View Full Version : *~*Here She Is Mischka Nissi the Bottle Baby*~*NEW PICS POST #20***

09-24-2010, 03:10 PM
:love: Mischka Nissi was found by a lady under her Salon Porch screaming her head off.. The mother had not been seen for two days & the baby was cold & so hungry.. Me & two other ladies went to get the wittle one.. No one had ever bottle feed except me so of course I took in the wittle one.. Mischka is 14 Days old today.. Please Welcome Her.. Please enjoy the pics.. More later..





09-24-2010, 03:13 PM
Oh my goodness what a cutie!!!

09-24-2010, 03:23 PM
AWWWW! So widdle!:love:

09-24-2010, 03:34 PM
:love: Yup she is widdle & a wiggle worm too.. You should try to take pics of this wiggle worm.. There is no holding still.. So thats why I put her in my hand for a pic.. Many thanks for the nice compliments..

AWWWW! So widdle!:love:

09-24-2010, 03:38 PM
Awwww, hi, Mischka! You are tiny and precious!

09-24-2010, 03:49 PM
What a divine little Ebony Kitten Mischka Nissi is , and what a happy ending she is going to have , now that Our Friend in Texas has taken up her cause!!!
Mischka Nissi is one of the Lucky Ones who will one day have a FurrEver Home and her place in the Sun.

09-24-2010, 04:09 PM
Awwwww, she's darling!

09-24-2010, 04:45 PM
:love: Many Thanks for the Very Nice Compliments.. She goes to the Vet for a checkup in the morning.. She has a small case of the poops.. We will check her out..

09-24-2010, 05:05 PM
Aw! What a precious little fuzz nugget she is!!! :love:

She has such long toenails too. Hope she does well at her first vet visit!!!
All paws and fingers crossed here for her first adventure (well beside the adventure of being lost with no mommy but you know what I mean) ;) :love:

Has she met the others yet? They will probably think she is a new toy. :)
just took another look at the pics and I do see others in the background so that answered that question, eh?

Laura's Babies
09-24-2010, 06:13 PM
Awwwwww! I hope she brings you as much joy as Caramella brought me! They are so sweet and innocent when they are this small and you can't help but turn your heart over to them.. There is no way you can NOT love them!! AND, Mischka is a BLACKIE!! OOoooooo! :eek:! Get ready for such a great experience.. It's all those "firsts" that I am thrilled over, her first poopie in her box, her first solid food, her first run across the floor, her first bow in her back with that sideways jump, discovering that feeding station and today ANOTHER first! She climbed up on the perch in the kitchen so she could get in the kitchen window!! Pay attention and watch just how smart they are as they start to explore!

FUN! FUN! FUN!! Can't wait to watch her grow!

Queen of Poop
09-24-2010, 08:19 PM
Thank you for taking in the wee baby. Looking forward to watching her grow up.

09-24-2010, 10:25 PM
Oooooh, what a teeny-tiny little fuzznugget! Thank you for taking care of her! She's adorable.

Love, Columbine

09-25-2010, 01:27 AM
She's adorable and I hope that her vet visit will go well.:) I also hope that she'll continue to thrive in your care.:)

09-25-2010, 04:11 AM
Aaaaawwwwww!!!!! What a cute little blackie:) How did she get her name?
Mischka is a classical bear name in Russian- and she looks like a tiny teddy;)

09-25-2010, 07:19 AM
Aw, the little sweetie. Another bottle baby; looking forward to watching it grow. Thank you for taking this baby in. :love:

09-25-2010, 04:05 PM
Meowmie, how was baby Mischka's doctor visit? I can't get over her claws in the first photo :)

Edited to add: I copied this information about her name from Carmela, Tangy and Sunny's thread. I love ALL the kitten threads on PT!

:love: Oh yes bottle babies are fun.. This is not my first to raise & I am sure it wont be my last.. She is a cutie Solid Black with Grey Shadow on her lower back.. And Blue Eyes for now.. Her name is Mischka (means Loved One in russian) second name is Nissi (means Miracle in Hebrew).. I hope to get her in a box to roam in & Hope to get some pics this weekend.. She is 13 Days old today.. Yes they are so cute to watch growing up..

