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View Full Version : Happy Gotcha Day & Birthday, Mikey!

09-28-2010, 10:54 PM
So yesterday, was Mikey's 1 year gotcha day. :) Time has gone by so fast, but I won't bore you with that whole speech. All I can say is that, my life has improved tremendously since this dog has come into my life. I can't explain it without being corny though, so bare with me. :o I have loved previous dogs, don't get me wrong, I loved all my pets. But never have I loved one like I love Mikey. It's just different. He's so different. Our bond is different. While, sometimes, actually most of the time (;)) he is annoying as poop, he is the best dog I have ever owned. He is everything I have ever wanted in a dog - goofy, hyper, active, playful, fun, but mostly lovable. He is beyond loyal, he is a VELCRO dog. He even tells us he loves us, literally.:D I don't really want to remember life before Mikey or without Mikey. His gotcha day is the 27th, 2 days before his really birthday.

Now onto the next topic, tomorrow the 29th, is Mike's 3rd birthday. My baby is growing up. He still has the energy of a puppy, and I don't think that is something that he will ever loose. He might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has taught me one lesson I will never ever forget. Extreme curiosity and loving of everything, especially the simple things. He is curious about everything, and when I SAY EVERYTHING I mean it. He is curious about animals, cars, people, etc. He will put himself in danger to satisfy his curiosity. He sniffs everything, all the time. He listens when you speak to him or when he hears a strange noise. He investigates everything. He will not chase an animal to kill, he will chase it to PLAY. He loves playing, and he always wants a bunny or squirrel to play with him. He's always doing his play bow at them and barking happily, grinning like a dope. Of course, they run away, but it just shows he loves everything and everyone. I have never heard him growl out of aggression, actually I don't think it's possible. He hates being alone too. He is the best dog I could have asked for at the time. He will be 3, I hope he lives till he's 100 :)

Here are two pictures from today, he found a fallen hornet's (?) nest and was sniffing it for about 10 minutes. It shows his amused/curious face and nature:

AND just for the funny:

I'll have more up for you guys tomorrow! Sorry for lack of pics, I am swamped with homework.

09-28-2010, 11:11 PM
Uh idiot me posted this in the wrong section :0 I'm on my phone so I can't erase it and put in the dog general board. Sorry it's late and exhausted LOL Karen If you feel the need to move it to the proper board I'm cool with that. Again sorry.

09-28-2010, 11:27 PM
Happy Gotcha Day and Happy Birthday Mikey!! I am so glad he has brought you so much happiness. I know how crushed you were (and I'm sure still are) about your Sassy. It's great you were there for Mikey and he was there for you. And I also hope he is with you for MANY years to come. :D :D

09-29-2010, 05:16 AM
Happy Gotcha Day and Happy Birthday Mikey!!!:D

Queen of Poop
09-29-2010, 07:27 AM
Happy Birthday/Gotcha day Mr. Mikey!!! Hugs and kisses for you sweetheart. :love: :love: :love:

09-29-2010, 07:55 AM
Mikey, you been in your furever home a WHOLE YEAR already! My how time flies, seems like you just arrived from this end of the 'puter.

And turning 3 years old as well, let the celebrations last all week! Oh wait, this is Mikey, every DAY is a celebration! :D

Best wishes, Mikey, HAPPY GOTCHA DAY, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, fun boy!

09-29-2010, 08:53 AM

09-29-2010, 12:17 PM
Happy Birthday-Gotcha Day, precious Mikey! :love:

09-29-2010, 12:35 PM
Happy Gotcha Day and Birthday, Mikey!! He's such a cool dog, Alyssa!:D

09-29-2010, 06:26 PM
Happy Birthday and (BELATED) Gotcha Day, Mikey!!! :love: