that we're working on. Their treaures were someone else's junk probably but it was quite a surprise to see the little things that meant so much to her and not the money they had. Seems that was the least important of all. The journals of all the trips my parents had taken throughout their lives and her thoughts of them I cherish today each and everytime I read them. Her everyday journals of their everyday life shows me what a great marriage and what great values they held dear.