09-25-2010, 05:24 PM
Yes, I was wondering about her vet visit too. In the last pic of her, it looks like she may have a tiny bit on orange on her back. Is that true or just my poor eyesight? Luvies from all of us. :love:

09-25-2010, 09:31 PM
What a little darling! awww... so very sweet :love:
God bless you for what you're doing for her!

How was the visit to the vet??

09-26-2010, 02:11 PM
Welcome little Mischka Nissi! You couldn't be in better hands! There's nothing for you to worry about or be scared of anymore. You're safe now and you're going to be loved and spoiled like every kitty should be. I hope your first visit to the vet goes well. Please come back and see us again very soon?

09-27-2010, 09:38 AM
Yes, I was wondering about her vet visit too. In the last pic of her, it looks like she may have a tiny bit on orange on her back. Is that true or just my poor eyesight? Luvies from all of us. :love:

:love: Many Thanks for the Very Nice Compliments.. Yes Mischka's Vet visit went well.. She had the runs due to cutting her front incisors.. Now she wants to chew on the bottle nipple & my hand.. We gave her some benbac & runs have stoped now.. She is back on pooping schedule.. Here is some more pics.. She is so black its hard to get a good pic of her.. Connie that is a soft grey on the lower part of her back.. The orange is from the towel.. Yes the others have met her & dont know what to do with her.. They all look at me with confusion.. Its Funny.. Please enjoy the new pics.. thanks.. She is 17 Days old today..




09-27-2010, 10:38 AM
Aww, Mischka! What a cutie! *kiss*

09-27-2010, 12:47 PM
Once again, this site has reduced me to AWWWWW!:love:

09-27-2010, 01:13 PM
What a darling little infant!

09-27-2010, 04:25 PM
AWWWW!!! So glad her vet visit went well!!! Won't be long before she joins the others in romping through the house and causing mayhem. ;) :D :love:

09-28-2010, 10:09 AM
:love: Hey at least I will get a whole nights sleep when she is that age.. I can sleep thru house romping.. This getting up twice a night is kicking my butt.. :D

AWWWW!!! So glad her vet visit went well!!! Won't be long before she joins the others in romping through the house and causing mayhem. ;) :D :love:

09-28-2010, 02:24 PM
:love: Hey at least I will get a whole nights sleep when she is that age.. I can sleep thru house romping.. This getting up twice a night is kicking my butt.. :D

:D I totally understand!!! :love::love::love:

09-28-2010, 07:40 PM
:love: Yes the others have met her & dont know what to do with her.. They all look at me with confusion.. Its Funny..

He hee, they aren't quite sure what to make of her ... She's so tiny and needs so much help to grow! Miss Mischka, you sure are a cute wee one! Meowmom, is she big enough yet that you can give her a kiss from me?

09-29-2010, 11:22 AM
:love: Many Thanks for the Very Nice Compliments.. Oh yes she gets kissess from meowmomie all the time.. Now she is too tiny to hugg..

He hee, they aren't quite sure what to make of her ... She's so tiny and needs so much help to grow! Miss Mischka, you sure are a cute wee one! Meowmom, is she big enough yet that you can give her a kiss from me?

10-03-2010, 03:02 PM
How is little Mischka Nissi doing? With your loving care she must be getting big. How is she doing with her fursibs? Would you give her some smoochies from me? :love: :love:

10-04-2010, 12:17 PM
:love: Many Thanks for Asking.. Oh she is growing like a wittle weed.. She bits me on the nose & my fingures.. Wont be long & I will start slowly giving her small amounts of wet kitten.. I can tell now that the bottle is not filling her up.. She wants to chew on me too much.. She will be 4 wks old at the end of this week.. She is a wittle cutie pie for sure.. I am just ready for a full nights sleep.. :D Yes more smoochies for her from you.. The other babies still dont know what to do with her just yet.. I let them all smell of her & she just talks to them..

How is little Mischka Nissi doing? With your loving care she must be getting big. How is she doing with her fursibs? Would you give her some smoochies from me? :love: :love:

10-12-2010, 04:36 PM
:love: Many Thanks for Asking.. Oh she is growing like a wittle weed.. She bites me on the nose & my fingers.. Wont be long & I will start slowly giving her small amounts of wet kitten.. I can tell now that the bottle is not filling her up.. She wants to chew on me too much.. She will be 4 wks old at the end of this week.. She is a wittle cutie pie for sure.. I am just ready for a full nights sleep.. :D Yes more smoochies for her from you.. The other babies still dont know what to do with her just yet.. I let them all smell of her & she just talks to them..

