View Full Version : Our stray with kittens - pics and video

09-29-2010, 08:49 AM
I called the lady from the shelter the other day, and also e-mailed the shelter. She has been trying to trap the mom cat for almost a year now, but the cat simply won't have it! She has had two litters since and this can't go on - she agrees about that. The plan is to trap/spay/vaccinate her and put her back in our yard. So she came again yesterday and got two of them.

This shows the mom quite clearly. She is such a good mom and also a good hunter. She does hunt even though she gets fed twice every day. I saw her the other day carrying a young pigeon (the ones that normally lives in woods), and the caretaker saw her stalk a squirrel who had gone astray and ended up in our yard. Don’t think she got that squirrel, though.

Here she is again with four of her kittens. She brought them over here about two weeks ago.

They are full of energy and loves to play. :)

I went down to get a few more shots and could get quite close. This kitten is just adorable!

Today, I helped her trap two more. They were taken to the shelter and will hopefully find homes.

She told me that alone this year she has trapped 400 cats. :eek: I hope there aren't many left that are not spayed/neutered!

I have a few video clips, too. Let’s see if this works!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/Fister/Video%20clips/th_P9230013.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v205/Fister/Video%20clips/?action=view&current=P9230013.mp4)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/Fister/Video%20clips/th_P9230026.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v205/Fister/Video%20clips/?action=view&current=P9230026.mp4)

09-29-2010, 11:01 AM
Such adorable kittens, and yes the videos work! I hope you are able to catch momma soon!

09-29-2010, 11:35 AM
The mother sure is gorgeous and hopefully she'll be able to be trapped soon so she can be spayed. Her kittens are so adorable and will hopefully all find wonderful loving homes very soon.:)

For some reason I've been having problems getting videos on photobucket to play correctly for me. They play almost like a slide show or very slowly.:( I don't know if I have to update something on my computer or what. I never used to have this problem.:(

Laura's Babies
09-29-2010, 11:48 AM
That Mama cat is so lovely! She looks well fed too!

Now those kittens are adoreable! Just to cute for words! I love how they are marked, so darn CUTE!

09-29-2010, 11:52 AM
Ha! Yes Karen you can view anything, can't you! :D Tell me... is it better to stream them as .AVI. Only, the quality goes even more when I do that, but I know someone who can't view MPEG-4, but .AVI is no problem. We're talking e-mail here - I don't think it's possible to upload .AVI to Photobucket. Are you ever going to let us upload videos here? :p

I do hope the sweet girl will cooperate soon, she really does need to get spayed!

Tracy, I had the same problem watching videoes on photobucket... until I upgraded my system recently. You might want to do that. :eek:

If you have QuickTime on your machine, I can e-mail the videoes to you.

Laura, that kitten by the wheel is just too cute for words! :love: I wonder how Fister would feel about her/him.

09-29-2010, 12:52 PM
Great pictures of momma & kittens.:) Is the baby by the tire the
same kitten that was climbing in the tree? Sooo cute.:love:

A hungry momma is easier to trap than a well fed one, since food is
the lure to get her into the trap. Maybe if she would miss a meal or two,
she would be easier to get her in to be spayed. Just a thought.:)

09-29-2010, 01:49 PM
Liz, judging from that cute nose, I think it may be he same. That one ís still down there and I'm in love. :love: However, I don't expect to live for another 20 years, so I wouldn't adopt a kitten - and gosh, what would Fister say!! :eek:

If only the shelter lady told us when she is coming, we wouldn't feed her, but she don't always know. She is driving from one place to the other to set traps.

The two remaining kittens didn't go in today.

09-29-2010, 02:23 PM
Oh, what lovely pictures of such fine, beautiful kitties!

Hopes and wishes and prayers that Mom gets trapped soon, hopefully before starting another litter, and all find new, permanent, wonderful homes.

God bless you and all who are working so hard on behalf of these strays.


Cinder & Smoke
09-29-2010, 02:45 PM

What would Mom-Kat have to say about the vine climbing adventure??

I don't see the Kitten wearing a safety harness nor a climbing helmet!
Hope he *bounces* well. :rolleyes:

09-29-2010, 04:48 PM
What a Graet Six Pack of Terrific Little Tuxedo Cats , and we hope that some of these Little Cats of The Future can go to the same home together.
You must have impressed that Momma Cat for her to put her Babies in your trust!!!
Those videos came through purrfectly and I was able to share with the Librarians and a Fellow Pawpie!!!

