View Full Version : Claude the Cat

09-30-2010, 05:53 AM
What a great story, and Claude is adorable. I love the photo of him sleeping on his side, so cute! Good, another man converted to cat worshiping; I love it! Enjoy a long and happy life together with your cat who fought to survive; he deserves the best that life can offer him after his early troubled beginnings.

09-30-2010, 06:21 AM
OMG what a doll boy. That face is so adorable but what melts my heart are those long legs. Claude, you have brought joy to us all today! I hope you get some caviar with your champagne later! Tell Mom to kiss your belly for me, please!

09-30-2010, 07:03 AM
It is very easy to believe how someone could instantly fall in love with Claude - he is an extremely handsome boy!! And it sounds like he has a gorgeous personality and a brave spirit too!! What a great rescue story -- from a small, sick dumpster cat to the big, strong king of the house!! Happy cat of the day Claude :love:

09-30-2010, 07:53 AM
Claude, how long and stretched out you are in the second photo, clearly enjoying nap time and the good life, as it should be. To know that you began your life in a dumpster is so disheartening; the cruelty of humans is unthinkable but you have such a good life now and that's heartwarming. You have such a sweet face and beautiful markings that it's easy to see how one could quickly fall in love w/you. Enjoy your day as COTD, handsome boy. :)

09-30-2010, 08:21 AM
What a wonderful story! Claude is indeed a very handsome boy. May you all have many happy years together, and a special time as COTD!

09-30-2010, 08:53 AM
I loved your story and Claude is gorgeous! I have a cat, Bennie, who is a tuxedo, but built just like him, long and lean...he "talks" and plays fetch and has a very similar personality. I have a feeling Claude will be one of those cats who almost never age! Best wishes for all 3 of your futures together!

09-30-2010, 09:37 AM
Claude, What a handome boy you are!! Obviously you are a fighter and you used up one of your nine lives to survive. I am so glad you were adopted by good caring humans who obviously love you very much. I read the writeup about Claude with interest (so sorry about his being thrown away as a baby) and then his overcoming the odds to live... and now living "the good life" with you. In the last picture, I can't help but notice he is sooo looooong. Is he really that long in real life? LOL What a relaxed boy he is! Thanks for sharing with us. I hope all of you have a long life together. Congrats on being COTD! Kay in NC

09-30-2010, 09:58 AM
Who would through a Little Treasure like you Claude into a dumpster. How awful is that to treat a Creature of Our Lord like that. There will be we pray some form of retribution , one fine day.
What a Great Tough little Survivor you are Claude, also the name of a Famous Cartoon Cat!!
You look quite a bit like My Dear Late Juke Joint Joseph who like you loved his water dish, and is a Cool Cat Too!!
To You Claude! Our Tough Little Survivor ^^

09-30-2010, 11:28 AM
I absolutely loved your story! :love: Claud is a great rescue, beautiful coat & coloring, and a beautiful attitude & personality... a win win for everyone. :D Bless you for rescuing this little big darling.

09-30-2010, 11:56 AM
Claude the Cat! You are grey and white and purr-ecious! Please have your humans give you some tummy rubs and kisses from me today, because I enjoyed your pictures and bio very much! I hope you will have a long, healthy, happy life! Happy Cat of the Day, Sir Claude!

09-30-2010, 12:39 PM
Claude what a gorgeous fellow you are!!! :love:

I can see how you won over your mommy and daddy. They just couldn't resist your sweet face and big beautiful eyes. I bet they see everything, eh? ;) I hope you are all enjoying your special day to the fullest.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D :love:

09-30-2010, 12:40 PM
Good morning sweetie,
Not only you are a tough fighter, but also a sweet loving boy who has won daddy's heart with your gorgeousness and antics... good job! ;):D

I hope you're enjoying your special day at home; may you have many more years full of love, health and joy with mom and dad, you deserve it.

Happy COTD handsome Claude!!!
Love and kisses:love::love::love:

09-30-2010, 02:25 PM
Claude, you are a real sweetie. I'm so glad that that kind man rescued from the dumpster and brought you to a facility with caring people so that you could live and be adopted by your mum and dad. I can tell it is a home full of love. Enjoy your status as Cat of the Day.

sasha the cat
09-30-2010, 03:38 PM
Meow, mew-mew, purrs to a cat named Claude from me, Norman the King. I channel today on behalf of my humans, KatMa & Paw-Paw and my siblings Felix the Prince, Baby-Rascal, Prince of the Realm of the Bachelor Apartment and the Outdoor Prince, Ebony/Pirate (long story attached to Ebony's name) the outdoor stray who comes twice daily to dine.