Hi, Mischka kitten ... how are you? Have you graduated to small amounts of wet kitten food yet?

10-13-2010, 03:49 PM
:love: Not just yet.. But wont be long now.. Doing good thow.. We do loves that bottle & suck it all right down..

Hi, Mischka kitten ... how are you? Have you graduated to small amounts of wet kitten food yet?

10-25-2010, 02:20 PM
Hi, Mischka! How are you? Growing big and strong?

10-25-2010, 04:27 PM
:love: We are doing Great.. Me is a bigg girl now & weaned off the bottle.. We eat a mixture of wet food with our KMR mixed in.. Loves it.. I can potty all by myself now & I get to play with the others when meowmom is at home to supervise.. I stay in the kitty condo when meowmom is not at home.. Meowmom wants me to gets a bit bigger & then go with some pics.. Many Thanks for the Concerns & Loving Thoughts..

Hi, Mischka! How are you? Growing big and strong?

10-25-2010, 05:15 PM
So glad you are getting to be a bigger kitty now!!! I am looking forward to seeing new pics of you. Your other pics seem to have disappeared. Luvies to you and your meowmy (and the other TX sibbies too) :love:

Laura's Babies
10-25-2010, 05:29 PM
Savor every moment of her, she will be just about grown up before you can blink a eye. I look at Caramella and realize her infantcy is gone much to fast and she is a BIG girl now..

10-25-2010, 06:16 PM
I'm sitting here with a very serious case of Mischka withdrawl. Can't wait to see some current pictures of your adorable little sweetheart. Could I ask you to give her lots of gentle smoochies from me? :love:

10-26-2010, 08:34 AM
:love: Many Thanks == Lots of Smoochies Going Her Way..

I'm sitting here with a very serious case of Mischka withdrawl. Can't wait to see some current pictures of your adorable little sweetheart. Could I ask you to give her lots of gentle smoochies from me? :love:

11-15-2010, 01:07 PM
:love: We are doing Great.. Me is a bigg girl now & weaned off the bottle.. We eat a mixture of wet food with our KMR mixed in.. Loves it.. I can potty all by myself now & I get to play with the others when meowmom is at home to supervise.. I stay in the kitty condo when meowmom is not at home.. Meowmom wants me to gets a bit bigger & then go with some pics.. Many Thanks for the Concerns & Loving Thoughts..

Hi, Miss Mischka! How are you? Having fun playing with your kitty siblings? Please have meowmom give you some kisses from me! :love:

11-15-2010, 03:27 PM
:love: Me is now a big girl right with the adults.. Me has to sleep & eat & potty with the adults now.. No more wet mush (kmr & wet food).. Now me does like a bowl of KMR about twice a week.. Yes we makes sure meowmom gives everybody a bowl of KMR.. Pics coming soon.. Many thanks for asking & of loving concerns about me.. Huggss to All

Hi, Miss Mischka! How are you? Having fun playing with your kitty siblings? Please have meowmom give you some kisses from me! :love:

11-15-2010, 03:58 PM
Oh little Mischka Nissi.. big huggies and skritchies and lovies to you!!!!!

11-29-2010, 11:53 AM
Dear Miss Mischka! You are almost 3 months old already! How are you? Did you have a fun Thanksgiving with your kitty siblings? Please have meowmom pet you for me!

Your admirer,

11-29-2010, 03:38 PM
:love: Yes I am 11 wks old now.. Do you know what my Mean Ole Meowmom did to me?? She took me back to that Vet's office on Friday for a checkup & my 2nd Booster Shots.. But Hey I did get lots of attention & cuddles & kisses from all of the Vet Techs.. We is doing great & maybe I can get a camera in meowmoms hands soon.. She seems to be doing other things.. Thanks for Caring & asking about me.. Loves & Huggss To All..

Dear Miss Mischka! You are almost 3 months old already! How are you? Did you have a fun Thanksgiving with your kitty siblings? Please have meowmom pet you for me!

Your admirer,

Laura's Babies
11-30-2010, 06:17 AM
Can't wait to see her!! She should be getting in that long lanky leg age now! Caramella is all legs and just the other day, I noticed they look even longer than they did before.. They grow so FAST!!!