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View Full Version : Excrement, cooling devices and me.

10-01-2010, 03:52 PM
I know I dropped off the face of the earth suddenly...but now that I have time, I can update you all on what has been going on.

First of all I am waaaay sorry that I have been camping on the PT book. It is in its envelope, waiting to be sent off. Things got way crazy with work, I lost the darn thing for a while in the chaos, and now that I have found it, it's going in the mail as soon as I know who it goes to next!

I am finally in school and I no longer have the job that was making me completely crazy. My foot injury has been acting up and in between dealing with a real mess jobwise and health problems, I have just been a total mess.

The kitties are doing well. Remus managed to get into a cat fight and got bit on his tail about two weeks ago. The wounds abscessed but a round antibiotics and constant bandage changes (both of which he hates) has him healing nicely. The more he argues with me, the better he seems to be feeling so I welcome his cattiude heh. Spook and Hoodini are great. I have some recent pictures of all of them that I'll post up soon :)

I'll have to take some time to catch up with things I've missed on here. Now that I'm not working my tail off (school is so much easier!) I'll have more time to post!

*hugs* to everyone!

10-01-2010, 03:56 PM
Welcome back, glad things are going better for you! Send Richard a PM and he can tell you who gets that book next!

See Isabel's thread for September 20th - the second book may be lost in her recent tragedy, and move, so maybe Richard will have you send it to the next person on that list, I don't know!

But welcome home!

10-01-2010, 04:00 PM
Thank you Karen!! :D