View Full Version : What would you do.

09-28-2010, 10:24 AM
Ok - some of your might have seen my post on Facebook for the 2 - 10 month old kittens that need to find a home. I was hoping to find them a home and then trap the female, she isn't as friendly as her brother.

They are both fixed and have their shots. Well on Sunday, someone was at this park where they live and picked up the orange male and put him in a cage outback behind his house.

I called him yesterday, he asked if he should release the male cat and I said not at this point till I hear back from the lady who fixed them and released them only because I'm trying to find a home Nina the 5-6 yr old.

He told me he could get a trap and try to trap the sister so they could be together and I could then take them to a foster home. I just don't know if we release the orange male again if he will be inclined to be friendly or just upset since he took him away from his sister.

Just about an hour ago the guy called me and said he can't keep him in the cage and wants to know when I can come and get the cat.

I'm not sure if I should release him until I can get a hold of this lady or try to trap the girl myself or what to do.

If he would have left the orange kitten outside this wouldn't be an issue.

What do you all think I should do?


09-28-2010, 12:52 PM
No a cat should not be left in a trap, not good. The cat needs to be:
1. released in a bedroom
2. transferred to a crate
3. released.

I put them in the order of preference.

Next it is time to trap the female. He offered to do this? LET HIM!

09-28-2010, 12:56 PM
:) I will have to aggree with Sandie..

No a cat should not be left in a trap, not good. The cat needs to be:
1. released in a bedroom
2. transferred to a crate
3. released.

I put them in the order of preference.

Next it is time to trap the female. He offered to do this? LET HIM!

09-28-2010, 01:54 PM
Ok maybe I didn't make this clear sorry the cat isn't in a cat trap I would never let a cat stay in a trap, the cat is in a cage (a bigger one used for dogs) but the parents won't let him keep this cat plus he's moving.

I guess I might end up releasing him until a home is found for him.

09-28-2010, 04:07 PM
That is so heart breaking that we cannot help every little Cat out there who needs help.
Is there a way that this Poor Orange Lost Cat can taken to a shelter at least temporarily until a home can be found?

09-29-2010, 08:41 AM
For right now the boy is staying where he's at. I spoke with the lady yesterday after work about what was going on and she thinks that this one other lady has his sister. She is going to go over to her house on Thursday evening to see if this is the same cat or not. If that is the case then I will probably end up trying to find a home for him or maybe taking him to the SPCA as well later on.

He is just too friendly to be out in the woods especially with Halloween coming up.

Would anyone like to take him in?

I will pay to have him combo tested, he has all of his shots, and he's fixed.


See I shouldn't have written that out that he was going to stay where he was at for a little while because wouldn't you know it that this morning right at 9:30 a.m. I got a text from the guy saying this kitten needs to go now.

I'm in a pickle but I'll try to figure something out.