09-30-2010, 02:40 AM
Awww, I am in love too! :love:
I am glad some some of them have already been trapped. They deserve a good home. If I were there, I am wondering whether I could resist adopting one :D

09-30-2010, 12:02 PM
Aaaaww, what cute little tuxies:)
They look very well groomed and healthy and I hope they find purrfect homes:)

09-30-2010, 08:33 PM
Oh, I so love tuxies. So pretty.

10-01-2010, 04:13 AM
Strange! I am just discovering the pictures you posted. Yesterday when I read the thread I saw only the 2 movies, but no pics :confused: and I was wondering why people were talking about the mom, that I did not see...

Awwww, I see them even cuter than yesterday :love: The mom is cute too!

10-01-2010, 06:51 AM
Sure do hope Mom can be trapped, the wily little stinker. Her babies are adorable. :)

10-01-2010, 07:59 AM
Great job!!!! Those kittens are gorgeous!!!

10-01-2010, 10:01 AM
Sonia59, I added the last picture later, but he others were there. ;)

I can't help feeling sorry that the kittens are taken from their mom, but I know it's the best for them all. However, it would be great if she would get her butt in that trap, so she can be spayed. I would like to see the remaning two kittens get spayed/neutered, too and put back in the yard with her, but that is unlikely to happen.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-02-2010, 12:04 PM
Awwwwwwwwww they are all so cute and adorable :love::love::love::love:!!
I wonder though why none of the kittens is light gray like the mom??

10-02-2010, 12:05 PM

What would Mom-Kat have to say about the vine climbing adventure??

I don't see the Kitten wearing a safety harness nor a climbing helmet!
Hope he *bounces* well. :rolleyes:


Your comment had me laughing out loud - isn't it amazing just how resilient baby kittens are:love: They can bounce off the ceiling (if you let them;)).


What joy to see those beautiful babies and their mama. I hope they all find homes worthy of them.

10-02-2010, 12:30 PM
... isn't it amazing just how resilient baby kittens are:love: They can bounce off the ceiling (if you let them;)).
No, they don't give up, do they! They so deserve to live!! I so hope they find loving homes!

Lut, the mom had litters before, one time they were all brown tabbies, my neighbor and I tried to socialize them for a week - they ended with one of the employees from the shelter, who already about 20 cats on her farm.

Is it the second time she has had tuxies, that I know of.

I wish I was 20 years younger... that little baby with two white splots? on his/her nose is just to darn cute!! :love:

10-02-2010, 01:01 PM
I wish I was 20 years younger... that little baby with two white splots? on his/her nose is just to darn cute!! :love:

I understand what you are saying Randi, but no one, human or animal,
is promised even one more day of life. In the mean time, we live as long as
God gives us the best way we can. Just a thought. ((Hugs)):)

Do you think Fister would welcome a little brother or sister? ;)

10-02-2010, 01:05 PM
Do you think Fister would welcome a little brother or sister? ;)
I think he most definitely would not! :D Then, you never know. I believe some cats get along fine while others don't - just like humans.

10-02-2010, 01:23 PM
Cats are most peculiar about their relationships with other cats and it is so difficult for us humans to know which way to go:confused:

Eve really dislikes other cats and I suspect it is mostly due to her territorial instinct. It seems to me, as well, that she has a genuine fear of male cats, in particular and I wish I could understand what happened to cause that fear:( For this reason I would never consider getting another cat.

In another life however, my male August was the most nurturing and loving boy I have ever known (especially with little girl kitties;)) He welcomed his baby sister with open paws and took care of her every day of her short life. She adored him:) August was also very comfortable having kitty visitors (more so than Roxy - she just tolerated others:rolleyes:). We often babysat friends kitties and as usual, August took over and managed our guests in his own quiet and dignified way. He was an awesome cat and taught me well:love:

Whatever you decide Randi about that special little one, I wish you and Fister a happy outcome. It may be worth the try (to foster) while the baby is young just to see Fister's reaction? Just a thought;) Good luck with your decision.

Prairie Purrs
10-02-2010, 01:43 PM
I wish I was 20 years younger... that little baby with two white splots? on his/her nose is just to darn cute!! :love:

That little one reminds me so much of my Gatsby, who has nearly identical markings on his nose. :love: