View Full Version : What do I DO??? Kind man but stupid owner...#15 positive update

09-23-2010, 09:26 PM
Hi. I have posted about this before.

A neighbour of mine, a man in his 50s who I have known for a few years is going away camping for a few days with his girlfriend, who has also been a good friend of mine for a few years now.

I am catsitting his cat George (look in my albums for pics from my last catsitting job).

George is about 14 and never has been to a vet. In the last year, he very occasionally piddles where he shouldn't; also, he is really bony along his back and hips, and has started drinking more water; plus he is on a mix of dry food mixed with wet as he started having problems with dry kibble (though he nibbles a bit of it that is left out for him between meals).

It never has occurred to this guy to take George to the vet to check teeth, check for a bladder infection, and diabetes/kidney/thyroid. Yet he doesn't want George to piddle on his new rug.

They are leaving tomorrow and will be back Tuesday. It is all I can do to not poof George to the vet - except I have little money! but still!

His GF agrees with me...should I email her tonight? Poof George to the vet? I am almost beyond becoming really upset - the owner simply does not "get it". If you met him, you would think he is a nice guy - and he is. But CLUELESS.

Advice, please....

PS George is a happy friendly cat with a HUGE appetite. Has always been indoors/outdoors - never any injuries. So far.

09-23-2010, 09:47 PM
Upsetting as it is, you should not take the cat to the vet.

On the other hand, if the GIRLFRIEND says you should and can slip you the cash to cover the costs, DO IT! :p

09-23-2010, 10:09 PM
Good idea.....lol!

09-23-2010, 11:03 PM
If the girlfriend will pay for it, then the vet visit would be okay, but taking him to the vet and getting a diagnosis of something that needs further treatment will only cost the guy more money, and may cost you his friendship as well. Then you'll just feel worse, right?

09-23-2010, 11:52 PM
Nope. He is not a really close friend...I would hate hurting his feelings, but I care about George's welfare.

I have emailed his GF, and I know her well enough to tell her she can just say no, and I will go along with that.

I am sure there is something like kidney/thyroid/diabetes going on with the thirst and weight loss. I just want to get the basics covered so George doesn't 'piddle on the new carpet'. :rolleyes:

I'll go with what my friend says.

Laura's Babies
09-24-2010, 06:17 AM
That's a tricky situation. If he has had George that long, why wouldn't he take him to the vet when he obviously has a problem, why would he care if you took George if he don't want to.. To me the important thing is George and what is best for him... To bad that man don't understand that.. A faithful companion that has been faithful for that many years deserves better..

09-24-2010, 06:42 AM
Get permission from his girlfriend and also the cash to pay for the vet visit but when they come back from their trip, sit this guy down and let him know that George may be really sick. If he's as nice as you say, clueless or not, I'd tell him in plain English that George needs to go to the vet for further testing NOW. It may be something as simple as getting older that's causing George to lose weight or it could be thyroid and a couple of pills a day could handle the problem. I have difficulty believing that some people are clueless. Most times they just don't want to deal w/what may happen b/c the cat has done so well for so long w/o vet treatment. Good luck, Candace, and keep us posted, please.

09-24-2010, 07:04 AM
I agree with what Mary says.

09-24-2010, 09:40 AM
There are some people to whom a Cat is an Animal and if they get well :)
thats fine, if they die then they get a New Cat:cool:
I hope Candace that you can help poor old George as much as possible.:cool:

09-24-2010, 12:31 PM
I agree with what Mary says. Poor George. I hope he can see a vet soon.


09-24-2010, 05:53 PM
Well, I guess my gal friend had no time to check her email.

One thing I could do is report to Animal Control here regarding neglect. That's a last resort.

I'll just be really good to Georgie boy.:love:

09-30-2010, 10:01 AM
I talked to this guy's GF and here is her email to me today:

Hi Candace,
I spoke with G___ last night and he doesn't want George to go to the vet. He is adamant about this, but did say that if it looks like George is getting worse he will consider it. I know Garry well enough that it is no use trying to convince him if his mind is made up.
In the meantime, i will buy some of the tartar control treats you mentioned before (greenies). George is actually doing better than he was 6 months ago - eating well and able to climb stairs more easily. I do appreciate your concern, and will talk to Garry again if George's health appears to be worsening.

I replied and thanked her twice for trying):

The best price for Greenies I have seen at Zellers - but Pet Planet here in town is pretty good too (over near Shoppers). If you are in a pet store, ask about drops that are added to water to help tartar. There are several about. Lastly - I hear that filtered water is really great for bladder and for teeth. There is a Brita pitcher at the 2nd hand store for $8.00 and President's Choice filters work great as well as being cheaper than Brita! :-)

Also - pet medical research used to think that kidney cats needed LOW protein diets. Apparently that is not the case, as long as the food is high-quality protein. Two Canadian brands I have used are Origen and Now (the latter has an umlaut over the o). Pet stores often have samples. If George likes it (it can have warm water on it so George can eat it), that may help put a bit of weight on him. "Now" may also come in a wet formula. These products have no grains in them, which is why they are high in protein. Wellness and Natura have grain free wet...and these foods, wet and dry, will have other vitamins in them.

No food at a vet's is grain-free, and my vet totally approves of my using grain-free food with my guys. They do well on it - TOO well! lol - and this food also changes the pH of their urine so crystals can't form.

So...that's all we can do for now. I hope drops in the water (and George drinks lots) might help loosen or dissolve the tartar over time...cause that's the only option. George LOVES treats, so Greenies and maybe some Medi-Treats will help remove tartar as they are hard treats).

Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. Keep a few coming, ok?


09-30-2010, 11:40 AM
I think it is strange that he is "adamant" on not taking George to the vet. Is it that he doesn't want to face the fact that he might be really sick? Or is there something else (like he's not his cat and he poofed him years ago)?
Well, I hope the GF will take your advice and suggestions to at least help George in the meantime to be comfortable. And I hope you can eventually get through to your friend/neighbor to get George to the vet.
Good luck!! :)

09-30-2010, 11:55 AM
ARGH! How can you stand it, Candace?! I'd be getting more and more upset.

Poor George . . . .

10-12-2010, 02:35 PM
At least there is some good change. This was in an email from my GF this morning:

Also, regarding George, he now has some greenies for his teeth and the tartar drops in his drinking water. I also bought some Now food which we have mixed into his canned food, and he really seems to be doing better than before - more energy for sure.

ETA: "Now" is a Canadian-made grain free dry food. My guys get it - the senior weight management formula.

I suggested to my GF that after a month or so of the Greenies and tartar drops, George might be able to handle some dry on its own. It's NOT as good as a dental, I know - but George is doing better, and that is hopeful.

Laura's Babies
10-12-2010, 05:36 PM
At least she is willing to try something to help the baby and not just ignore the problem! That is progress!

10-12-2010, 05:50 PM

Good job!

10-12-2010, 06:40 PM
I gave her all the suggestions I could - and she went through with them! I HOPE George will gain a little weight. I am sure her BF agreed - change of food and all sorts of stuff.

He is such a sweet loving kitty...so I am glad to hear he is doing better. :love:

10-12-2010, 06:57 PM
God bless you, Candace.

Pat and cats