Mewl, mahhh, lets talk about the cat named Claude:
You are gorgeous, beautiful, handsome, and an official member of that very special club:
Owner of Human Hearts Club. We welcome you to the best club in the world, the one where sweet pets of all species are adopted by good humans who love us, care for us and realize what a special gift we are in their lives.

Your story as Dumpsta Cat is akin to Felix, the Maine Coon kitteh's story. He and a sibling (baby kittens!) were rescued from a dumpster by a sweet young woman. Our veterinarian had them fostered and kept for future purr~ents where they would be protected and greatly loved.

Baby-Rascal came and stole Ebony's food one eveing before Ebony arrived to dine! Ebony wasn't too thrilled with this interloping thief. KatMa was able to convince Baby-Rascal to come inside. Our veterinarian found out Baby-Rascal is FIV+ which usually means "hard to place" so KatMa named the bachelor apartment of our duplex as is his Palace -- a Palace within The Palace which Felix and I rule with soft, furry paws.

Alas, coming inside doesn't work with Ebony who insists on being a stray kitty! Ebony is The Prince and Ruler of The Palace Gardens and Grounds.

I, Norman, am a marbled Bengal tabby: a recycled kitty. My veterinarian refused to euthanise me and kept me 'cause she knows there are many deserving humans who need a pussycat to love. KatMa and Paw-Paw were thrilled to be deemed worthy of being my humans!

Meeewaah hahaha, bet Jon didn't know he wouldn't be able to resist you, Mr. Wonderful Claude!

We love your story and wish to honour:

:love:sweet Silverbell who inspired Jon to think about being adopted by a sweet pussy =^..^= :)
3 cheers and lots of apaws to Ms. Silverbell

:cool: your rescuer, a very kind man

:D your humans for understanding the power of Karma, thus bringing you home where you belong!

Live long & prosper dear Claude: loved, cherished, protected -- what every pet deserves!

We love the pictures your meowMa provided ... at our Palace we are celebrating you today handsome Prince Claude Cat Coleman (AKA Dumpsta Cat).

09-30-2010, 04:48 PM
Claude, you have such a story! From the saddest beginning - how anyone could throw away a tiny little kitten is beyond belief :mad: - to such a loving home. Bless those who rescued you from a terrible fate, :eek:and bless your current owners for opening up their hearts to you and giving you all the care and attention and love that you deserve.:)

May you frolic to your heart's content today, Claude, as our very, very special Cat of the Day. :rolleyes:

You are such a photogenic boy, and I can tell that there must be many more photos of you, and many more to come. :rolleyes: You look so much like precious C'est Ca that belonged to a dear friend of mine in New York. He actually featured in a video she made, so is world famous - although he went over the RB many years ago.

Thank you for sharing your story and wonderful photos with us, Claude.:love:

09-30-2010, 05:13 PM
What a story...and what a cat!
I'm so glad that you were saved, given a chance at life, and adopted by a wonderful couple! :love:
Enjoy your COTD status, Claude!

09-30-2010, 05:34 PM
Greetings, Claude! Happy Cat of the Day to you, handsome boy!:)
What an amazing, heart warming, rags to riches tale; a true love story, so beautifully told by your proud Mommy!:love: So many people to thank for your happy ending, from that dear man who first found you (in the dumpster:mad:) and brought you to the hospital, to all of the caring folks at PVH, and last but certainly not least, your wonderful Mom and Daddy, Jon!:love: How blessed you all are to have found one another!!! Thanks for ending my day with a big smile, Claude! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed meeting you today, reading all about you and your happy, love filled life! And oh, your pictures are precious!:D Much love, cuddles and kisses to you on your much deserved day of honor, beautiful Claude!!!:love::love::love: Long and happy life to you, sweetheart!

09-30-2010, 09:01 PM
Cool, laid-back Claude! You have left the life of Dumpsta Cat behind you forever. It's disheartening to know that someone would think so little of life that they would just discard you in a dumpster like so much trash, but it's inspiring to know that there are people in this world who would reach in to rescue you and deliver you to a place that would save your life.

I loved reading your story and admiring your photos. You look like a tuxedo cat, but one wearing gray :p You're a very handsome fellow, and I especially like the photo of you stretched out sleeping. I see pink toes! Were you dreaming about fish? :D You look very happy, healthy and relaxed on your window seat in your forever home where you are obviously loved very, very much. You deserve to enjoy a good long life of ice cubes, hugs, kisses, romps and tussles.

:love: Happy Cat of the Day, handsome Claude! May you have
many more special days during your nine lives! :love:

10-01-2010, 01:32 AM
Claude, you know what they say, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." You are a true treasure! You make a great COTD!!!:love: