View Full Version : Fritz Feeling Sick

09-27-2010, 04:24 PM
Fritz hasn't been feeling up to par the last couple of days.On Saturday,he had Ice Cream from a Blizzard from Dairy Queen meat from a Hamburger and the next morning,he some of my cereal,Cinnamon toast crunch.he was in the window Sunday morning,he got down and was sick on the carpet,mom took him out,was sick out there,he didn't do much all day but sleep.Today,Mom decided to stop giving him his pills,he hasn't been scratching any lately and she says the pills are making him dopey.Today had a bit of chicken nugget with his food,After my supper today,he was going out and he brought up in the kitchen and outside.He went to my bedroom to snooze,then came out when Mo go a Pizza and put it the oven,had bit of crust and a bit of date square now snoozing next to the stereo.

Daisy and Delilah
09-27-2010, 05:00 PM
OH NO!!!!! I hope you feel better, buddy!! Take it easy. I'll say some prayers for you. :(

09-27-2010, 05:07 PM
Table scraps always make my dog's tummy's upset.

09-27-2010, 05:16 PM
Awww, Fritz! I hope you feel much better soon! (((HUGS)))

09-27-2010, 08:00 PM
Oh Fritz! I'd be sick if I ate all that too!

Remember, Barry, bichons need a high quality grain free kibble, with some warm water or broth on top. NOT PEOPLE FOODS!!

Dogs can't diest corn or daiy products, either of those will make him ill.

09-27-2010, 08:21 PM
Maybe try not giving him table food. Food that is good for us is not always good for him.....that may be why he is throwing up. Either way, I hope he feels better real quick!!

09-28-2010, 11:49 AM
Fritz, how are you feeling today? I hope you are much better.


09-28-2010, 12:25 PM
Fritz is still the same,he was trying to bring up water he drank,this was last night,again before bed,he brought up a bit outside this morning.When I picked him up for bed,he growled,that sounded more like him.He is resting a lot and is drinking water,Mom offered a tiny piece of French Fry,wasn't hungry.he came out to check us out,was in the hallway then came to Mom.is now behind the couch.If he is still the same tomorrow,Mom will take him to the vets to see what is wrong,feeling a little down,hard to see Fritz like this and not his normal self.

09-28-2010, 12:32 PM
With all that people food, he may be at risk for pancreatitis, so I am glad he will be getting a vet check if he does not improve.

Daisy and Delilah
09-28-2010, 01:23 PM
Daisy and Delilah get sick of they have table food. I have to be so careful. It's hard for me not to share but I always promise them something after. They get a crumb of one of their Wellness or Natural Balance treats. I hope Fritzie will be back to his old self soon. Feel better Fritzie!!!

Daisy and Delilah
09-29-2010, 09:42 AM
How is Fritz today, Barry? Hope you're feeling better, buddy!!

09-29-2010, 10:54 AM
We took Fritz to the vets this morning,the first thing the vet did was weigh him,poor fella has lost 6 pounds,a third of his weight.He will have to stay the for a day or two,bloodwork and xrays.It may be Diabetes or Kidney,he was peeing in the house the odd time.I just hope it is Diabetes,it can be treated . he had a bit of ham before bed.he had a bit of ham last night,has been drinking okay but the doctor said he was dehydrated.the will put him on intravenous.They are there until around 7,nobody to watch them overnight.They are prone to kidney trouble.I just can't bring myself to put pictures of him on,it is bothering me a lot.As soon as I know something,I will let you all know,not feeling too good right,now,pretty sad.

09-29-2010, 11:08 AM
If its diabetes he diet will need to be altered drastically! What does your vet say about the table food, including ham?

09-29-2010, 11:17 AM
He didn't really say,probably wasn't the ice cream he had on Saturday,has had our food before and no trouble,if it is Diabetes,he won't get Ice Cream.

09-29-2010, 11:49 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( Even though he's been okay in the past about eating table scraps, as animals get older they just can't eat the things they used to just like we often can't. I learned the hard way with my senior cat Storm and he also got very sick. Please don't feed him any more table scraps even though he looks like he wants them. They just aren't good for him. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

09-29-2010, 12:27 PM
Sadly, Fritz has gone to The Rainbow Bridge, see his thread in Dog Memorial.