View Full Version : Ten Cat Commandments

10-01-2010, 08:11 PM
Ten Cat Commandments for their humans

1. Acknowldge that I am Cat - no other is above Me. Not even you.

2. Anyone who says I am "just a cat" is not worthy of your time and attention.

3. My affection is mine to dole out, it cannot be forced. Don't try.

4. When people visit, remember I have teeth and will defend myself if necessary. If I flee, do not reveal my choice hiding spots.

5. The fur I shed is my gift to you, so I am with you wherever you go. It is not my fault when you choose garments that do not match my fur color.

6. Did you know my sense of smell is 12 times better than yours? So as much as you hate a smelly litter box, it bothers me 12 times as much! Please help keep it clean, and we'll both be happier.

7. I have a mind of my own. Please do not be upset if I like the packaging better than the expensive toy you just bought me, or the bag your brought it home in. Just be grateful I like something.

8. Pay attention. I am not going to be able to tell you if I am not feeling well, and besides, I don't like showing weakness. I am a cat, the top of the food chain and social order. But if you notice a big change in my behavior, that may mean a trip to the vets is in order.

9. If you leave it on a counter, it's fair game. Ditto that small trash can. If you treasure that pen, or piece of paper or or knicknack - hide it away. After all, I keep my best toys hidden, you should, too. But the spot under the refrigerator is mine, find your own spot.

10. Please have me spayed or neutered. Remember how hard it was being a hormonal teenager? How'd you like to have to live through that several times a year? I don't want to, and believe me, I will let you know!


What do you think? Any input, additions, substitutions or changes?

I thought of this because one of the radio hosts read the "Pet Ten Commandments" the other week, but I thought cats deserved their own set.

10-01-2010, 08:38 PM
When I read #4- remember that I have teeth ... I would add claws! I tried too hard to clip Cassie's one pesky claw on her left foot last night and she let me know she was NOT happy with my doing that.

Which makes me wonder if there should be something about "don't declaw me". Cassie's front paws had already been declawed when I adopted her and I promised the shelter I would not have her back paws declawed. My fur-nephew Milo is not declawed front or back paws. He had to be taught where he could scratch but he has a scratching post and one of those kitty scratchy-boxes that he knows to use. (Sometimes he forgets)

Feed me high-quality food and make sure I have fresh water.
Pet me, love me, and play with me. You are my human and I purr to show you I'm happy that you're with me!

10-01-2010, 10:48 PM
I'm good at recognizing patterns. Be consistent - if I get a treat after every time I get my medicine, I'll take my medicine without complaint.

I don't like change, I like familiarity. If someone else is going to take care of me for a while, introduce us. Let her pet me and give me a treat a few times, and I'll know who she is and not hide from her.

(This list is going to get really long... but then, cat are complex creatures!)

10-02-2010, 12:32 AM
Remus and Spook add:

We can, and will, take every opportunity to get outside. An open window is an open invitation! :rolleyes: :p

10-02-2010, 08:51 AM
Karen, thanks for sharing. Gave me a very big grin on this Saturday morning! LOL

10-02-2010, 09:12 AM
And if we enjoy one brand of food, please do not change the brand , as we Cats hate changes we like eating the same thing day in and day out.
Although treats like Roast Chicken and Steak are welcome any time.
We love to have new places to sleep so new furniture is welcome as long as our old bedding goes on top.
At please at least one full dish per Two Cats , there is a limit to our sharing instincts.

10-02-2010, 03:42 PM
Karen, have you been interviewing Sophie? :D

I'd like to add:
There's no such thing as "your" furniture, "your" keyboard, "your" pillow, "your" blanket or "your" tuna :rolleyes:

10-02-2010, 03:47 PM
From the Found Cats Hotel We Cats go wherever We please and We please wherever We go.

10-02-2010, 04:00 PM
Karen, that is great! A few of them made me laugh out loud.

Other possibilities:

Cats were once worshiped as gods, we have never forgotten this.
Cats don't have owners, we have staff.
Dogs come when you call, we cats take a message and get back to you.

10-02-2010, 07:50 PM
thats great

10-03-2010, 03:43 PM
"I can and will change my preferences any time I choose. That food that I ate readily for weeks may see my upturned nose at any time. You must then make a pilgrimage to find a new brand that meets my favor."

To the list of "my"s I would add "chair." As in, "That nice new computer chair you just bought suits me fine. The old stood in the corner is for your use."

10-05-2010, 10:12 AM
Thanks folks! I'll have to redo the list. Any other additions, or things I could drop from the original ten?

10-05-2010, 01:24 PM
"You can forget about waking up late" :rolleyes:

10-05-2010, 09:52 PM
Um, I don't think you can limit the number to 10.....LOL

10-06-2010, 03:29 PM
And if we enjoy one brand of food, please do not change the brand.

Corollary: I reserve the right to decide at any time that I no longer like the brand of food you have been buying.

I like routine, I have my territory, and I especially like routine in my territory.

I don't think you can limit the number to 10.....LOL
Corollary: I am a cat! Limits do not apply ;)

"You can forget about waking up late"
I decide what time breakfast is served. Be prepared, food lady!

10-06-2010, 03:50 PM
:eek: WoW I think all of our kitties have been talking to each other.. That was all good & so true..

10-21-2010, 12:30 PM
"My favorite part of the day is when you come home to me" Be prepared to show me how much you missed me....."

I learned that one from my cat, he sings his meows when i get home and demands that i love him.....so spoiled.:cool: